Self-proclaimed tech guru

>self-proclaimed tech guru
>makes a video acting like iPhone multitasking is some kind of obscure hack
When will people stop pretending they know shit about technology?

Other urls found in this thread:

In what video did that happen?

He's always been the type who denies he knows much about technology and more acts like the average consumer, it's a unboxing channel afterall.
Funny to see people being butthurt over someone who does something he enjoys and gets paid.


All he did was show people that the YouTube app doesn't allow for background play, but the site does allow for it due to how iOS handles media. Most people use the app though so they'd never would have known.

so just use the browser... thanks.
A more pressing matter: is there a way to make yt videos fullscreen without enabling autorotation?
The yt app does this, but for some reason full screen videos are oriented the same way as the browser.

>using sage as a form of punishment
this isn't reddit you retarded child

It's one or the other. I'd say use the browser for music and podcasts. The app for everything else.

That was the thing that I hated the most about using the browser for yt...
loading the video in fullscreen starts to download the video again, so there is a delay, the video is not oriented correctly, so you change the orientation and there is a delay again...
It sucks.

>bumping a cancerous thread
get back to bleddit you cancerous fuckface

When you (this thread) stop feeding attention whores.

> wears a cap inside
> wears a cap like a nigger
> disgusting beta cuck nu male face

You pol memes makes you seem retarded

This fucking guy pisses me off so much and I don't even know why. His looks and his mannerisms just annoy me to infinity desu senpai.

I sell cellphones for a living and every fucking time someone comes in and says, "Well the Unbox Therapy guy said this was a good phone" I fucking cringe and try not to have an aneurism.

I have enough people come in and ask about him.

>complain about sheep going to your store and buy products because someone else told them the device was good
user pls

>Funny to see people being butthurt over someone who does something he enjoys and gets paid.

Advertising is a hobby now?
How can you possibly not see this as a job? Maybe by being shoved entrepreneur ideology since childhood but still when you feel actual pain before doing something, you just know it's a job.

I dislike his mannerism and how that his channel is a product placement infomercial

Hey buddy. I think you are in the wrong site. Might I suggest going here if you are looking for like minded "people" such as you.

hey user i bought this Galaxy s7 can i have it underwater ??? The Unbox therapy guy did it. is this a Joke Hahaha :)

on android you can just make it fullscreen then swipe down from top and turn off autorotate in the settings, surely you can toggle autorotation globally in iOS as well?

>wears cap like 90-s nigger
/fa/ on the RRRRREEEEEE watch

How are these memes you fucking nigger? get the fuck out of here

>who does something he enjoys

Have you even watched his recent stuff?
He always obviously fakes every single positive emotion. To me it looks like the guy is depressed as shit because he has to keep reviewing this garbage that companies send him.

The guy is bald as shit.
He has to wear a cap otherwise he looks like he has cancer.

>Funny to see people being butthurt over someone who does something he enjoys and gets paid.
>and gets paid.

Not him but how fucking stupid have you be to not see that he exactly said that, GETS PAID, holy shit people here are dumb.
If he enjoys getting free shit and reviewing it and getting money for it then that's it, big deal.

Get the fuck sage

Sup Forums pls go and stay go

yeah well I figured he was despite the cap
he just looks more retarded with it

I just found him in my random video list 12 hours ago; I thought he was okay for showing off weird shit
Now I gotta unsubscribe.

When they stop making money off views. So never. Welcome to a clcikbait world, real informative videos are exactly the same as clickbait as far as ad revenue is concerned. Why bother doing research when you can spout bullshit and get the same views, once you've clicked on it, it's already too late, so 90% of the work is now going into the title of the vid, and a reaction face, the video itself could just be "penis penis penis" for 8 minutes


Does this count when adblock user clicks the video?

He is okay for showing of random shit but his humor is annoying as fuck and he purposely never mentions the price of anything he reviews because it's always way too fucking expensive and he knows that.

How many actually smart people would have the time to make videos for the kicks of it?
The reason they get paid for them is a reason to do them well, many of the channels that are top notch don't have time to do it for free.

It does count, it's calculated from video views.

I actually like the fact that he shows expensive, less known shit around the world that else would never get to me, I would never buy 99% of that shit, but they are interesting inversion nonetheless.

>do I fit in guise xDDDD

Kek, that butthurt in that greentext is amazing.

Well, I hope Sup Forums only watches EEVBlog and other small channels.

>>wear a cap to hide you don't have hair anymore
>>take it off time to time

That aussie haven't been a small fly for a long time anymore.

Is that a belly button on a whale?


Forget tech reviews, this is just some guy in a room. Go look up snowcat. He's a professional motorcycle asshole. He started his vblog innocently as it was just about his rides around town. Now he goes out of his way to instigate road rage, knocking on windows and screaming at people, hovering between occupied lanes being 3 inches from their cars, to cause drama cause he knows it will get more views.

Yes, all mammals have one.

I don't watch such shitty channels, never have.

You shouldn't. Point is forget about lying in a room about technology and recording it, there's an incentive to start fights as long as they're recorded and you can put it on YouTube and make money.

no sorry you don't fit in...

SA-GAY hasn't worked in years you fucking mouthbreather.

Shit bait mate.

fuckin' this

>i thought i was the only one watching meme therapy


why the fuck would you even go and watch some bitch ass hipster hold a phone in his hand?
for what possible benefit?

I want reddit . Get em outta here. shoo shoo!

Doesnt matter if he knows shit or not.

Youtube pays his bills plus some, and he receives random boxes full of free shit for doing nothing other than open the box.

Hes got it set in a way that I could only describe as flawless.

Lewis seems like a pretty cool guy. Like his fashion sense, too, as I literally dress like him.

10/10, would hang out with and talk tech.

>When will people stop pretending they know shit about technology?
Do you know where you're posting?
This is Sup Forums's whole raison d'etre. Posing as tech-heads while being substantially ignorant.

What's wrong with supporting Trump?

Yes, making big stacks of cash with little work is making him depressed.

I figured this out on my own, am I a tech guru now?

its more that its annoying to see him being paid to be a retard with products than him getting paid to do what he enjoys

>not using OGYoutube

They never buy anything, regardless. They're just annoying and waste my time.


Well, I didnt know about either of those.

See it was useful already. Not everyone spends their lifes on Sup Forums or reddit. Kys Op

The problem with him is that he is not honest but anyways he is fun to watch.

Is this le bend guy?
What happened to le blender guy?