Is this what they learn when they Kode with Klossy?
Is this what they learn when they Kode with Klossy?
Kindly kill yourself back to
Girls can code I guess
what the fuck is wrong with kiwi farms?
>not just doing
['femenists', 'cancer'].map(a => console.log(a + 'suck(s)')
fuck forgot the closing bracket
>a =>
What does that do?
It a lambda/anonymous function with one argument
>using map instead of forEach
shorthand for
function(a){return a.somthing}
>wanting to change state
JavaScript was a mistake.
Why does a prostitute need to learn to code?
The internet was a mistake.
kiwis are misogynistic
Wait, isn't pterodactyl that feminist cunt that fucks with localization of games?
Why does she hate kiwis? They are fucking delicious.
eggplant farm am i rite Xddd :^)
Yea, with those mad coding skills it would be a mistake for her to leave her prostitution job for a programming one...
>Sup Forums
Uncalled for.
What's that kunt got against our farms lads?
Never learned any JS. It's for fucking retarded feminists. Kiwi farms?
>great power
>JS skills
>looping over an array
>Kiwi Farms. Founded as the CWCki Forums, and originally dedicated to Christian Weston Chandler, the Kiwi Farms is about eccentrics on the Internet. These people are commonly referred to as Lolcows and are fascinating for reasons distinct to each spectator. We document the phenomenon, with every member bringing different perspectives and opinions to discussion. It is this diversity which has caused our peculiar community to thrive.
Well you learn something new every day.
She forgot to add her opinions in the array
those girls are like 14 wtf do you expect them to code linear algebra facial recognition that can compete with snapchat?
when i was 15 i reversed engineering a messaging logon protocol just so i could have a shitty bot that would talk in the rooms, and that was still in my first year of development learning.
had to use ollydebug to step through the program to figure out what hash it was using, then figure out which bytes of data went into the hash
with a little dedication they can do a lot fucking more than CompSci101
You have to start somewhere, autistic faggot. At least they are learning something and not playing pokemon GOY like fucking retards.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
White knight(s) detected.
>Alison Rapp
for those who don't know about this crazy cunt, she's a former nintendo employee who was secretly a prostitute and was fired as a result. she now spends most of her time spewing her feminazi propaganda all over twitter.
>iterating over an array
yotsuba&! anime when
a pedophile too
>front end development is easy because Karlie Kloss womyn can iterate over an array.
Kill me now...
How would you do it? Noob here.
I miss "golang" as an element in the array.
You were a mistake.
Using .map() works be more efficient.
really makes you think
how does array.forEach(a => console.log(a)) change state? I feel like forEach is more readable in this case
He's talking out of his ass. forEach is just fine in that case since what you want is the print, not the return value.
map returns
forEach does not
with C you don't need to collect garbage
every time this is posted, and every time I mention that there were multiple students connected to that machine simultaneously
sorry if I ruined your day
What the fuck are you talking about? That woman is clearly fishing for attention. Not much more to it.
Obviously. However, the entire reason this photo is posted is to mock her terminal navigation skills, yet the reality of the situation is that it was a collaborative sort of thing with several students involved.
why should anyone care what a ho says?
Because she has a hole that sometimes gets wet.
And funbags too.
And a ho knows it too, so she flaunts those. It's simple, you show off your biggest assets.
The sad part that for most women it's usually just flesh sacks full of fat that are their biggest assets. No wonder women have such low self-esteem.
If these feminists hat men so much why are they using our inventions?
>Why did the allied side adopt the method of blitzkrieg?
>map in JS is not lazy
Even C# got that right, whta the fuck.
Also a confirmed fake.
Oh look, a thread created for the sole purpose of shilling this woman, while it is devoid of any meaningful and technical discussion relating to technology.
A thread being made daily about the same woman by a bunch of 13 year olds with a hardon for a random advertising model, and using her company sponsored "i need to look like i code" skills as an excuse to post her on Sup Forums and only talk about her without any other technology discussion.
A thread about advertising a woman, and then only discussing excuses as for why she should be allowed to be advertised on Sup Forums. Instead of being posted on or since the content of these threads are pretty much the copy paste of threads on aforementioned boards.
if (a>b && b
Great going Sup Forums. I can see why you are posting this woman over and over again here. It's to infuriate enough people who get tired of seeing your threads, into shitposting on her social accounts and creating another Anita Sarkeesian.
I approve Sup Forums. Oh i wholeheartedly approve, and i shall even contribute by referring her to these threads on Sup Forums and shitposting along. Maybe i'll draw some porn of her getting fucked by horses, watermark Sup Forums/g/ on them, and spam her digital life with the art.
Seeing as how she can write a for loop, she's more competent than 95% of Pajeets.
The telegraph was a mistake
The telephone was a mistake
The radio was a mistake
Arpanet was a mistake
AT&T was a mistake
Monopolization and demonopolization was a mistake
Networking was a mistake
Routing was a mistake
Inter-networking ----> internet was a mistake
Tupac released a mixtape
Murder investigators commit rape
The British were a bunch a jackanape
The Zoo features an ape
Apes commit rape
Rape rape rape
I want to have sex with her in that pose
Ew, hairy fruit.
You people are retards
Javascript, despite any language flaws, is obviously a useful language because of how fucking common it is on the fucking web. Remove shitposts
Looks fake. Not sure if real.
It's from the Final Destination movie you pleb.
kiwi farms IS garbage though
Holy shit the butt-hurt is real.
Lmao mad fat woman detected
I want to cum on her eyes.
this is why 3dpd. once you break your mental shackles, you will never again have to put up with ugly women promising bad sex