What are some of the first things to do with a new Mozilla installation?
Add-ons for privacy, tweaking settings in about:config, that kind of things.
What are some of the first things to do with a new Mozilla installation?
Add-ons for privacy, tweaking settings in about:config, that kind of things.
>disable 3rd party cookies
>install Self Destructing Cookies
>install HTTPS everywhere
These plus
>uBlock Origin
>Scriptish and Viewtube
Also Cookies Manager+ but most people probably won't need it. I just like being able to clear out and edit my cookies for the sites I have whitelisted.
Disconnect/Fat free fox or neither?
Also, what about fingerprinting? Canvas still the best?
Realise the mistake and uninstall it
>new Mozilla installation
I usually wake up from the nightmare at that point.
https everywhere
no script
read about sjw's in mozilla
consider it cancer and remove it
Privacy Settings if you don't want to tweak about:config manually at the start, also uBlock Origin has Disconnect's Blocking list implemented. uMatrix if you're all about privacy, i found it to be a little more comfortable than noscript
>muh SJW boogeyman
Granted, SJW's in general are scum, but you have your own board for trashing them
le meme xD
oh sorry i seem to have triggered you.
let me back off so you can have a safe space.
dnf uninstall firefox
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>Privacy Settings if you don't want to tweak about:config manually at the start
Amazing, just what I needed.
Kudos user.
why do i realize that late, that if you want people to talk about windows, you have to do a linux thread, if you want to talk about firefox you have to do a chrome thread and so on, every thread mostly attracts the opposition
>this is the best software for my needs but I don't want to use it because the people behind it have different political views than my own
thanks for fucking rare positive feedback in this shithole user.
There's absolutely no reason not to use Opera
>disable 3rd party cookies
but I need those to go on exhentai
chinese botnet
features (ads) you'd never want just like firefox
less customization
what are these?
Just clone your gehentai cookies.
jesus fucking christ, are you too stupid to login to sadpanda with your account?
exclude exhentai's third party's cookies then you weeb!
I always just forget how, anyway, why use sadpanda when nhentai exists?
What happens if I get rid of them?
Need to relog everytime or something?
The x makes it sound cool.
It's okay to use the add-on if you use private browsing with exhentai all the time.
>why use sadpanda when nhentai exists?
nhentai doesn't do artist cg/game cg. it also has more content