If my battery on my 6S plus holds I swear I'm going to keep it until it dies.
How long are you going to keep your iPhone?
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Android user, this isn't your thread.
See pic related
>inb4 the sour grape "who cares" ishill
I have an iPhone 5C if that tells you anything.
No idea when i'll "upgrade" or whatever.
That's how I feel. Like there is no need to upgrade. Does everything I need. Wireless charging is the only thing I want, but if they are working on charging at a distance then it is worth the wait.
Iphones are too good. If you have any iPhone after the 5 there is literally no reason to upgrade.
Yeah what made me switch is the 6s line going to 2gb of ram. Gives me exactly what I need to browse 1000 post sticky threads that sucked on Android phones with more ram.
My iPhone5 last 3 years until started failing.
How old is this image? Because you can do pretty much everything on iPhone with the right app.
>3 posts and also trips
Wow, youre getting good, Pajeet
Nope. Without jailbreak you pretty much have a paper weight. Oh well at least you can brag about how you spent $1,000+ on it at your local gay nightclub though.
You say that now but in 2 years it's going to be slow and laggy
>falling for the applel meme
>The general consensus throughout the three videos is that overall, general device performance has taken a step back with iOS 9 on the iPhone 4s, 5, and 5s.
>All three videos show a general added layer of lag with iOS 9 compared to iOS 8.4.1. On the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, the boot time was increased by several seconds with iOS 9, while it is nearly the same on the iPhone 5S.
>Ourown poll from last week showsthat 36 percent of users are experiencing “significantly” slower performance after updating to iOS 9, while 31 percent say their device is “a little bit slower.”
You can say the same on Android without root.
We 6 now. Who cares about the old stuff and obsolescence.
As much as I hate android and will never own another lagrdoid phone I cannot for the life of me understand why they cant throw a micro sd slot on the iphone
5s here. I don't know to be honest. The recent 5SE is appealing but I actually use my phone as a phone most of the time so there's little reason to upgrade. Plus I'm usually late when it comes to updating so I'll hear about any dramatic 'slowdowns' in advance.
can you get ps1/snes emulators on 5s and SE without jailbreaking?
I'm quite happy on my 4s, I like the small screen. I stayed on IOS 7+JB and its a great phone I've had at least 4 years now.
I bought a S7, but hated android and touchwizz so I returned it.
I'm waiting to see what the 7 is like, and I might upgrade then.
I'm only just starting to find apps that aren't compatible with IOS 7, but nothing I use so far.
Its been a GREAT phone.
Until something more appealing comes out.
Got SE recently and looking at the market, I don't see myself upgrading in the next 3-4 years, which is sad since I do like to buy new stuff.
It's like OS focusing on 64bit phones doesn't run as well on ancient 32bit hardware ... shocking. To think that iOS 9 even supports 4S is fucking crazy, Samsung dropped a much newer Galaxy S4 already.
For one, it's pretty pointless. 64-128 is plenty. Other than that, it's inconsistent experience, if you buy a good card, you'll be fine but if you try to be a jew and cheapout, the whole phone will feel like shit and cause negative reputation.
Besides, Apple obviously want to make extra money.
Probably. There's an emulator that doesn't require jailbreaking so I suppose that means you can copile and sideload it.
I still have a 4s, tempted to get a 7 on release or a 6s on the 7's release and take advantage of the price drop. The 4s has been solid so far though
>Today’s videos, however, do show some minor improvements in iOS 9.0.1 compared to iOS 9.
And they kept improving through each update (9.3), call me when Android does that with older hardware
I have a 5s, just waiting for the 7 to come out. I'm honestly in love with the size of the 5/5s/SE, I'm hoping they release another model with all the modern processors and features that are in the new one and cram it into a 4" phone.
If need be, I'll probably buy a fullsize 7.
who the fuck cares about the boot time?
for android theres just an app in the store. not the case for iphone?
Until it stops working
>not the case for iphone
nope, apple has way harsher rules for their store
Nah Apple is a bit tighter and iOS devs are always looking for money. Compiling is just a matter of grabbing the source code and using xcode to compile. It's pretty straight forward.
I'm on 5s right now and gonna use it till it breaks.
Has all the important stuff - fingerprint reader and the newer 64bit cpu architecture. Force touch seems pretty neat, but I can live without it.
I wouldn't mind a bigger screen, but the newer ones are scary to hold without a case. They're slippery as fuck.
just get an SE you turbonerd
Bad goy. Bad bad goy.
Why? 5s is still fast enough. There aren't any other advantages I can think of right now.
All the cute grills are laughing at you because you have an outdated and deprecated phone
>he thinks "64 bit" actually means anything
Planned obsolescence says otherwise.
Literally two times better than your POS 32-bit android phone
>he doesn't know about 64bit
Current iOS9 supports 5 year old phones m8
>yfw the 5s still works just fine 3 years after release
now, let us look at some Android flagship phones that are 3 years old
>Samsung Galaxy S4
>Android OS, v4.2.2 (Jelly Bean), upgradable to v5.0.1 (Lollipop)
>Galaxy Note 3
>Android OS, v4.3 (Jelly Bean), upgradable to v4.4.2 (KitKat), upgradable to v5.0 (Lollipop)
>LG G2
>Android OS, v4.2.2 (Jelly Bean), upgradable to v5.0.2 (Lollipop)
>HTC One (m7)
>Android OS, v4.1.2 (Jelly Bean), upgradable to v5.0 (Lollipop)
Gee, would you look at that
Just about all of them stopped getting updates on a (almost) 2 year old Android version
where my iphone 4 niggas at?
biggest problem i've found is if it dies then i can't find anyone with a charger out in public
holy shit guys, I thought this was Sup Forums
Stay salty with your outdated junk phone, while I'll enjoy my superior modern phone
>anyone with a charger
why not carry a small powerbank?
There tons of benchmarks showing performance increases from the very same app running on the very same phone in 32/64 versions. Although you would know it even with benchmarks if you had a minimal level of understanding.
All of these lagdroid phones didn't even get Lollipop at launch and had to wait months if not years.
I don't know want you're talking about, my note 3 run marshmallow just fine.
>All of these lagdroid phones didn't even get Lollipop at launch and had to wait months if not years.
Admitedly Lollipop was not out at launch of any of these (came out in Q4 2014), but most of them got it almost a year later (about when Marshmallow was starting to roll out)
a) I'd rather not trust pajeets with my phone
b) That color scheme is absolutely abysmall
It's not the processing power that you should worry about, but the lack of RAM. Anyone who's ever used an older iOS device can tell you that their apps eventually start crashing because they run out of memory, even if the device is otherwise still capable of delivering decent performance.
>yellow on dark green
>Indian ROMs
People are talking about official support, not praying to gods that some hobbyist devs will keep your phone up to date without fucking it up instead of the corporation you gave your money to.
>July security update
wew, not even your rasheed can keep up properly
How does your iPhone handle Sup Forums 1000 post rolling sticky's?
6S plus is excellent
>mfw when I'm actually using an older iOS device
It's fine. I never close any of the apps and the memory management seems good.
Sure it does. Try running safari with more than a single tab when there's a lot of junk being loaded into memory and tell me that your 1 gig iDevice doesn't shit itself.
I know, it is terrible.
Wow, iPhone users are not only gigantic faggots but also racists. Enjoy your gimped devices, darlings.
>I know, it is terrible.
why use it tho
Maybe. Haven't had a situation like that tho.
Granted, I don't usually fuck around with my phone much.
lmao you're just mad that you have to rely on pajeets to update your phone
I installed a corny theme and I was just about to change it. If does have a fucking bear riding a bicycle near a camp fire in the lock screen wallpaper, tho.
My sis got 5 and browses with couple tabs plus got tons of shit running in the background. Never any issues. 1GB RAM on iPhone just means that some sites will be reloaded once you leave them, no crashes ever.
I'm not mad at all. Some of them make a great job.
>If my battery on my 6S plus holds
If it doesn't hold you can replace the battery in about 5 minutes.
Unless you are tech-phobic and can't handle a screwdriver without drawing blood.
>Wow, iPhone users are not only gigantic faggots but also racists. Enjoy your gimped devices, darlings.
lmao Rajesh is triggered
>2 gig full HD porn
I'm sorry, the iPhone is for people who are successful and are in a relationship, which makes porn redundant.
>over $800 costing "smart" phone that's OS level restricted not to be able to download files larger than 100MB on LTE
>rendering it useless when there's no WiFi access
>Meanwhile I'm watching 1080p youtube and DLing a 2 gig full HD porn at pic related on 200 Mbps 4G with my S7
>with iPhone you could enjoy 144p youtube here at best
I guess it could be a decent phone if I lived in the city 247...
Oh wait, all replies to that are literally 'just buy new one xd'
top kek
unless you literally do that shit every single day it takes a bit longer than 5 minutes
especially if you rip the glue strip trying to pull it out, then it will take hours and your old battery will end up bent like mine did.
downloading large files onto your phone is fucking embarrassing
how you use devices properly is up to you but fuck user this is just retarded
you sound like a poor person who can't afford an actual computer and an internet connection so you nigger out with a cell phone for everything
-buys a car
-can't even fit a kingsize mattress in the back to sleep on
it's up to you how you use your shit user but don't go full retard
Where I live unlimited high speed LTE is the norm for people. It's also dirt cheap(200Mbps unlimited 4G 10€/mo). There's no WiFi anywhere but your own house if you make one and some public cafes maybe. A lot of people also buy unlimited 4G instead of cable or fibre because as I said 4G is cheaper. You can get a speed of minimum 50Mbps cable here for 20€/mo they go up to worlds fastest connections only competed with by a few Asian countries. Most just don't need this. Welcome to Europe, Amurican. Apple never considered this 100MB limitation renders iPhone useless to a lot of people here because unlike the US we have actually really good LTE networks that can handle all the traffic. Yes, everyone torrenting 20 gig of porn a day on LTE isn't a problem here unlike in your 3rd world country.
>If my battery on my 6S plus holds
So until the new iPhone comes out?
I have an old 32 GB 4s that plugs into my car and lets me use imessage to chat with coworkers when on wifi and I don't have my work laptop open.
I will likely keep it after it dies, as it is just as good as my iPod classic with rockbox installed except that it won't play FLAC.
>LITERALLY eating shit from his hands
>old battery will end up bent like mine did.
Well, it's not like you were going to use it or anything.
I experienced this shit first hand with my original ipad and ipod touch 2. They were slowed to a fucking crawl the second I updated and downgrading was not an option. I'm never touching anything apple ever again, I've never seen such a blatant case of planned obsolescence before. It's beyond ridiculous.
You're a fucking retard. You do know that as the OS gets updated, new features are released, requiring faster hardware to perform its processes. This is essentially the same shit as Nvidia does with their drivers, shit gets updated, obsolete hardware runs slower.
Either don't update the software on your ancient obsolete hardware, or upgrade your deprecated piece of shit hardware.
Also, consider AMD and Android if you're poor.
>ipad 1 rendered completely obsolete with ios 5 update, not even a year after it came out
>he actually defends it
Holy shit I didn't think the idrone meme was real but would look at how fucking mad this apple cuck got by tryin to defend the shitty company he shills so much for.
But yeah, some nice """""""features"""""""""" you have there. I'm sure the UI looking slightly different totally justifies performance being botched by half, that shit's resource intensives yo! Thanks apple, shit on my mouth more!
you did good user
I'm going to replace my 5S in a year or two and get a 6S when it's cheap enough.
You're right, it's our board
You can say the same, but it's worse with the iPhone because you lack more basic features
Which phones? I'm really interested, desu. If you had a phone that cost less than the 6s I will laugh at you
>Gives me exactly what I need to browse 1000 post sticky threads that sucked on Android phones with more ram.
My xperia z3 mows down that shit effortlessly. I also frequently have up to 9 apps open at the same time aside from the stuff in the background such as whattsapp, messenger, mail and whatnot constantly updating and I can switch between them without reloading.
>implying they know the difference between 5 and SE
Also what kind of girls you fuck. Nobody cares about your phone.
>either buy a new Applel shit or enjoy your security holes
>downloading large files onto your phone is fucking embarrassing
>100 MB
This is 2016, user. Did you travel 10 years into the future by accident? Please share your time traveling experience with CERN and NASA, we might make a breakthrough in understanding our universe! Also, here in the future iOS updates can be 20 times larger than the limit imposed by Apple on iOS! Isn't it amazing?
You got him blown the fuck out.
>until it stops working
so, in 3 years because you can't swap the battery.
You can get an official replacement service for $79 which is basically the phone's worth after 3 years.
I still use my iPhone 5 and it's fine. I'll upgrade when it's beyond repairability. Kind of grew out of toying around with it and wanting to have the latest useless gimmick.
>grew out of toying around with it and wanting to have the latest useless gimmick
Like updating the OS on LTE?
do they support 3 year old models? link pls
does this account for the battery price or just the service
anyway, a bigger battery for my phone costs $24 and takes a few seconds to swap.
i don't have to go to a store far away to talk to some pretentious hipster twats
i still use my iPhone 4s with iOS 6
i bought it in 2011
OK I'm writing updated one(august 5,2016) applefag, just for you
>still overpriced
>still no SD card slot
>new software(ios 10) just brings android features
>still no native file browser
>no launcher is available on appstore
>still can't use it as flash drive
>still have to use iTunes to connect to computer, which is slow on windows
>less apps
>no back button
>doesn't allow you to use 3rd party cables
>shit multi tasking, no close all button
>no linux support (it's still %3 of marketshare)
>no removable battery
>no pirate apps
these are all available without root.
Try google. If there's no replacement service for your model anymore buy tools from iFixit or somewhere else and do it yourself. I think they do still sell the service for 5S.
>Apple releases iPhone 7 Pro
>with the pro model you can bypass 100 MB download restriction
>If my battery on my 6S plus holds I swear I'm going to keep it until it dies.
>until it dies.
So about the time the iPhone 7 releases?
you have no idea how to use an iphone
>you have no idea how to eat shit from your hands