What's your excuse for not using Pale Moon?

Why are you not using this wonderful browser yet Sup Forums?

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Because I use the superior Opera 12.16

Because we are not in 2006

Most Firefox addons don't work with it.

But I already am senpai because all the other browsers out there either botnet, ram hogs, or are shit

because it is forked from old versions of firefox, chromium is better and with HTML-5 support i dont need flash to play videos

You don't need HTML5 or Flash to play videos

At this point Palememe is its own shit, user

made by a furry and has a proprietary license

because it crashes sometimes making me loose some tabs

no furigana inserter

No Greasemonkey.

firefox > all

the new tab page is garbage and that default pale moon is some 2010 MyGoogle trash that links to reddit

default pale moon starting page

i think it links to yahoo too lmfao

an ancient greasy monkey works with it

It is under the MPL, which is a Free Software license.



I think it's something around 1.5

what this guy said:
I want to use it because the newer Firefox interface changes are fucking straight cancer, but goddamn

90% of the addons I need don't fucking work on it

non-webshit browsers are in a dark place right now

im not a furry

>no Forget (browsing history) button
>shitty slow tile tab view instead of easy drop down list
I know there was another one but I can't remember, but it mattered.

if i wanted somethign that barely works i would use ice cat no some furry shit

crash prone and slower than constipated shit

that's Mozilla's fault tho

Recently switched over from firefox on my xubuntu laptop
It's night and day how much better it runs. Loading catalog pages of Sup Forums on FF latest would leave me at 25% CPU load and freeze up momentarily. Now Palemoon from the opensuse repo doesn't do this.

'cos I spent half a day building surf, which crashes quite frequently.

i'd use this but there's no version for os x

>using a botched build of FreeBSD instead of GNU/Linux.

I'll use Linux when it will have Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X, Sketch, other Adobe programs and a good office suite.

Please don't remind me of what chropera became.

>implying that photoshop does not run in WINE


I meant natively. I had some bugs in wine when i tried to use photoshop last time in linux.

Firefox 48 has multiprocessing windows.

It's shit and developed by a furry.

Fur faggot shit.

Looks like shit.

Firefox works for me

So how do you play videos then?

That's Palemoon's fault. They could have chosen to be compatible but they choose not to.

I am.

>those dark spots in corners

install aeroshot or something else that emulates mac screenshots better

name 3 addons you can't use with palemoon

Because I use Firefox

their addon page has some

I prefer to use the modern Firefox rather than a 10-year-old fork of it.

ah the modern firefox, soon it's only good point wont work anymore, esr for now, them who knows

With a video player

>firefox is experimental and may be unstable
kek at least pale moon is stable

idk if it's a Pale Moon or Firefox thing, but the image cache fucks up almost constantly and I have to clear it regularly.

i have it installed on some low memory VMs for occasional remote network app config changes

but otherwise clunky and useless. autofill never works the way i want it to either

Who said you i'm not?
Of course I am

oh wow another firefox fork! let me at it. i want one for each day of the week. maybe pale moon can be my sunday firefox fork.

you're not. you're using Edge.

>Firefox is a fag and may be HIV positive.

i like how thats a burn

at least it supports plugins now. only took 20 years

yeah, Microsoft are idiots. their one chance to gain browser share and a bit of mindshare by creating a kickass, 'ie is history guise' reboot, and they completely fucking blow it and then try fix it in the wild with updates after everybody's already taken a look and seen it's fucking garbage. they're their own worst enemies.

because i'm using waterfox

>they're their own worst enemies
that's the truth

MS was bill and apple was jobs

both are dithering shadows of their geniuses/ IP thieves with good business and marketing skills

I use it because it's less demanding and bloated than Firefox, but not having MSE support sucks for videos (highest resolution on youtube is 720p, no 60 fps).

>they're their own worst enemies.
Everyone at Microsoft is undermining each other for money, spite and not getting fired.
Stack rankling was a mistake.

i'm going to create my own gecko fork and i'll call it Poofox. it will be slow, buggy, and an incessant update nanny. oh wait, that's already been done.

Use mpv with youtube-dl.

Cyberfox or Pale Moon?

like flash?

if you wait a bit, you'll soon be able to download my Poofox. it will be the most forked up browser you've ever used. nah, it will just be a gecko reskin. it will clean up after itself though by deleting cookies on exit and then shitting them all over the desktop. it's called Poofox after all.

Like mpv.

it's split too far from current firefox so some websites dont display properly

I use it. Works fine.

that's not how you screenshot, lol

I might but as others have explained, it's too outdated for firefox addons etc.

How's waterfox? Do they use latest Firefox or something else?

It was made back when Mozilla didn't make official 64-bit builds, now it's deprecated.

Because no deb file. :(

>didn't make official 64-bit builds
*for windows

On GNU/Linux 64 bit support was fine.

im using it and its GODLY

yiff in hell

I used to use palememe all the time and really liked it. It ran super smooth and was great compared to normal firefox.

The only downside is after a few months of using it I started to notice it would memory leak and claim like 10GB of my ram after a few hours of use, probably because of an extension, but I couldn't find out why and gave up and moved onto Opera, which isn't all that better for memory...

Tab tree

forked, look on the palemoon extensions site
an old version does work
>tree style tabs
litterally the first google result for tree style tabs palemoon gives you the link to a working version

you could at least put in some effort when you shitpost

Tab Tree is not Tree Style Tabs. It's the new replacement to TST that doesn't kill UI performance.

What reason would one want to switch over to pale moon from Firefox?