Would anyone be interested in joining a project to create a new imageboard engine. Basically replacing the kusaba/wakaba stuff most people who start up their own chan use with something better.
It would be free software and work perfectly without javascript, but there could be a bit of javascript to add on nice extra features like showing posts when you hover over the number. It should be able to act as a textboard, imageboard support optionally multi-image posting, single board sites, board creation - basically make it quite configurable so that everyone can make use of it.
Definitely has to have good moderation tools to make it easy to keep control of spam and stuff. It should also be designed with security and care against hacking in mind from the start. Make a really solid engine so that people can have confidence in it.
I think the best language to write it in would be golang. I know it's not very fun and cool like lisp or haskell but it's a minimal and light dependency that is easy to install. The main thing is that it's not PHP.
So what do you think? Anyone interested in joining in?
At least do some research before being a complete retard. There's several of these projects already
Justin Martinez
This. Stop making more engines and contribute to an existing one instead
Connor Wilson
Pretty much this.
>not waiting for Sup Forums to go fully extinct and then stealing the source code and hosting it again on the same domain Fuck, I might be able to pull some strings and rent out some servers if it ever happens just for this.
Gavin Mitchell
Golang! I'm "in", i will check the code and give you feedback.
Aiden Hall
not sure why people are so negative
Benjamin Diaz
Because of something like this
Dylan Taylor
search for "python/perl/ruby/go imageboard" most are open-source hosted on github and have numerous issues you can help fix