What does Sup Forums use to instant message other people on your LAN?

What does Sup Forums use to instant message other people on your LAN?

I want to make everybody in my house use a messaging program so we don't have to use shit like Facebook just to send a message to each other's laptop.

What's the Sup Forums solution to this problem?



Jabber isn't LAN-based

It can be if you run your own jabber server.

Theres lots of ip messengers out there for windows and linux, you just have to look.

There's this thing called 'talking'. Try getting up from the computer and doing it with another person, sometimes you might even get into a 'conversation'.

Nobody is going to do that

Why would I do that when I can just say the same shit instantly on their laptop?

So you're retarded?

Not worth the effort. Get out with your neckbeard suggestions.

>Your own IRC

>installing a program takes effort

So, to re-iterate, you're retarded?

>setting up a server
>same as installing a program

Please just go back to your gentoo threads, neckbeard

>thinking is hard
You literally sit on a computer and follow someone elses instructions. There's no effort in doing small tasks on a computer.

lanmessengrar with parvathi and dilip

Beebeep is pretty good.


Here's your (you). Cheers!

I can't believe nobody is talking about IRC on Sup Forums..

>Install Virtualbox
>Install Ubuntu Server
>Install ircd-hybrid
>Tell everyone to install hexchat

Standing up and walking at computer every 30-60 minutes can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and just promote well being. Ever thinking of getting up?

>implying anybody is going to do that

Why would I get up just to say something?

>I want to make everybody in my house use a messaging program so we don't have to use shit like Facebook just to send a message to each other's laptop.

Are you all severely autistic or do you live in some sort of compound? What the fuck did I actually just read?

We live in a house we are renting for college


But seriously who uses programs like that anymore? It's pointless

Send HTTP packets with your message embedded in the header to eachother. Run wireshark to capture the traffic and filter for your buddies IP.

Just yell

This is literally exactly what you're looking for and the post has gone completely ignored.

You are all suck fucking morons.

on linux you can spawn desktop notifications from the command line with notify-send. maybe ssh into the other machines and do that? Set up aliases and shit.

Isn't it windows only?

Telegram (I'm in ISIS)

iChat works over LAN (Bonjour).

I use OCIM / Lync / Skype for Business, but that's way overkill just for IM.

The enterprise voice functionality is nice though.

No mac users

It's shit though

Wall or write ofc

I just use mf Skype

>run downstairs where gf is on laptop
>look at this picture i found
>"https colon colon backslash forwardslash doubleu doubleu doubleu dot ninegag dot see ohhh emmm forwardslash tee you dee en nine seven gee ef e geegee why pee ex s que


Don't listen to retarded contrarians like him

ssh + 'man talk'

You seriously think his dad, the one who pays bills have a job, his mom who is tech illiterate, his sibling who obviously doesn't know what the difference between a hard drive (obviously the big box beside the computer (monitor) is) would be using Linux or... well they might use OSX considering you can't do anything on them thus can't break them.

Believe it or not some people like to turn their computers off once in a while.

Just fucking shout so they can hear you

>What does Sup Forums use to instant message other people on your LAN?


Accept no substitutes.

literally say

oh what's that, your're not running UNIX?

how about net talk

walking because im not a lazy IT cuck

Because you obviously are willing to invest the time/effort of finding an alternative because of your autism about facebook. If you're gonna be autistic like that, just fucking get up or yell at them from where you are

write your own in C with libwebsockets