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Who is this semen demon?
Dam nigga.
Phing Leng, acrobat who lives in Qinshai.
lower body is overrated.
how does she poo
It's like they planted a human on a basketball.
>Mirror for those don't like le reddit:
How the fuck is a mirror to reddit any better than reddit itself
Fucking hell
I don't want to sound like an asshole but she looks like that robot thing from star wars
You sound like an asshole
Looks more like the robot from borderlands 2
>how does she poo
She's passing an undigested basktball, from the looks of it.
That's actually the actress playing Short Round in the new PC remake of Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom.
She did, one time
what does it mean ? If someone recently installed audacity he's fucked?
She uses Linux so it just comes out of her mouth instead.
No one but stupid Winshits use that pile of garbage.
Back the fuck off?!!
I don't get how does it affect me as a Linux user, I get my softwares from my distribution repository am I at risk of being infected?
i feel really bad for this person
Every time you install any software you didn't examine and compile yourself you risk getting infected.
Those were hard to kill.
Yeah but thisFossHub breach shouldn't be affecting me right?
Looks like a R2D2 prototype
No. Ignore the Winshit retards, it only affected Windows binaries hosted in FossHub.
Fuck off to reddit.
Is that the thing that gets your Windows OS into text mode and tells you that your MBR got fucked?
Thanks for the cheering up, OP. Pics like that remind me that my life aint so bad.
Software doesn't exist in a bubble, there are other people that examines software sources constantly and distros that have accountability and procedures that document how they are compiled. When you have a shit site like Fosshub that takes all that away and makes binaries that you're just supposed to trust, that's when you get infected.
Dumb Winshill.
>It appears that some Redis users have started to notice and believe that they have been hacked. The reality is that they have unfortunately never had proper security controls in place, as Redis describes in its documentation. After reading the documentation it becomes clear, that Redis is shipped for maximum performance and not with security in mind. Meaning that by default, Redis has no authentication or security mechanism enabled, and any security mechanisms must be implemented by the end user.
This exploit was due to FossHub not using a secure database. In other words, incompetent server administrators. Nothing more, nothing less. This happens all the time on all kinds of servers. It ran free software, but the free software itself was not at fault.
>shipping with insecure defaults
same fucking deal as mongodb
The linux meme needs to die. Sup Forums should be talking about real operating systems like windows rather than pretending to be a l33t hax0r that has no relevant software or games.
FeelsGood to be a Linux user
>0.03 rupees have been deposited by shillsoft to your loo savings account
>no relevant software
Linux still runs on the majority of servers. Of course that doesn't mean it's suitable for the desktop, but once everything moves to Wayland Linux will easily be "as good" as Windows in desktop performance. Desktop applications like Microsoft Office have satisfying replacements.
The only desktop software I can think of that doesn't have a decent replacement is Photoshop.
>no relevant games
Children mostly only use consoles for video games these days, so apart from a niche group of adult men and rich yet neglected children you really don't have a point.
>pretending to be a l33t hax0r
Windows is the most popular operating system for reverse engineering and hacking.
Yes. Or Classic Shell, or Qbitorrent etc.
What about video editing? Is there any replacement for Sony Vegas?
Openshot is a joke.
I heard of Cinelerra is it any good?
>no relevant games
I'm able to play Runescape, Dofus, Dota2, Warthunder, Minecraft, TeamFortress2 and a lot more games with my Linux computer.
I'm also able to play League of Legends, Heartstone, World of Warcraft, Rocket League with Wine. I'm quite impressed actually. Everybody told me to give up on gaming but with a little bit of time you can get a lot of game to run on your Linux system. I guess back in the days it was a nightmare.
so Linux cant play anything relevant, and only 10 year old games?
What is a relevant game for you?
underated post
if you downloaded it from fosshub within the last week, yes.
maybe longer depending on if anyone breached these guys quietly way before this incident.
AAA titles which came out this year?
Sick burn.
>meanwhile, Windows has a million and a half games
You sure told him.
>The only desktop software I can think of that doesn't have a decent replacement is Photoshop.
And Auto Cad, and After Effects, and drivers that properly let you use advanced features of your hardware, and...
>Children mostly only use consoles for video games these days, so apart from a niche group of adult men and rich yet neglected children you really don't have a point.
>It's not like anyone wanted to play games anyway
The girl in the OP didn't even want to walk to begin with. Who even walks? It's 2016 people!
>Windows is the most popular operating system for reverse engineering and hacking.
Because it's technically superior to Linux, of course the people who really know are gonna use it. It's script kiddies who use Linux.
>apart from a niche group of adult men
The average gamer age is 31. Adults are not niche players, they are the norm.
Like we needed another reason to not use windows.
That girl is hardcore af.
>tfw this morning i got upset because i ran out of pokeballs while trying to catch a squirtle
Not giving a pageview
As much as I hate plebbit, first comment is best comment.
>Hi, I wanted to say thanks for the write-up and apology before anyone came in here to complain, accuse or tell you what they would have done.
>A lot of groups/organizations/whatever tend to avoid transparency these days, so it is refreshing to see communication.
>You'll bounce back with this type of approach. Take care.
That guy is right. Transparency is a wonderful thing. Much respect to the fosshub team for that.
>muh games
That's only because Microsoft stole her legs