Why are motherboard drivers for Linux so bad?
Why are motherboard drivers for Linux so bad?
I will tell you if you give me the source
Not with those satan trips you won't.
What motherboard?
I've absolutely never had any problems with mine
never had a problem
I said give me the source dammit!
He's just looking for an excuse to post loli, ignore him.
that's a guy isn't it?
user, I have some news for you, that's a shota.
having penis doesn't make her a girl
I know that feeling
>Install Debian
>Drivers literally keep fucking up
>Fuck it
>Install Windows 10
>Install a few Windows 8.1 drivers
>Just works
Never again
Because there is no Linux Inc to bargain with the board makers for software to be included. No payoff for the maker.
There is nobody to take the legal resonsibility for any bugs in the Linux drivers and no-one to finance the writing of the drivers anyway.
It's probably not an economic proposition since
Thanks, you made me have this perfect fap session:
Nagi Ichi is better than Gujira
Nice thread
>Literally posting a boy sucking another man's cock
Why is Sup Forums so gay?
it's a tale about a ganguro schoolgirl (male)
God damn it! It's another fucking troll posting the same link to the same depressed koala picture!
Move onto a new meme!
~Dreams come true~
what fucking triggers me is that she was a millionaire's daughter
fucking whore
that just makes it hotter qtbh senpai
>Not saving all the koalas for when you find the decrypting program
Winshill detected.
Die neet!