Happy MacbookPro owner

>Happy MacbookPro owner
>dooming with gzdoom with healthy 60fps

>Turn into a linux fanboy, install linux mint in a partition.
>Install gzdoom
>framerate constantly drops to ~20, and general glitchyness
>be switching distros, looking for the best option
>gpu driver inconsistencies, accept fate and switch back to mint after painful months

>could it be the WADs fault?.DEH
>boot to mac os x
>framerate also shit

I'm scared.

Board is radeon 6750M. Open source drivers wont create shaders with kernel 4, works with 3 though.

Could I have fucked up the gpu by trying several distros with the driver?
It just doesnt add up to me.


>inb4 amd on linux

Other urls found in this thread:


Found the problem.

Fucked up perfect machine with linux hur dur retard alert

just install Windows 10

Noooo noooo. It's not what this is about

Hey, it doesn't add up to me also. Why would the gpu fuck up by using ankther driver. It must be some kind of config, or simply different versions of gzdoom

And I'm a very happy user of linux. I like it, I like to use it. I like to personalize it.

But, my computer comes from a too much of a hipster environment, so there is not a lot of community support.

So yes, the problem is having a macbook but hey, i'm not going to buy another computer. It works fine for everything else.

How is it that the drivers dont fit the new kernels?
I'm crossposting this in the /doom/ thread and they say they switched to opengl 4.0
Is this new version of opengl refined yet?

I dont like windows.

If I go away from linux, id switch to osx. I like unix based systems

Try resetting the SMC (regulates among other things the CPU throttling). Maybe Ganoo Loonix fucked it up.


If that doesn't work maybe you can try installing a clean copy of OS X and trying it again.

That's odd, I've used gzdoom with linux before and my only issue was getting the sound working properly. The music wouldn't play all of it and after a few tweeks got it working properly.

Music doesnt work either, but i dont care because I use to play with eerie music packs that are coded in ogg.

That makes sense. I'll try after eating.

I also use refind. Does it matter which efi bootloader you use, besides the kernel parameters?

Buys what? Macbooks?

I think you mean that there is not so much people with macbooks that bother installing linux in it

What build of gzdoom are you using?

>buy a macbook
>install loonix


In linux, 2.1.1, precompiled from the drdteam repo

In osx, 0.5.9. The port follows another version numbering so I dont know what it equals in mainstream releases.

For what ive tried, it is later than 2.1.1

I cant compile it because g++ complains about ambiguous c++ notation

>own a great laptop with one of the best versions of BSD available
>install linux on it

OS X isn't a version of BSD. That's like saying that Windows 10 is a version of Linux just because it has a Linux subsystem.

OS X is a version of XNU or Mach.

chocolate doom is the one true doom clone.

If you bothered to do your research you'd know that Darwin runs on a hybrid kernel which uses parts from xnu, mach and freebsd. It's also unix cerrified, so it's officially a unix system.

For me, doom is the essence of community gaming projects.

I enjoy playing people's levelpacks. Its comfy for me

Chocolate doom is nice if you are a vanilla purist, but z/gzdoom has so many cool mods for it. With ACS scripting and DECORATE, you can do all kinds of cool stuff the original doom engines were never capable of.

Chocolate doom is an engine that replicates the original doom executables as closely as possible even includes original bugs, if you want to see a doom clone, check out freedoom which is very doom like with free as in freedom textures.

And Windows 10 includes parts of the Linux kernel. Doesn't mean it's a Linux version.

I agree that buying a mac to install linux is dumb, but this is actually what happened:

>be huge macfag all my life
>7 years ago, go to college, buy macbook pro

>5 years ago, macbook suffers form little overheating problem
>go to applestore, apple says "K" and gives me new intel i7 macbook. For no cost

>now, i come in contact with the linux community, and become a GNU/linux-fag.

I havent bought any computer since 2009. And thats good

Except it is, especially when those parts are taken from the kernel. Darwin is as much a BSD as openbsd or dragonflybsd is, only difference is apple slap their proprietary frameworks ontop of it and call it os x. You can download darwin if you want it's fully open source.

>Darwin is as much a BSD as openbsd or dragonflybsd is
But it isn't. Again, Darwin uses Mach/XNU, an almost hybrid kernel that is different to any BSD kernel like OpenBSD and Dragonfly. Now, XNU can have different "personalities" or subsystems, one of them happens to be a BSD subsystem.

>You can download darwin if you want it's fully open source.
Good luck trying to run recent versions on an actual machine. Apple has been slowly moving parts of the kernel into separate kexts that are proprietary.

Dude what? You can download darwin here www.puredarwin.com im starting to feel you dont know what you're talking about.

>OS X/Lincucks
enjoy no games

Ok, do it and post results. Keep in mind I said recent versions, not versions from 8 years ago.

I just installed gzdoom into my MacĀ® with freedoom WADs, looks pretty good. Where can I find more WADs OP? I'm also interested in the original ones, I don't mind paying for them, although the Steam version of DOOM is Windows only.

What the fuck did you expect.
Don't buy the recent Macbook Pro its garbage because it has AMD in it.

Im already pretty happy with the os im using which is openbsd. Besides, its you who claimed that darwin isnt open source and impossible to use, not me.

Whatever helps you sleep better at night m8.

http:// simpson-nekek (dot) narod (dot ) ru/wads/

i use this site to get wads, but i wouldn't enable scripting on this site as it seems kinda shady ( i use noscript )

Hey, youre the special snowflake who doesnt think darwin is unix when bsd developers and the rest of the world thinks it is.

Im sure everyone's wrong except you.

>XNU is the computer operating system kernel developed at Apple Inc. since December 1996 for use in the OS X operating system and released as free and open source software as part of the Darwin operating system. XNU is an abbreviation of X is Not Unix.

>who doesnt think darwin is unix
Where did I say that exactly?

See The Sup Forums doom thread acually gets you to find pretty cool maps.

Also google "cacowards" and choose your favourite years. Those are levelpacks awarded by the doomworld community, which hosts a lot of WAD

Its actually org

I'll try that with qemu

Tried 0.5.2 in osx and got 60fps. Its gzdoom fault but why??