
I got a macbook about a month ago and i regret ever getting it, its the worst 2,000$ i ever spent, now i feel like shit because i cant return it and i am out 2 thousand fucking dollars! does anybody else feel the same or is it just me?

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just buy a dankpad and hide the shame away deep deep in the earth where no neckbear will ever find it

Why can't you return it after a month?

Sell the fucking thing for a $400-$500 and never buy another Apple product again.

15 day return policy, i was trying to figure out how to use it

Return it man, or try and return it for a new one and keep it sealed and sell it for like $100 less than original price.

install Windows 7, 10, gentoo, mint, ect on separate partitions with boot camp dumbass

macs are superior because they are flexible enough to run literally any OS

wow you are a faggot

Put another OS on it you sanctimonious dumbass. Apple provides drivers for the Winshit, and the machines are popular enough that they have really good Linux support.

So you dropped $2k without doing any research, you put the dollar sign after the amount, and it took you more than a day to figure out how to use it?

You are not an intelligent person.

i did research, i just cant see why its worth $2,000 when I get the same computer for $400 non-apple. apple computers are not easy to figure out when switching from a windows computer

>i just cant see why its worth $2,000 when I get the same computer for $400 non-apple.
Then why, oh why if you did the research that told you all this did you go ahead with the purchase?
Just so you could post as a whiney troll on Sup Forums?
Life has more to offer. But maybe not for you.

just keep osx, its beautiful, its real unix with a nice design, its core is bsd, why do you hate it?

You're actually gay and haven't realized it yet. That's why you couldn't resist the allure of the $2000 paperweight.

its core is xnu not bsd

My rMBP is literally the best purchase I've ever made. My power house god tier desktop is not used to only bot Pokemon Go accounts. If you don't like your macbook you are probably a retard.

>I just cant see why its worth $2000 when i get the same computer for $400
no you can't, that's fucking stupid

>if you don't like what I like you're a retard
k user

bash-3.2# uname -rv
15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0

Darwin is an open-source Unix operating system released by Apple Inc. in 2000. It is composed of code developed by Apple, as well as code derived from NeXTSTEP, BSD, and other free software projects.

OS family Unix (BSD)


The battery dies after 4 years.

>really good Linux support
I should have bought a Mac then, instead of this shitty HP laptop. Horrible Linux support. Stuck with W10. Blech.

I'm actually on the fence of buying one for college.

Since I already have a beastly PC at home I figure I won't need the same in a Windows laptop.

I can only imagine that learning the OS is will be the hardest part about going OSX

For pure work reasons there's no better alternative right?

nah I didn't buy mine, got it free for work, and it is ace for programming imho

There really is no better alternative unless you're fluent with linux, though there may be some general purpose gui tasks for college that macs will be better at

If you're under warranty claim that and flip the new in the box one.

Can anyone tell me if this is overkill or not?

The machine is going to be 2nd in comparison to my desktop and I'm taking uni courses that mostly involve essays and such

I feel like I can get the same out of a Windows laptop but there are a lot to choose from and I only want it for basic necessities

it means their mind-control dont work on you anymore. congratulations and im sorry for your 2000.

Sell it, OP. You have no excuse.

OP has never owned an Apple product and made this thread because he started thinking again about how he can't afford a MacBook.

Even the most nigger of niggers can afford a Macbook.

This is my instinct as well.

I don't know anyone who's unhappy owning a MBP.

I'm running one that's 4 years old and its still lightning fast and good as new.

Yeah, honestly huge roof mounted radar dishes really aren't your best choice for writing g essays, I'd maybe go with a 13 inch rmp, macbook air or a thinkpad

Unless your some sort of mystical nigger with an amazing credit score, your average poor nigger isnt going to be approved for financing

>taking this long to figure out how to use a macbook

if you know how to manage your finances, you don't need to take a loan for $2000 or less
this is 100% for niggers

What is the problem exactly?

Apple financing is extremely strict with who it approves, the only fucking people who use it are people who can afford to buy it outright but they want the free extended applecare they sometimes offer through financing

>Apple financing is extremely strict with who it approves
man, you really believe you belong to an exclusive club because you took a loan?

macfags are mentally ill

Sooooo, you just bought a Macbook when it is definitely getting an update in the next month or so. Congratulations you ignorant piece of shit. Enjoy your out of date and overpriced hardware.

Should have waited you enormous cunt.

>Pokemon Go bots

This post makes me sad :( cause i really like the game actually.

I know your 14 but I'll try to explain this to you anyways, no I did not get financing for a macbook, in fact I don't even own a macbook, The Apple financing options for macbooks require a very high credit score for approval, hopefully you should learn about credit score in school. because of this, few people actually use it. There, now I think you have some video games to play, summer is almost over you know.

Luckely for you, FagBooks keep their price pretty well. Just resell it for 100 America less.

can't even English

>require a very high credit score for approval
You are delusional. $2000 is nothing. As a loan, it's only a scam.

I'm not even American, in my country we don't get indoctrinated about debt being a good way to manage our finances. Man this is some world class butthurt.
> They are bankruptcy friendly.


>average poor nigger
Most of the niggers at my college are dumb as fuck and come up from the city on grants and loans that they blow on macs, beats, and other frivolous things.
>implying they stick around long enough to graduate either, all about the gibsmedats

You mean your country holds your hand and makes sure you can't make decisions for yourself? Sounds like you are European or Australian. You worthless cunt.

What? We have loan scams here, we're just not told about great they are in schools.

We also have private schools.
They just cost ten times less and have no gender studies classes. But tell me more about why being in debt is so great!

>used to not Pokemon Go accounts.

I get Friday afternoons off and spend them in the park searching through sweat stinging eyes, on a screen I can barely see, risking skin cancer in 98 degrees to find mine.

Lol walkcucks

Bought a macbook pro 3 years ago.

Best purchasing decision I've made.