Windows 7

After going through Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and then a variety of Linux distros, I'm so glad to return to this god-tier operating system.

I can see why Linux can appeal to the hardcore users; it wasn't that great for me.

Hopefully by 2020 Microsoft will create another OS as good as this one. It feels good to be home.

Who else on Win 7?

Other urls found in this thread:

Win 7 for the forseeable future on desktop. Xubuntu on my x200s.
I have to be honest with you. It's pretty comfy familia.

Windows 7 is objectively worse than 8.

>Hopefully by 2020 Microsoft will create another OS as good as this one
you dense motherfucker who can't read
I'll spell it out for you

windows 10 is the last OS, there will be only updates from now on, most likely same how Apple did it with OS X

Win7Ultimate here, I disabled some animations and other bloat, everything just werkz

OS X had 12 releases. Up to Mountain Lion each version costed 20-50$.

they were pretty much updates which killed some hardware capabilities.

Windows 10 will only be updated, there will be no additional releases.

10 > 8.1 > 7 > 8.1 > xp

Vista > 2000 > 8 > XP ~= 7

I agree with you OP

I've been a Windows 10 shill since it got released, but the latest update just fucked everything up.
Installed W7 2 days ago, doubt ill ever go back.

>Thinking 8 was ever better than 7

Seeing Vista as best should have tipped you off that you're being baited buddy.

>Vista > 2000
what the fuck is wrong with you ?

>muh muh s-start button e-evil microsoft took it away ;(
if you're retarded and can't see the superiority in Metro then install Classic Shit.

Oh well, at least I've got 4 more years. :-)

Looks clean. Nice.

The latest update is also what caused me to go back. I did a dumb and completely removed my Windows 10 partition while trying out Linux distros. Then I remembered the product key sticker for Win 7 on the bottom of my laptop, and I knew what to do.

Yup, Win7 here too, gonna keep using it after 2018 since my system is Skylake. Probably still use it for games just airgrapped after that.

Windows 10 and Android aren't operating systems so much as CIA funded spying apparatuses.

Google is basically Xe with a colorful logo and free convenient web search and email.

You don't understand. Vista is like 7, without the shit. It's the best and most innovative OS from MS. I'm not baiting.

Sure, then again I just grouped them together. So it really doesn't mean anything...
U mad, bro? 8 is cancer

yeah man get a virus because your OS is so abysmal you need proprietary third party freeware to replace core components of your bad OS.

just give it up.

are you 12?
have you ever actually used windows 2000 when it was relevant?

And what 7 shit is that you speak of, that is not present on Vista?

Just stop getting baited you retard.

stop accusing me of bait you retard
start menu got changed in a worse wait slightly
new taskbar is less effective
new memory manager uses way too much memory

>I did a dumb and completely removed my Windows 10 partition while trying out Linux distros. Then I remembered the product key sticker for Win 7 on the bottom of my laptop, and I knew what to do.

You realize you can just install W10 from scratch and it will just activate itself as soon as it has internet access if you've had it installed on the device before right?

What? Really? I thought since I completely wiped it and didn't have an actual product key, I was out of luck. Nice to know that it activates itself.

But I went through a lot of time to download the Win 7 iso (twice) since my internet is sloooooow, and I like it better anyway.

I'm using 8.1 on my desktop because gayman, and debian testing on my X220 because no gayman.
Right now I'm sitting at my desktop but I'm posting from my X220 because it's just so amazing.

7 is best OS ever ^^

I will probably use the may release by murphy78. I don't know if I should update it, given that it's a pretty legit release that's pretty up to date as well without the garbage updates.

The reason for this is some application I use frequently would benefit from disabling aero, and that's not on windows 8.1 where compositing can't be disabled without doing some stupid shit.

What should I look out for in terms of updates? Any application out there that skips the awful ones or am I going to have to either stop them altogether or analyze each one? Is never10 a shit?

Avoid these. THey pulled away most of the touble causing updates after 29 July

Get a clean SP1 iso from here

Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1 (2nd rollout)
File name: X17-59465.iso
Size: 3,09 GB (3 320 903 680 bytes)
MD5: c9f7ecb768acb82daacf5030e14b271e

If you don't want to use Win Update, use Simplix pack

It's just that everytime I installed clean Windows 7 in these last two years it would take me almost a whole day to get done with all the updates. So I guess I'll use that simplix pack thingie.

I wouldn't touch non-official isos, but that's me.

In case you don't know, there's an official huge cumulative update for 7 released by MS about two months ago (unofficially called "sp2").

That's what I'd probably install on an official iso. Keep in mind there are some prerequisites, it doesn't just werk because MS is run by stupid indians now. And it needs to be downloaded through IE, afaik.

Is it true Professional is recommended over Ultimate because it has less services that most users don't need?

Why do people keep the "7 was good you guys" meme alive?

I mean the metro thing was terrible and I am sure 10 has problems too, but 7 is still a very bad OS.
It didn't have drivers, a package manager or virtual desktops.
The window manager was just a slight upgrade over xp, but still barely usable.

Windows 10 finally brought the ability to manage windows.
It lacks in other ways, but nothing that is new to windows

If only there was a way to disable services you don't need.

There is a way for that too:

First install Windows, and do not enable updates, instead, install these manually:

> [1] Installing and searching for updates is slow and high CPU usage occurs in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

> [2] How to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version

> [3] April 2015 servicing stack update for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

> [4] June 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

> [5] July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1



You can try and skip [3] and [4] so 1-2-5, if 5 fails, try 1-2-3-5, last try 1-2-3-4-5. I did this before July with the

actual order 1-2-3-4 and it found all the updates in less than 5 minutes.

Those on digitalriver are the official SP1 images

No, they have the same footprint. The missing features in Home and Pro are just blocked from being used, not removed

I've always done that but some shit always doesn't fucking work and I wouldn't know it was because of a certain service I disabled a year ago. I'd rather use Windows mostly out of the box instead of starting stripped down to nothing.

> [5] July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

I don't know what happened with those links..

Aight, I will do this. Many thanks.

You're welcome. Btw, restart after installing each of those updates.

8.1 is a solid operating system at its core, the metro UI not withstanding.

I personally just use the monthly Gen2 torrents, I thought they were prepared by someone from here.

>most likely same how Apple did it with OS X
Huh, what?


What is the _u part? Some have it, some don't.

I've always stayed on Win7 Home Premium, is there any point to going to Ultimate? I thought those were just meme and autistic features.

I don't know. SP1 has been released twice, the second release a few days later included one update, I guess that's it.

One of these 4 is what you want.
Ultimate if you plan to use DAZ Loader
Enterprise if you want Microsoft Toolkit (KMS)

You could just get all those four iso files, store them on a backup hdd and save yourself of future trouble (;

Why Ultimate for DAZ and Enterprise for Microsoft Toolkit? I think my Professional right now was used with Tookit.

I use Windows 7 in my main machine and I dual boot W7 and Debian in my T420, it's fucking awesome. I can't stand W10, 8 was okay though

KMS works only on Volume License. Ent is only VL, Ultimate is only RTM. Pro has two versions: RTM and VL. So with Ent and Ultimate you always know what version is. also DAZ Loader activates Enterprise too, though I prefer Ultimate..

I didn't see this earlier, but some of them have _n as well, what is that?


Also thanks, will need this for my fresh install!

N comes without Win Media Player. Don't get that, it's also missing some codecs and you'll run in trouble later.

this plus only win10 looks good with taskbar on top of screen

N Edition does sound kind of enticing actually, leaving out Windows DVD Maker and Media Center and Media player. But you're right, leaving out some codecs might be risky.

if you're in gaming it fucks some shit up, i think mgsv didn't launch on n

Well shit, thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, but it's better to just disable them if you don't use.. I heared people complaimn about some HTML5 videos not playin on N editions.

I just did a clean install of W7 and am trying to update, this Simplix pack thing looks like just what I need. Is this comparable to this rollup update in this post? Also what is the best method to activate W7? DAZ? Windows Loader?

>I just did a clean install of W7 and am trying to update, this Simplix pack thing looks like just what I need. Is this comparable to this rollup update in this post? (You)

DAZ Loader:

That is for Ultimate.

For Enterprise:

Thanks for your help, honestly im gonna try another Clean install since i'm having issues using the Simnplix pack as well as the regular Windows Updates.

Fucking AMD drivers giving me shit too