WTF I love Windows now!
WTF I love Windows now!
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I love my W10 too.
It just werks (tm).
-2/10 attempt, but if you're serious then it explains your virginities
>add a generic anime girl on your product
>neckbeard virgins will start loving it
Just stop. One of you came out and asked forgiveness just yesterday.
Let me fill in the blank for you.
>neckbeard virgins have no money to buy product
>pirate it instead
>harvest their personal data and browsing habits to sell to advertisers
i wonder if she would let me put my dick in her
Worked with 7. Still love her.
Only if you agree with the EULA and let her watch you sleep
Fake, skin too light and no shit stains in sight
Worked too well on me. I'm too emotionally attached to Nanami to ever consider (((upgrading))) to Windows 10.
On a time of her own choosing somewhere in the far future
Moar of her plz
Friendly reminder that Nanami is a hag by now, and with five years of updates since her last service pack she's really been putting on a lot of weight too.
>Madobe-tan signals how much you'll have to pay to "install" her
She's an old hag. Old and busted.
this 2bh
Experienced and comfy
a whore you mean
Back the fuck off.
She's not the one trying to force herself on everyone
dem arms are too long.
At least pick up a pic where the proportions are drawn correctly
Nanami is so comfy, just like her OS
>Version with reflection on the shelves
they really know how to get the Sup Forums crowd onboard.
>10 year old girl with huge tits
>blue hair so we know she is crazy
>praise from "strangers" on image board
You faggots must all be underage newfags
How barbaric
>You think this is a fucking game Nanami?
Not everyone who likes anime is a jobless virgin neckbeard
>knows everything about you
>watches you 24/7
>if you like someone else it will kill it
The CEO liked Mirai Nikki, that can't be a coincidence.
kys animefags
Hello newfriend
Yeah, totally.
Hello fat virgin.
You too, friend
>virla marketing doesn't happen guys
I don't find any pics like this for Windows 10 girl sadly.
You missed my post
too bad the linux's chans are better.
and spam windows chans over the internet, could backfire them, since most of people thinks anime girls are for perverts and kids. This is not japan were people dont care or have open mind.
poor fag shitter detected
>not average japanese computer
I really, really wish it were.
Nothing is sacred. Norman WILL take it and rape it.
botnet served
I teared up a little bit no joke
???Wtf I love edge now
Enjoy your ban fucko
There is actually no reason not to upgrade if you're already on windows 8.
burn in hell faggot
how long have you left her to rot, miserable and alone?
>the newfag seams to be upset with me
Even in official artwork she's so lifeless
wtf I hate windows now