Rip in peace Linux

Xfce4 can now run on Windows 10. Linux fags on suicide watch

>now i can play gaym and use memeos at the same time

what does this have to do with linux?

Are you that dense? Nobody uses Linux as their main OSs. They were running VMs to take dank screenshots and post them to Sup Forums the whole time.

This shit will just make it easier for them to pretend that they are le Linux super users.


why do you hate (gnu/)linux OP, we don't do harm, we actually help you to recover your files if you get virus, just because you spend 100 dollar on windows doesn't mean you should shit on other OSes

>muh sekrit klub

>implying I want ''''''''more''''''' screen tearing

kek i can really see this being true

fucking Liniggers

should this be called windows/gnu+linux or just windows/linux?

GNU/Windows, as it uses the GNU utils but does not use the Linux kernel.

So who paid his hospital bill?

this doesn't use linux at all, it's just GNU

Rip in peace? Serious? *Facepalm*

Rip = Rest in peace...

it was never about what you can run on it, retard

that picture is from when he tripped ice in Finland.
the health care is socialist garbage here, so maybe he didn't pay much anything


So what? Windows 10 can also run on Linux.



>using xfce on windows
for what purpose?
>pajeet speaking in video
oh i see... street shitting shill

> Rip in peace
Microsoft really needs to invest in better english couses for poo in loos.

nice b8

Doesn't kde and blackbox run on windows since forever?

You must be new. Welcome to Sup Forums newfag

>So what? Windows 10 can also run on Linux virtually.

Is Linux not running on Windows 10 virtually right now?


wtf i hate windows now

That's not the point of using a *nix-like OS.
The DE is just on top of it all.

What's the point of using a *nix-like OS user?

Natively. Instruction for instruction. Keep up with the news.

Hiding CP

>2 panels

>0m uptime
>using nearly 3gb ram

Only 0.000001487 etc has been deposited into your account this time Pajeet. Quit slacking.

Not having to put up with the latest M$ shit.

not true

>main OS



Wtf I hate GNU+Linux™ now

Holy shit, desktop in belorussian language.

i thought everyone runs linux as their main os with windows in a VM for gaymen

Not even him, but yall took that bait. Who even says *facepalm* on Sup Forums unironically.


Better yet, just run native linux and shun windows altogether.

>implying you could never run XFCE in Windows

Ever heard of seamless mode in virtualbox

try that

i did the same thing on my windows xp box 10 years ago.. how is that news ?

I still don't understand what this is for.

Why not just use a VM?

>>using a computer in belarussian
I didn't know people like you even existed


It's so shitty that not even linux can save it.

Do you want me to use XP with russian language?

Basically wine but the other way around, nothing new paj
Still shit filesystems, inferior kernel, real bloat (store, uwp, monitoring processes), decades old software still present in modern releases, security nightmare, government snooping, closed source, advertisements, planned obsolescence

Enjoy your spyware cuck

Do you try to return 2007 ?



No, they are trying to return 1927.

you cannot gaymen on a vm you faggot.

now install vmware in wine and virtualize mac os x

Hey I have a handkerchief with the same pattern

are you living in 2004 ? never heard of IOMMU winbabby ?

I can wait for the ricers to do cool things with windows now.

>rip in peace
turbo autiatic 12 year old detected

Finally, after all these years I can run Linux on top of NTFS
>Said no-one ever

i use it as my main

maybe not on windows you cant

xfce's been running on top of OS X for a while now

Unfortunately, Windows still follows your every move. I'll stick with pure meme OS.

This is a pretty good display of the insecurity of a Windows user.

Like this?

i bet you drive a Ford too

Ford = Fag Or Retard Driver

KDE on Windows has been a thing for years and Linux is still a thing


wow, a terrible operating system and desktop environment Im not particularly interested in

smart people use linux as their main OS, and run windows in a VM if they need windows software.
stupid people use windows as their main OS

step 1: find a picture of xfce desktop
step 2: take screenshot
step 3: photoshop
step 4: post on Sup Forums

guaranteed replies

They can have it, Xfce4 is like the worst and outdated DE

I did that on Windows ME

If it's that bad just move the hell out of here.

Meh...I'll be ditching windows shortly...fuck Microsoft advertising in a PAID program and creepy tracking.

Ubuntu here I come.


>Oh look a placebo DE
>I STILL can't disable/remove explorer
>I'll pretend DE in windows is arbitrary
Fuck off

I use Arch.

The only way in which there can be actual comfort and peace is if we can essentially replace the desktop environment on windows and file explorer in its entirety. Basically fucking have linux with dx12 and full windows native application support. Have Windows running on the background, but only for anything that's not basically the desktop, the file manager, the settings, shit basically anything that's not the goddamn bigger tools or games

Hi, friendly reminder that people who use Arch unironically are subhuman pieces of shit.

>Rip in peace
:roles eyes:


No, fuck that shit. DirectX is fucking garbage. OpenGL or GL-ES all the way. No one needs proprietary Microsoft garbage when we have open standards that already exist and perform the same task


Why should he move based on one aspect of a country? Go be butthurt somewhere else

>Open video
>Detects pajeet voice

Go be unhygienic somewhere else

>:roles eyes:
Ugh... so lame

You are a major faggot for using windows 10 but the S;G OST makes up for it.

Too lazy to rice the linux environment I use as my main OS.. Hilariously enough most of the games I actually play on steam work through wine.

I'm contemplating moving the desktop over to i3 like I've used on my laptop for the last few years.

>нeaднapoдны пpaвaпic
>тэчкi, aбы як нe ў мacкaлёў
Гaўнo гэтыя вaшыя бeлapycкiя лaкaлiзaцыi.

тapaшкєвiцa нaпeвнo
(пpивiт з Укpaїни, cпoдiвaюcь ви мeнe poзyмiєтe)

Faggot, don't ruin the secret.

He пpoблeмa, щo тaк мoжe бyти тapaшкeвiцeю, пpoблeмa, щo нeмa згoди, яким пpaвoпиcoм пиcaти. Taм є м'яккий знaк, тaм нeмa - хiбa цe cepйoзнo?

But why would I even want to run it through a vnc client?

>tfw nobody cares about OpenSUSE

>nothing personal kid
>*teleports behind u*
kill yourself

Wow it's another Windows 10 thread just as the last one went down. It's almost like this is being done to promote and sell a product

Weird huh??

>using wangblows 10