Does anyone know of a wget script I can use to scrape video links from certain subreddits?

Does anyone know of a wget script I can use to scrape video links from certain subreddits?

Rip Archive is good, but it only scrape photos and gfycat links. The sub I'm interested in also has links to streamable and which RA can't do

>inb4 reddit

I just want their porn

Other urls found in this thread:


Her tits grew massively.

That they did

One of the subs I'm trying to scrape is /r/liamariejohnson

Write your own scraper, it's easier than you think if you know a little of HTTP and HTML. Use Python with requests and BeautifulSoup4.
btw I usually run youtube-dl to stream videos from the interweb sites, I doubt that it will work with Reddit, but try.

Christ. She was born to be a hot grill.

>only one day older than me

>yfw you realize there is no chance she is still a virgin.

aka there's a chance she'll actually know what she's doing

No chance in hell

I remember watching her react videos, she was just a little girl.

God I'm old.

Are you as fuckable? No? then fuck off facebookfrog

I wonder what kind of guy he was. Hopefully he was nice and caring.

It was a fat nigga.

google ripme.jar

i use it all the time

Ripme,jar is rip archive

oh sorry i misread your original post. What are you going to do with just links?

>what kind of guy he was
what kind wasn't he?
she's probably sucked more than a dozen dicks by now

There's an XML library for python that is what I use to scrape
It's unweildy as fuck but it works.

>yfw you realize there's a big chance this poster is still a virgin

Who the fuck is this semen demon cmon Sup Forums

Holy fuck boyee, I gotcho.
for arg in "$@"; do
mkdir ./$arg
cd ./$arg
wget -r -np -nd --span-hosts --convert-links -c --timeout=30 \
--tries=10 -erobots=off --accept=.webm \ boards.Sup$arg
cd ..