/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:


>The “menu” and “expert” options allow you to choose individual packages to install and are of use to skilled users familiar with the OS. These methods allow such users to quickly prune packages from the installer to build a very minimal system. If you don't know what you're doing (sometimes even if you do) you're likely to leave out crucial pieces of software and end up with a broken system.

What does it mean by this? Is it referring to system libraries only? If I choose not to install OpenSSH but keep the rest of the networking tools will the OS not boot properly?

First for Gentoo

Can QBittorrent connect to a remote server? I am talking about the Qt client?

I tried Linux a bunch of years back (2009? around there).

Are there significant changes since then? Because I loved it back then BUT then I wanted to play video games again on my PC.

What I am asking is: Is it possible now to have a Gaming PC running Linux (most likely Ubuntu for me, but I am open to suggestions) where I can play everything I can play on my current Windows 10 setup not just Sauerbraten and Tux Games?

I am utterly seriously asking. Thanks ^^

Fourth for Arch



Do I seriously have to use KDE just for thumbnails in the file picker? I like GNOME better in every aspect except for this no-thumbnail garbage.

Thanks to SteamOS and the shitstorm that is Windows 10, there are more and more games being made for (or ported to) GNU/Linux. However, a majority of games are still Windows only, and you should definitely stick with Windows for your PC gaming needs for now. Check back in another 10 years.

That's stupid. Why not Windows as gaming console and GNU/Linux for everything else?

Many people, including myself, do just that by dual booting

not him, but that's my setup.

had an ssd laying around, so i have win10 on that and only boot it up if i want to play some shitty game.

do everything else on my gnu/linux partition. and keep it off my laptops

I haven't seen my filepicker in at least 3 months. Dragging from my file manager (that has a shortcut for starting) is way more convenient.

That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

PC Gaming asking dude here again:

I had that for years and then I built a new, more Pc Game-y PC and never got around doing it. Also since I now have a job that requires MS Office sadly, Linux would basically only be there for browsing the internet. That's a lot of effort for using Chrome (or Iron, which is what I used to use on Linux)...

Also, potentially horrible noobie question, I apologize in advance: In order to double boot, do both OSs have to be on the same ssd? Because Windows filled mine up (only 125 GB) relatively quickly. Doesn't it fuck up the bootorder if one is on SSD, the other on HD?

Please don't hit me :P

Has anyone heard of the Pyra here? It's a handheld size pocket computer that is running Debian that is being developed by Dragonbox in Germany. I had the previous model the OpenPandora and it's what introduced me into Linux.
It has a separate board with the ram, SoC and internal memory, allowing it to be swapped out and upgraded in the future.

>>I had that for years and then I built a new, more Pc Game-y PC and never got around doing it. Also since I now have a job that requires MS Office sadly, Linux would basically only be there for browsing the internet. That's a lot of effort for using Chrome
>job that requires MS Office
specifically? sounds like a heap of bullshit.
>for using chrome
this is bait right?

no, but why are you blogposting about it?

Too expensive

The Pyra might not be coming out for a few years. Also in terms of power, I'd look at the GPD win and dual boot with debian or your distro of choice. I feel more confidence in the GPD Win, but the Pyra's advantage is that you can have like a terabyte's worth of shit on there whereas the win is capped at like 328 gb with a TF card (unless you use the usb).

I thought it was relevant to the thread. Also whenever I try to be friendly that's how I come off.
Yeah that's the biggest problem, always the problem with small independent products like these.
I think it will come out this year considering that they have a near finished prototype. The GPD win doesn't have the community behind it and I'm pretty sure that the Pyra will be able to run other distros and dual boot aswell. However the Pyra is ARM based while teh GPD is x86, witch is nice when installing a new OS.

/fglt/ - freaking gay losers thread

thanks for bump

I just installed Fedora, and I'm trying to setup the right drivers to get my wireless adapter working.
While im trying, get pic related. Whats the problem here?

The next step in the solution guide I'm using gives me this if I skip that step and move on. I tried asking sqt, but I didn't get any answers.

I write down my own hours on a specifically designed excel document full of previously set-up calculations and things that add hours and breaks together into actual hours worked. It also has my employee ID on it. It's the only one the accountant firm will accept.

I tried running it in other office programs, it comes out as nonsense at the other end.

So yes, I need MS Office specifically. Otherwise my boss wouldn't have given me a copy for free, since it's not free for him.

SO since I can't do that on Linux properly... All that would remain for me would be using the Internet. Maybe I would not use Chrome and try to find another browser or whatever.

BUT that still means it's a lot of effort running Linux for a task I might as well do under Windows.

What's people experience in using Tails? I used it for the first time today with a USB on the schools computer. It's surprisingly fast but I don't see much reason personally to ever use it again.

>What's people experience in using Tails? I

yeah, I used it for a bit and now my own government wants me dead and I'm hiding in russia. It's fuck cold here. I rate Tails 2/10

Why did /fglt/ invade, /flt/ was first after all.

Only useful if you're buying drugs on the dark web.

I do actually wonder if I'm on some kind of watch list after downloading it

we started with /flt/, everything was nice. Few people were making a website, improving the wiki... But after some weeks, seeing those threads were successful some gnutards that worship the FSF came and started to shitpost about How much Stallman contributed, how much gnu was important so they were spamming shit everywhere, and half of the threads were about gnu shitposting

Since the linux community don't really gives a fuck about the official name, this general was renamed fglt so those retards stopped shitposting.

tl;dr : gnutards shitpost and we accept gnu linux thread so they stop.


How to watch DRM protected content on Linux? It won't let me


I feel like if the gnutards truly believed in their message they would stop arguing about names and words and start working towards their steaded goals.

It is definitely good to have a Tails USB handy. Privacy and security aside, it is a good live distribution with easy to configure persistence. It can double well as a cryptographic keys storage usb, password manager storage, etc etc.

It can be useful to browse the web anonymously and not worry about sites tracking you and storing info on you

It can be useful for exploring tor sites

It is specially useful if you're a journalist or an activist

I've also heard about dudes that use it for banking and what not.

Personally I have one more for the novelty than anything else. I like the idea of having a secure and private gateway to the internet whenever I want it.

I like it because it's basically a hardened live Debian with the option to have persistence on many things. So I can have my system running the way I like it anywhere, anytime

Be more specific.

Agreed, what I liked the most about it was that it had libreoffice installed. My school only has ms office so I will probably keep it just for when I need to do office work on the school computers.

/personaltechsupport/ plz respond

look at it this way: the more people use it, the more secure people who desperately need it become. this goes for any privacy tool, from tor to tails to signal, etc

so just spreading word about it is a morally good thing to do

Reminder that Devuan has more packages now and you should totally escape systemd/Debian.

The word "hacked".


First for hardened gentoo.

>escape the init system that makes writing services a joy instead of a chore

You are an idiot, he was asking a question and deserves an answer. People like you are the reason that Sup Forums is dying rapidly.

Depends on the vidya. If yeu want to play THE LATEST TITLES and THE HOTTEST GAMES thenxyou'd best stick with Windows (or if you've got the know-how, conjure up a VM, use WINE, or dual-boot[VM is best but hardest]).

Plenty of indie games are being ported to Linux, especially with Valve and SteamOS pushing for greater support.

Personally I use my laptop with Linux for everything but have a Windows PC for vidya.

Reminder we have two threads on /t/ - Torrents

Training videos for GNU/Linux (torrents)
Ported videogames (torrents)
We need a thread on /vg/ for gaymers because year of the GNU/Linux desktop motherfuckers, here is the pasta

> tried to make that thread
> got removed

It's not relevant to Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums has gayming pc threads
>Sup Forums regulars everywhere
It was sunday, keep trying.

Windows 10 refugee here. I've decided to jump ship to Linux Mint because I'm retarded.

>My question
How the fuck do you partition an SSD/HDD system? I've put /home and /var on my HDD, and /boot and /usr on my SSD. Is that good enough?

When I used fdisk it says Partition 2 (probably my HDD) is something something physical sector. I guess I put the wrong amount in?

All I want are my music and pictures on my bloody hard drive and I can't even tell. On windows you would right click + properties and it would tell you the drive letter. In exchange for help I would offer a reaction image but I have to set up first.

why don't you use a graphical tool like gparted ? it might be easier to use ?

smart people put /home on a different partition so if they ever bork their system they can reinstall the root of the drive and save their own content

i just put it all on /


You don't need to do that advanced stuff but /var in your HDD? For log and mail spool you get better performance if is your SSD.

well open source won anyway.

Disney. Com

I can't find a cheap laptop that I can run fucking linux on.

>fucking linux

How? Just visit newegg or NCIX or any tech website and you can find a shitty laptop for cheap.

Personally I just spent 600 dollars on a new laptop and had to update the BIOS before it would let me boot into a Linux LiveCD to install it. Maybe you have a similar issue?

Possible solutions:
- Buy better glasses
- Learn to internet
- Install Gentoo

What prevents you?


> try to install custom kerne
> double free
> every time
> try compiling kernel with no modifications
> double free every time

I'm aware that double free means the kernel panicked while panicking. How do I make it stop doing this? It doesn't give useful information.

!craigslist thinkpad

For 30 American Dollars I will install the Linux distribution of your choice to any laptop you can bring me (apple shit obviously not included.)

30 American Dollars per hour if it's an autist distro like Arch or Gentoo.

Stop doing the things you did, and do them the right way. We have no way to help you, as we dont know what you've changed or added

I realized that while typing that post that I was basically just complaining.

I'm sorry for wasting two posts on this.

> was installing GRSecurity/PaX on Fedora 24 system

Gaming on GNU/Linux motherfuckers

lol while in arch:

>Bad Hotel

/flt/ was bad (old OP even recommended Mint), but everything get's upgrades; we got higher quality, better pasta and the site is actually fglt.nl/. You can see /flt/ -> /fglt/ as a bugfix.

Is there a search tool like Everything on Windows that can search on every hard drive at the same time? Couldn't find any.


Yeah. I'm actually giving some though to hopping back to Hardened Gentoo.

Except last time I tried that I was 17 and wasted a solid month trying to get it to work because I was a complete Linux newbie at the time.

> installed Gentoo because Sup Forums dared me to
> inb4 underageb& that was years ago

When using pipelight plugin I can't watch Netflix with silverlight5.1 enabled

The gnome search tool is pretty good, for cli "locate", but there's also a Sup Forums project made by some guy who rewrote _everything_ from scratch, can't remember the name/site.


I know I must sound like a lazy Windows user but I just looked up how to install an .sh file and this looks long as fuck just to install something :
Is there another method? Because people always say that "Linux" is not that complicated and even simpler that Windows, which I agree so far on many point, but not on this one. Downloading and double clicking to execute an installer is faster than this.

Degenerate. What would your mother think of you?

ANGRYsearch is the best for newfags and the dev is a Sup Forums regular.

>how to install an .sh
Erm .. What?

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm on Ubuntu with Unity by default (changed to KDE plasma atm, and I looked for a gnome search tool on Synaptic but couldn't find it. What do?)

sudo chmod u+x file.sh

Yeah maybe execute an .sh file? Sorry my english is not good.

You do not install shell script. A shell script is just commands, which you can use to chain things or run programs between each other iwth variables.
You didnt tell us what you are trying to install, or if the script you have, even installs anything at all.

>having to open a second window to search for things
How bout no, if it dosent integrate with other file managers, whats the point?

Will switching to Ubuntu (Studio) from Fedora (messily upgraded to 24 from 23) solve any of these problems? Or could I solve them right here and now and not have to move from Fedora?

-after system reboot, web server becomes unreachable until a sudo iptables -F is passed
-after using JACK, pulseaudio switches to an apparent dummy device, leaving no sound whatsoever until one manually switches the device in the settings menu
-PackageKit constantly bugs you to update your software, and even downloads the files for you, not realizing that your root partition doesn't have very much space and dnf is going to need it when you go to actually update
Not Fedora's fault:
-versions of ffmpeg and mpv are desynchronized, meaning after update one has to downgrade mpv or use *cough* Totem
-if you're not a programmer there's nothing to do when your internet is out

Right click the file and go to properties, see the permissions tab and give it executable permissions. Then just double click on the file.

Welcome to the new GNU/Linux, where you don't need to do things in the command line.

Oh ok...I see. About the details, I'm trying to install Regain on Ubuntu

Suggest me a good file manager.

Thus far I've tried pcmanfm, xfe and worker. I need a simple and lightweight file manager with thumbnails and image preview (image previews =/= thumbnails), but none has this except by gthumb, but gthumb is not a file manager.

I like worker scripting ability, but is a pain in the ass not having thumbnails.

Looks cool, I wish it worked but it only opened that, see pic

I don't know man, I just use the one that comes with my DE.
You could probably fork the one you like best and add the feature you want. You're allowed to use the code from GPL programs as long as your program is also released under the GPL.

You need the regain.jar file, download it, unzip and go to the directory in the command line. After you are there type
java -jar regain.jar

Give it executable permissions if it asks for it like this
sudo chmod u+x regain.jar

ranger or spacefm

mmm, interesting. gtk2 or gtk3?

pcmanfm has that
pcmanfm-mod has that and more
spacefm is the extension of pcmanfm-mod
Use spacefm

can be either