Red flag for programmers

Red flag for programmers
>doesn't own SICP
>have never written C
>likes javascript
>uses windows
>have read SICP
>claims to "know" a finite number of languages
>haven't build own LISP
>frequents Sup Forums
>doesn't frequent hackernews
>thinks no license is the best license
>never used BSD
>get hung up on stuff like one-based indexing

your turn user

None of those really matter in the real world.

>doesn't know Linux CLI
>doesn't want to learn more than one language or library (has the "master race" mentality)
>doesn't work well in groups
>doesn't compromise
>poor coding habits such as naming variables random letters, not commenting, etc.
>doesn't know how GitHub works
>doesn't have a portfolio of actual experience

oh I forgot that
>uses github

>doesn't own sicp
>have read sicp

What are you getting at user

>uses Linux freetard shit
>uses a Mac
>thinks Nazis were the bad guys
>likes Java

thinking real world qualities matter to fa/g/s

>uses spaces for indentation
>thinks C is superior to C++
>thinks Java and/or C# is a compiled language in the same sense as C/C++
>doesn't know what the CPU cache is, how it works, or what it means for performance
>doesn't use a command line ever
>doesn't use hotkeys in text editor
>uses bright white (or default) color scheme in text editor or IDE
>copy/pastes code


>believes software should have philosophy

edgy summerfags

if(number%2==0) {return true}

2nd semester CS major what did I do wrong

>thinks using windows (not 10) is a red flag

looks good senpai

return !(number%2)
but that's just if you wanna be cool

you used { } on 1 line

>tfw web dev making 80k/year

stay mad

return !(number & 0 == 0);

>likes javascript
Linus Torvalds likes JavaScript.

Why not return (number & 0);?

Oh shit do you not have to do that? I like to keep things uniform so I always use brackets for my if statements so they're easier to read when I'm looking for bugs.

JavaScript is the best language.

Because that's wrong, that would just return number. Bitwise AND with zero doesn't do anything.

The question was to return 1 if it's even and 0 if it's odd, which return !(number & 0 == 0) obviously does.

If you don't use curlies then only the FIRST statement following the "if" is inside the if's body.

// normal. Everything gets executed
if (foo) {
// ...
} else {
// ...

// short form
if (foo)
// this statement gets executed
// else this

// BEWARE!!!
if (foo)
// this gets executed if foo is true because it's the first statement following the if()

>NEET programmer checklist

* everything gets executed as expected

You should always use braces, prevents bugs like the "goto fail" bug

So you're supposed to own SICP without reading it?

fucking this
goddamn autists

herp derp, no shit

>>doesn't know how GitHub works
Why not "Doesn't know how Git works"?

It's a decent language. The ES6 revision might ruin it though.

not enough red flags u guys. keep going!

>his favourite language has for/while loops
>his favourite language has mutexes
>he hasn't written a brainfuck program
>he has never installed a system from its barebones and built on it
>thinks C/C++ are useful in the 21st century
>uses git
>uses emacs
>uses monokai
>has never written a paper on discrete math or its theoretical applications
>uses a non edu/io/gmail/outlook email address
>hasn't written up to Project Euler's 50th exercise in his own lisp
>doesn't have a lisp of his own
>his de uses more than 300mb ram at any given time

>>doesn't frequent hackernews
I subscribed for like 3 days in my rss reader, so much garbage

is there a way to get just the top 10? I'm too lazy to do it myself

>linux CLI

Linux is a kernel, it's CLI is implementation dependent.

>doesn't own SICP
>have read SICP
>haven't build own LISP

That combination doesn't even make sense..

>have never written C

it's "has never written C" and you can live perfectly fine without than anal pointer manipulation

>doesn't frequent hackernews

Lost me here.

Hackernews is like Sup Forums but without the heat.
It's just plain boring adn you can skip 90% of what you read there.

>thinks no license is the best license

The best license is obviously WTFPL, gnucuck.

>never used BSD

Turn on OS X - here you go, you just used BSD.

JavaScript is LISP for the 21st century.

you sound like a tryhard

Pretty much all Linux distros use commands like sudo, rm, cat, ls, etc.

>he enjoys his life

all of those are GNU coreutils except sudo

What you call linux is in fact GNU/Linux.

sudo is harmful, the OS it originated from no longer uses it.

>he's black
>he's pajeet

How did we miss these ones?

Yes, but the vast majority of Linux distros use GNU utilities.

Which is? And why exactly is it harmful?

OpenBSD replaced it with doas.

Sudoers man page:

Doas configuration man page:

Notice something?

enjoy the pajeet tier braindead coding

>not having an unread copy of SICP on a shelf for everyone to see

i used pointers once :^D

return number & 1;

Almost no Linux installations include GNU tools

Referring to Android?

Yes. I get a raging autism boner from counting Android whenever someone says Linux instead of GNU/Linux.

That awful spacing is gross. Spacing between conditional and open paren. spacing between variables and operators always.

>he uses the term "GNU/Linux"
>he thinks C++ is good language design
>he unironically installed gentoo, arch or kali
>he likes stallman but hasn't read any of his essays

red flags:
>github full of forks or tutorial level stuff
>tech evangelism
>writes blog spam
>loves buzzwords
>needs lots of direction/validation
>argues over things that are based on preference, critical of other peoples workflow
>unable to learn new things quickly
>refuses to/unable to follow coding standards, write unit tests, documentation, etc
>spends more time physically writing code than thinking
>is an active contributor to multiple large open source projects (be very wary of these people)

>is an active contributor to multiple large open source projects...
Please Annon, Sir, expand this item... I want to know why...

>>github full of forks or tutorial level stuff

I fucking hate this.

He said linux, not Linux. linux is the proper naming convention amongst professionals in the tech industry for any OS distribution using Linux as a kernel. Only basement NEETs from the most autistic depths of tech forums get upset when it's called GNU/Linux.