Sup Forums CLI reader

Sup Forums, I need a command line interface to browse Sup Forums. It exists? If no, what is the better option/workaround to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

no one needs a command line anything

I really need.


i-i really need you too, user.

I want you to want me

links, elinks, lynx, etc

This isn't just too ugly or difficult to move on long threads?

elinks or w3m would be best

its a cli, of course it is going to be difficult.

I'm looking for something like this:
Easy to move in threads/comments/whatever.
But for Sup Forums, not for fucking reddit shit.

This is an imageboard. We use it to post images.

How do you imagine to solve the captchas

Every image has a link.

> wants to browse an imageboard in a text terminal

jew pass ofc

no js

Why would you need js in the first place? Everything can be written in bash anyway.

i-if you want you can use my bucci, user

You should just go with Usenet instead desu.
Or maybe something like nntpchan.
Because those at least separate the data from presentation, which is the only sane way to handle this. Having to scrape website and decompose the data yourself is n't worth the trouble.
Even telnet BBS would be better off, since you could typically use QWK program there to download messages for offline reading.

Links doesn't show catalog properly.

Nothing without javascript will, which is every way to browse from the terminal.

That's it. The birth of a new idea for a new program by Sup Forums.

First we need a logo.

if you just need it to be keyboard driven/low resource usage, you can use qutebrowser.
That is, as long as you use the old captcha and don't mind not being able to make threads. And the odd Qt lib crash from unmaintained code.

I'm in

Do this for a laff:

wget -q -O - 'boards.Sup' > test.html
nokogiri -e'puts'"'"'//blockquote//text()'"'"').map(&:text).delete_if{|x| x !~ /\w/}' test.html|grep -v '>>'|tr -s '> .' ' \n '|sort|uniq -c|sort -n -r|less


oh man, if the entire program doesn't exclusively use unix coreutils, it couldn't be a Sup Forums project.
I wonder if there's a GNU XML parser.

w3m with image support actually does pretty well on Sup Forums.

I'm down with that too.

This thread

I couldn't get piping to/from shell functions working in 5 minutes, so I ragequit.

You can do it in like 15 minutes with python and requests

Have I worshipped the wrong god ?

from what I've seen ruby's about the same

I would totally use a cli or tui Sup Forums browser, but getting images to work with an external program reliably and get captcha to work could be hard.

>what is Sup Forums api

How about you just use the internet like normal fucking person instead of trying to look like a 1337h4x0r?

i cant wait to hear whatever bullshit reason you all come up with to try and justify using a cli interface for a fucking imageboard


No I am with Core/GNU guy. It needs to happen.