Arch Linux is bleeding edge

>Arch Linux is bleeding edge
>Firefox 47
Wow archfags how do you defend this when even Debian and Gentoo has Firefox 48 now.

Other urls found in this thread:

>comparing instable repos on gentoo and debian with arch stable

Thank you. OP is a fag, as expected

Arch Linux is bleeding edge it should have the latest stable software as declared by upstream

It does have the latest. Did you read other comments?

Bro, I get all my software directly from Github. Come at me.

Ff is not on gh

Ff is for plebs.

It's either ff or botnet chrom(ium), so ff is the best

You missed the Epiphany masterrace.

No extensions

Any browser that doesn't have uBlock Origin can't be called master race.

>Needing extensions
Use ad filtering in your router's firmware, which should be DD-WRT.

Yeah confirmed autism.

I was Arch Linux IRC earlier and the Firefox maintainer said he was busy trying to fix his X11 environment first because updates broke it, FF48 should be in Arch testing by the weekend apparently.

logs or it didn't happen

>maintainer fixing x11 because updates broke it.
Arch in nutshell. You could at least not embarrass Arch and think of a better excuse

>I use Gentoo

>suicide watch.

>implying I should upgrade to testing just for firefox


enable repo != upgrading

Just extract the tarball anywhere and use that.