
7 and 8.1 are deprecated

All the spergs that are sticking with 7 or 8.1 BTFO


Thats if, fuck macroshaft im moving to Linux.

>it was FUD
How surprising!


Because you're using an outdated OS you dumb fuck


8.1 is 2 years old, why would they deprecate a product so quickly?

because they dont' want a Win XP repeat again.

is that windows vista

Create another beloved OS? That much is obvious.

It's hard to support an OS more than a decade old and keep it working with modern tech and exploits

Good thing they get paid to do it then.

so you're paying them a monthly fee?
for decades?


>OEMs don't pay for licenses
>users don't pay for licenses
>it's not $100+

1. How significant are these fixes? Are they worth caring about?
2. What about Haswell and older?

>implying I'm not running an underclocked c2d laptop that shut itself whenever I try to run Lightroom or MPC-HC

a one time fee, for over a decade of support.

>3 years is over a decade
Stop acting like Microsoft is generous for supporting their fucking product. They're doing it to suck money out of consumers, same as always.

Found the microshit shill

>implying that (((support))) even matters
Literally just botnet compatibility.

Who gives a shit about support.
There are still craptons of companies out there, that are running Win 98.

Your computer isn't going to suddenly stop working when they call it quits and stop bringing service packs to the customers.
Well unless Microshaft actually bricks your CPU if you have the wrong OS.
So it's business as usual, fuck them.

Only real effect people on this board are going to see, is that you're not able to update your Intel Iris HD6000 integrated GPU when the support stops.

>3 years
How fucking young are you? XP was supported for 12 fucking years

Enjoy paying hundreds of dollars for the rest of your lives for broken shit, proprietary cucks.



Good thing they'll do the same with 8, after proving, with XP, that it's financially viable.

Oh wait...


Fuck off already. If you're that desperate, just download and install the patches yourself, at your own risk that it doesn't fucking work.

But windows 10 is a botnet, mr. shill.


OEM's pay for licenses you cuck.

Read better.

Clearly referring to 8.1. How illiterate are you?

The entire post chain was about XP support

You are the illiterate one here.

Don't be mad, Pajeet. I understand you aren't getting paid well for your shilling, but no need to get angry here.

>8.1 is 2 years old, why would they deprecate a product so quickly?

Kill yourself.

Fuck off, shill.

This is the turning point I've been using Windows for as long as I can remember but I'll be fucking damned if I have to use Windows 10 Pajeet code OS

2017 is the year of the GNU/Linux desktop

Screenshot this

>that pic

Can't possibly be real

You don't need their support to run Win 7 on them. What support WIn 7 got for Haswell? None. Same for 8. Yet both OSes run perfectly on that architecture. It's just micro$oft spreading fud