Sup Forums tells me there's no good Android browser because they all have weaknesses

>Sup Forums tells me there's no good Android browser because they all have weaknesses
>inclined to agree because there's a fatal flaw in every browser I use on Android
>Firefox is slow, Chrome is spyware, and Lightning is buggy as fuck
>find pic related
>it's everything Sup Forums wants in a browser
>it's basically Chromium optimized for Snapdragon with adblocking and it is actually actively maintained and is running v52
>I have never been so happy to finally get a browser that actually works well

Thank fuck. I dropped Lightning and now I'm content.

If you can relate, behold our new God browser.

Other urls found in this thread:


that means sadness in serbian

why the fuck would I use browser called Sadness?

>Chrome is spyware
t. user of gmail, google, gmaps and youtube

You already posted this before.

please return to you third-world cave

I tried it but when i saw you couldn't copy adress, dropped it instantly. Now happy with lightning; what exactly makes it buggy as fuck?

>serbia is in Europe

just how bad is your americunt education? lmao

I tried whatever this browser was called a few years ago
it was unstable as fuck and couldn't sync with chrome
is it any better now and does it have extension support?

>implying all of europe is equal first world
>implying i'm murrican
please return to your third world cave


Great how about you link me to the source and a place to download it faggot.


but I never left my third world cave, we have better internet than you lmao

better internet than where exactly?

where ever the fuck you are, we're like sout korea of europe

Well fuck you found it.

yooo is that a pokeball :D

>can't find source code
yeah k fag

>le sebia third world

First learn to fucking spell. You're in Sup Forums and not in Sup Forums.

>another chromium fork
nah, also fuck webkit


Where do I find it?

In Portugal, Tuga is slang for Portuguese (language/people).

coming lad?

Well it crashs everytime

No it doesnt

Well it does on my phone

your phone is shit

So is yours

No you

Did you just admit being in Europe? Lmao

great fucking thread Sup Forums.


Is a browser make by Portugal developers? kek

just use adblock browser by rocket shield
it just werks

v52 is laggy shit compared to the m46 builds.

its also slang for a portuguese person.

More like North Korea.

Laughed more than I'd like to admit

I recognize that "shield"
That was the icon of npBroser, a browser that was also based on chromium, that's was also optimized for Qualcomm processors and that also included a built in adblock
It was pulled off xda because it was closed source and nobody trusted it
Not just that, but it also has the exact same bug with syncing your Google account with the browser
Instead of using your android Google account, it shows the "add account" screen, and if you input the account that you use on your phone it will just tell you that that account already exists
This smells very fishy

>Firefox is slow
Aurora fixes this.

>Closed source

God fucking damn it.

shut up, mass murdering piece of shit
no one legitimately wants you, nobody would miss you if a nuke dropped on your country. you ruin every land (muh bosnia muh albania its mine REEE) and people there wish to get to germany, austria and sweden because there's no future in your country.

>not icecat from f-droid
it's like you guys hate freedom

speed browser from xda is better for me.
tuga is just too bulky and my LG G3 is heating way too much running it. also, can't clean cache and history on exit. night mode is excellent though.

>found to triggered muslim bosniak
I cant wait the day I get to remove your kind again.

[pali traktor]


I just use Chrome. Yes, yes botnet meme etc, sold my soul to Google, all that. If I'm going to sites I don't trust I have Firefox with uBlock Origin.

portuguese, can confirm

Portugal, portuga, tuga.

Delete This!!!

You are the uneducated nigger here and is right, you are a thirld world cunt.
Please find a history book in your thirld world cave and educate yourself on what "thirld world" means.

speaking of education ... i wrote "tirld" with fucking "L" every single time lmao.

I wish there was a Chrome with an adblocker, I sold my soul Google too but I just can't digest ads
>inb4 AdAway
I really dislike having hueg blank gaps in every website

>Shit-talking Europe as if the US is any better