/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

proper op edition

Old thread: New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd
>Easy way to elite on What.cd = whatbetter+search 2016 flac albums on better.php

First for cuckold fetish

i like this one better

good op

Fuck off /r/trackers

no u fuck off faggot. nobody wants that ugly pink haired cunt in the op.

fuck off weeb

>tfw watching a comfy DON encode

>watching tv
lmao plebian as fuck

What's the best place for Japanese language ebooks?


it's a movie you fuck. are you retarded?

(wcd->ptp OR ptp) -> btn

AB -> WCD -> PTP -> BTN


when the pastebin says
>PTP is currently recruiting from Animebyt.es PU (6 months, PU)

Does that mean my account has to both be a power user AND 6 months or one or the other?



so I have to upload my own torrents to anime bytes? and 15 of them? why is that required? where tf am I going to get anime to upload that hasn't been uploaded already unless I intentionally upload a shittier version of one that's already available?



yes, if you don't like it gtfo, if you want to get into better trackers you will need to contribute to the community by uploading stuff.


just because of you I'm going to commit to this and then report every private tracker to the FBI/MPAA

good job, bud

Why can't you just contribute

do it then faggot

>Grab a torrent posted there
>copy/paste everything to anime bytes
>someone else was already doing this on a weekly basis for each new episode
>I just did it before they did so I get credit

is that really contributing?

>>someone else was already doing this on a weekly basis for each new episode
That's a bot dipshit


Many years from now, when all of your favorite private tracker sites are gone. Think back to this moment. My face will be the same as the pepe in the OP, gleeful knowing that private tracker dweebs on Sup Forums got BTFO.

I'll be waiting.

>That's a bot dipshit
Even less of a reason to contribute, then.

Many years from now, when you still won't have a HDB,PTP,BTN account you will realize you missed on the greatest filesharing communities to have ever existed.
You will think back to this moment and realize you have always been a pleb and that will never change.
Your face will be the usual cocksucker face you always had, and that too, will never change.

jesus fucking christ you cunts are lazy. stay the fuck out of the thread.

Unbelievable how in 2016 there's still people who don't want to contribute to pvt. trackers and yet still believe they have the right to an account.
You do realize the reason why these trackers are so good is because people actually contribute to the sites by seeding and uploading??
If you just wanna download shit and fuck off then go back to whatever public shithole you came from, or stick to usenet (still pleb)

Prepare to get BTFO when the time comes.

Hey I download and seed. I just don't create the torrents myself because those websites are where I get the content in the first place you retard.

Even when that time comes, and it will come cause nothing lasts forever, I will be happy to have been a part of it all.
I will have no regrets and just happy memories, oh and a many many TBs of media that I will still enjoy.
You, on the other hand, will still be on the internet talking shit about stuff you have no clue about because you're too stupid/lazy to enjoy the blessing that are pvt. trackers.

everything comes from somewhere. where the fuck do you think they got them from

hey that's cool I guess but you should just realize that downloading/seeding will only get you so far.
All the best pvt. trackers require some higher level of commitment (as they should), which usually involves having to upload stuff.
It doesn't even mean you have to create the content yourself. Uploading is easy if you know what you're doing, and if you don't... well then you don't deserve to be at the top of the /pyramid/


>cuck the post


>All the best pvt. trackers require some higher level of commitment (as they should), which usually involves having to upload stuff.

No they don't.

Having trouble understanding autodl-irssi.

Will this work for the irc connection?

whay do you mean

prepare to get BTFO

what the fuck, it says duplicate image when I try to upload picture.

Anyways, here's a new pic of the same shit.

here's the rest.

Anyone have any ideas?

yeah okay. I just looked up what Chad and Stacy meant.
>fin bro here
yeah I got some creature triggered because I don't know about pokamon. Now that I'm single, this bae was, whom I thought was too fine to be playing this game, was playing pokamon. so I played it. asked some fuck what evolves into a chansey cos I was finna catch pokamons. ehh that shit's gay af,albeit profitable akbar

so I'm back to this rpg

I know I can get in by typing /join #what.cd-announce, but I need this entire process to be automated.

>same nigger
I have >20 TB buffers on AHD HDB and PTP. I'm moving to a more poppin apartment in Chelsea due to my new job. Do I need to seed anymore? Just log in once in a while?

is Empornium invite under lock and key or can you guys give one?

mRatio or Ratio Ghost?

fuck off Sup Forums

mRatio. Don't use it on big trackers to cheat ratio. You can however use it to get massive amounts of BP like I do.

I'm not a retard who will seed 1 mb every second, I'll seed 30~ kb/s on torrents with many seeders and shit, would that get me caught on PTP?

Cheating will get you caught m8, It does not matter what speeds you put it at.

eventually you will get caught. specially on cabal trackers

Lmao, yes. Where does that 'data' go?

>log into email that I use for PT
>There is some suspicious activity with this account. Please provide a phone number to verify your identity

Welp, guess I can kiss my PTP, BTN, and HDB accounts good bye.

I had a 128 character password too

>why is that required?
>he thought he could get good invites without doing nothing

i dont get it...why bother with private trackers when you are forced to seed or newsgroups where you have to pay and 90% of the shit is missing blocks, when you have and always will have IRC ?

lmao enjoy your ux from the fucking 80s

does no one really have thoughts on pedros currently?

>he doesn't have access to good nzb indexers with obfuscated pw protected files or private trackers
kek :^)

Basically want to join HDB just for DON. Do they do every big movie?

for big movies it's always a lottery draw..

so, basically because memes.

>le meem excuse

Never change, /ptg/. Never change.


Be nicer, please?

haha wow



>tfw you are on all the private trackers you want and you're watching normie pleb faggots scramble to find another honeypot to use

>friend invites me to IPT
>almost every movie, tv show and game is freeleech
>every torrent can max out my 200 Mbps connection

fuck you Sup Forums for always telling me to stay away from IPT, this is the best pirating i have ever had in years


Nah, their encodes are shit, bro.
You can't actually see how shitty it is until you actually get on a good tracker.

it has the same scene encodes like almost all other trackers

donate to ipt. show some appreciation


But not the P2P encodes.
Even curry HD trackers have better content.

>download 20gb movie
>streaming from my raspberry pi
>data can't transfer quickly enough so it buffers every few minutes

>not setting up your old asus dark knight router as a media bridge to the pi and getting full network speeds

How does that work? Can you elaborate please?

>your old asus dark knight router
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll just get it out from the place I was storing it.

>using wifi

>not having the money to buy a good router

The router isn't in my bedroom.

Jokes on you the bitrate has fallen so it hasn't been buffering for a while

good encode m8, must be of impeccable yiffi quality

It's CtrlHD.
The transfer speed was nearly good enough before and the slight drop makes it work.

Shit encodes

just let it download m8

if it's from the HDbits CtrlHD member not really

If I wait it only buffers 10 seconds + 73MB.
I'm too far into the film to watch it another time.

yeah because you have no time to waste, right..

>How do I get into Animebytes?

>They recruit from WCD.

Does that mean I have to go to their IRC and tell them I have a WCD account?

>CtrlHD is a group, not a single guy
>confirmed for not being on HDB

yeah it's a group, since there are also non-internal ctrlhd releases on hdbits

What do you mean?

Get to Power User on what.cd and message the recruiter in the invite forum.

yeah join the main channel and just paste image of your wcd profle, they'll pick you up from there :^)