Why is Windows font rendering so bad?
Microshaft spent like 90% of their budget on aesthetics and this is what we get? Why can't Microsoft be more like Apple?
Why is Windows font rendering so bad?
Microshaft spent like 90% of their budget on aesthetics and this is what we get? Why can't Microsoft be more like Apple?
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>Microshaft spent like 90% of their budget on aesthetics
And you can't even change fonts
>font rendering
Seriously? Looks fine to me. You autists are really insane.
Stupid bastards, they've had it once.
I heard M$ replaced everyone with H1B workers after Win7, and that's why everything subsequently has been utter garbage.
Win10 doesn't even make sense design wise, the whole thing is like a nightmare linux skin.
MS is literally lead by a pajeet now.
Doesn't work anymore.
They gave up on making nice fonts, now they're just waiting until high PPI screens become standard and the problem solves itself.
they ripped this off from NeXTSTEP
It does, you just have to download a patch for it.
>Why is Windows font rendering so bad?
Xbox One uses Windows and has good font rendering
not even >>Sup Forums is enough for you fuck
>hurr durr Windows 10 font rendering so bad
>Posts shitty resized screenshot
Why are you suck a fucking useless shitstain retard?
Actually, with the anniversary update, I think Windows 10 is the best looking OS out there.
>Nice black transparent taskbar
>Settings and other menus are now white instead of that off-colored gray
>Transparency is nice without looking like shit like Aero/Glass did.
It honestly bests Apple in all areas besides font rendering. Apple's design looks like it's made for a child. It's more consistent, but it's consistently bad.
>INB4 "l-le bing points have been deposited in your account xDDDD" meme
>He didn't get the annivesary update
Now that's why you're so mad :^)
Nah dude, you're just retarded. Windows has the worst don't rendering of any OS.
If you're not blind you can clearly see the difference.
Oops meant low DPI, not resized. Windows 10 font rendering is optimized for high DPI as you can see here.
BTW, the reason for "metro" fonts being shit is that ClearType is disabled.
And the official explanation for it being disabled is that when you rotate a screen (like a tablet) ClearType doesn't work.
Inside 3rd party programs the fonts should still look somewhat decent, even on W10. But obviously not as good as on OSX, except for very small text, which IMO is easier to read on Windows.
>even mentioning wincuck 10
>telling it's the best looking os
>using flat as an advantage
That image has to be from the stone ages of the internet.
No lad, they have a LONG way to go before even being comparable to fucking elementary OS at this point.
They literally had the transparent meme before OS X, they threw it away in exchange of a flat boring meme. They literally had a phenomenal start menu, threw that away too. They had a functional search, again threw that away.
Literally the only fucking improvement win 10 brings, is task manager design. Everything else is a step backwards.
No accounting for shit taste I guess.
ClearText sucks fucking dick.
I'd suck your fucking dick, big man.
Elementary is literally OS X cloned. It's not even usable.
Aero/Glass was ugly, it was ugly back in 2009, it's ugly now. I don't need my titlebars to be transparent. The new notifications menu, the taskbar, the startmenu sure, those are fine with transparency. Windows title bars though? No. What's the point? It doesn't look good, nor is it going to match most apps (Programs for the triggered).
OS X is literally copied all over the Linux world because it makes you look like a normie when you're a complete aspie. The OS design looks nice, but it also looks like someone who sits in a coffee shop all day would enjoy.
Windows 10 looks professional, it it looks like something someone who's about to do a presentation for would use, but at the same time some NEET in his mother's basement can enjoy the same aesthetics while he plays his shovelware games and watches little girl cartoons.
ClearType is simply better for standard PPI screens.
>implying win 8 looks good
>Windows 10 looks professional
W10 looks like some amateur shit made in a hurry.
The only "professional" looking Windows theme is the classic theme.
ok, it's very clear you're just trying to b8 so here's a free and last (you)
>M-My Onyx theme looks way more professional
It's a shame Unix cucks will never be able to enjoy a professional-looking OS with all the features their precious OS X has and Linux will never have.
It feels bretty good.
>Windows 10 is the best looking OS out there
kys asap
What's so bad about it? Do you even have an argument?
Yeah I bet you would, pretty boy.
Might as well put on a skirt while you're at it.
There's a patch, go look up for it. There's also new beta from other developer.
Are you 12 or something? Not showing the good sides of your theme but throwing shit to ours? Sure. Let's have it your way. Enjoy your eye strains, sleepless nights, "professional" looking software. I'm fine with my Onyx eye-friendly theme.
Looks fine to me.
Guess I'm just not autistic enough to notice anything wrong.
>Eye strain
Install Mactype, ez
How would you improve Windows fonts without buying a high PPI monitor or installing potential malicious third-party Japenese botnet programs like Mactype?
A-Asking for a friend~
The autists think that adjusting type pixel output to the display technology is incorrect. These idiots probably think ink traps are too a wrong thing.
Install Gentoo
thats ugly as fuck, like turning RGB subpixel rendering on default fedora install.
if you compare it to windows 7, for example, look how verdana looked (without that stupid fucking cleartype fiasco) and compare it to how verdana looks now in win 8, 10
there's some sort of forced anti aliasing that makes most fonts look like shit and you cannot turn it off, not to mention you cannot even change fonts nowadays
The indians are not accustomed to smooth bowel movements nor smooth font rendering.
It fucks up the fonts. Makes them look thin and weird. The presentation of the fonts on the screen is not how they were designed, and looks very different from how the same fonts look when printed. It also produces some kind of bizzarre artifacting looking shit around the text.
Windows is so fucking ugly.
>Linuxtard complaining about font rendering
>from how the same fonts look when printed
Fonts for print and fonts for screen are different. It's a totally incorrect comparison.
>Big icons
>Big fonts
>Big buttons
>Goofy cartoonish icons
>Bright, colorful icons on a depressingly grey theme
It's like an OS designed for an autistic child.
>he doesn't know about infinality
And I use San Francisco as my main font too
Does this trigger you?
>""""Religion""" is a system preference
What ? Nowhere in that picture does it say religion.
It says "region" you fucking dumbass.
Did you know you can actually configure it to your tastes?
Agreed it should be 100% text for serious users such as ourselves xP
Cleartype doesn't affect modern apps (including start menu, settings, etc, etc).
This is why fonts look so shitty in 8 and 10 compared to Win7. ClearType doesn't work well on GPU accel and not at all on rotating screens (phones, tablets) so MS has all non-win32 use greyscale hinting.
It looks a little better than a few years ago so they made some progress but it's still cancer on normal dpi screens.
mactype works to get rid of godawful macroshaft fonts
Does gdipp work on w10?
No idea but even if it did AFIAK none of these 3rd party font renders can actually affect UWP apps, which makes them kinda useless.
The way I understand it, Windows messes with the font to make it more readable while OSX tries to preserve the font design above anything else. The OSX way is superior on high DPI screens, while the Windows way is better with low DPI screens.
I have no idea what Linux does.
>implying there's a difference
So that's why the retarded literally 3D buttons in the new control panel look almost unreadably ugly?
>I have no idea what Linux does.
the earlier Mac OS X versions were better
they were skeuomorphic instead of the shit we get now
>Microshaft spent like 90% of their budget on aesthetics
If they spent ANYTHING on aesthetic:
1. Their UI wouldn't be a frankenstein mix of multiple OS's.
2. They would have had an OS that can detect the device using it, the format of the device, and then automatically enable or disable Metro cancer and apply the respective desktop/laptop/tablet/smartphone UI correspondingly.
Guess Steve Jobs was autistic, then.
>le natural cancer treatments
Yeah, you bet he was a fucking autist
Probably a virus but github.com
Dude walked barefoot and washed his feet in toilet-bowls.
You think?
Linux does whatever you want it to.
I think Ubuntu defaults to a compromise between OSX and Windows.
Looks the best imo.
what anime is that
Nah he was a sociopath
Show me exactly what is wrong with it.
The font rendering literally looks completely fine to any normal person.
You've got to have some autistic OCD to even notice anything.
why does everyone praise os x font rendering? i have tried os x before and fonts were blurry mess
Sansha Sanyou
Sonobe a cute! CUTE!
>fonts were blurry mess
It was good until recently, now it is blurry af.
I have replaced all usage of fonts with icons and i am much happier for it
I think MS font rendering is the best. Maybe you need to tweak display settings? I have sharpness at 3/5 but change it to 2/5 on Fedora.
Unity has the best font rendering and scaling.
Makes u think
>being this underage
>confusing computers and the internet
Err...is there anyone who's used this?
Also, where's the other beta?
I did it and it removed anti-aliasing from all the fucking text of the os and i had to reinstall the os