Explain why the fuck you still don't know how to use vim

Explain why the fuck you still don't know how to use vim.

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I'm trying OP.

I've done the vimtutor like 5 times, but it's hard to git gud..

Vimtutor means nothing if you don't actually use vim to edit things.

Why should I use it instead of notepad++?
inb4: implying hjkl faster than mouse

How do I start?

I've heard of nerdtree, is there anything else I need to actually get productive with vim?

because I know Emacs

>Why should I use it instead of notepad++?

If you don't work on linux I guess there is little point.

Unless you edit text A LOT and want to be as comfy as possible.

>hjkl faster than mouse
It is but not in a vacuum. Keyboard is always better than mouse, but only if you really utilize it. hjkl will not make you faster by itself, especially considering it's one of the least powerful normal mode commands.

Eh, if that's what you are into, I guess. But what's much better are fuzzy searchers like Ctrl-P, FZF, or Unite.

>actually productive
Depend on what the fuck you are doing.

If you use git you need git plugins - fugitive and maybe Gitv.

If you write latex you might want something like LaTeX-Box or many others.

if you want completion you should go for something like neocomplete or deoplete or whatever youcompleteme.

If you write code you should just search for what will add what you need.

I'm fairly happy with gedit.

Vim's power isn't hjkl, it's text objects.

Deleting Inside Braces: di}
Change Around Parenthesis: ci)newtexthere
Change Surrounding Parenthesis to Quotes: cs)"
Add Surrounding Braces to Until the character A: ysta}
Delete until the next matching pattern: d/faggot

And many more you can add with plugins.

if nvi had visual mode it would be my favorite vi clone

that sounds like a good project to take on

Just learned shift a is append yesterday.

Is visual studio any good? especially if it's free?

>doing our daily agile meeting
>people are talking about how hard a ticket is to do because they have to scrounge the entire code
>while they're talking
:vimgrep /pattern/ our/project/**/*.js
:QFGrep constraint
]qq999@q>hey guys I'm done
>our member who doesn't even know how to use sublime properly is constantly butthurt about text editors
>he's getting let go after the end of this month and I'm getting a promotion, he doesn't know

Oh god this hits too close to home.

So many times during groomings I've had to argue with people that consider "searching a lot of text files" incredibly complex.

Yes, fucking running ag with the right pattern is fucking complex you fucking retards.

Jesus christ I hate grooming with incompetent engineers.

Okay... deep breaths... this is my weekend....

I don't want to use a Esc simulator


Because it's [currentYear]

if i wanted to be a fat NEET who is a basement dweller at MIT I would use emacs over vim. vim is good for nothing except a last resort on a machine or vm without anything else

I went with a simple example, but even decent to good engineers on my team have made the same mistake, only with something that can be done with macros instead of search and replace.

I use vim at work, and nothing else. It's wonderful.


When I watch other people edit code it's like I've put world on 0.25 speed or something. It's infuriating.

I'm also working on releasing a neovim distribution in our internal company packaging system to spread the goodness.

Does emacs have vim's list system? I don't think I could live without that.

neomake makes my editing a fucking dream

I learned Emacs and never bothered learning Vi because it seemes stupid

Because VS work out of the box.

start by installing a plugin manager.

It would be stupid for you to learn both, but that doesn't make it stupid to learn one instead of the other.

Don't use nerdtree, use neovim-vifm and Ctrl-P

Not really, I prefer Emacs but Vi's the one that shows up on pretty much every *nix system

>Jesus christ I hate grooming with incompetent engineers.
You tell me.
>on meeting for new project
>>and now, in this new project, everyone is gonna use git, I know most of you've never used it, but it's not that hard
>>so everyone please install smartgit
>not even a week and everyone is fucking mad because smartgit's magic breaks and they have no idea what they are doing

Then setep up motherfucker.

Organize a git lecture/workshop for your coworkers. Lessen your rage at their incompetence and shine in the eyes of the managers.


I may be only slightly drunk.

bc i use nano instead

This picture implies that pico and notepad are tge hardest ones, and that when you turn on vim, you magically learn everything in an instant.

I just want a simple autocomplete that works ou of the box like in Sublime and Atom.
Is there something like this for vim?

>everyone at my work uses gitkraken
>show them how fugitive and gitv deal with that
>I-I don't have the time to learn all that!
>spend the rest of the day solving their easy problem

don't use vi but now this is damn good reason to learn. thanks user I'm still in school but had similar editing/grooming in group projects where i find the thing while they're talking about the difficulty of finding it

Like any developer who doesn't have a strong enough interest to actually learn tools does anything but glaze over when someone competent shares an idea.

Maybe you could do one of those streamlined presentations that trendy circle jerk conferences have that are extremely shallow and make shitty developers feel good about themselves. The one with a terminal colorscheme and a text editor embedded right in the presentation. You could wear your company's official t-shirt and spend longer hyping up your ideas and telling stories than actually covering your material. They'd pick up maybe one command and never bother to actually dig deeper and use it properly.

>me UK, me use stone to smash bug

I use the snuggly, warm, and overall comfy feeling that vim gives me to find and fix bugs.

No problem. The plugins used were fugitive, qfgrep, and vim-unimpaired.
And half the time they don't even actually solve their problem.

If you are shit at teaching people, sure.

Jesus, what a pessimist. Fuck me.

That's very true. My regular approach is to take problems to my lead developer so he can share things with the team. He's an incredibly liked people person who is good at teaching. They still don't bother to listen to him.
Being good at teaching things is not part of my job description.
Being able to teach yourself things is essential for any good developer.

Too busy using spacemacs tb.h

:tabe to make tabs. bind a key to :tabnext and :tabprev, for instance leader + g/h

>I'm incapable of rebinding a key.

Wow user, I'm sad to hear that.

HAH, no. Tabs are only for when you want to preserve a view. Using buffers properly is much more efficient.

Yes. Vim has ctrl+N for auto complete out of the box.

neovim + deoplete
also vim has line completion (C-x, l)

I dunno, I use buffers with spacemacs now, but I still feel the urge to go back to tabs. tabs become a clusterfuck with large source trees, but for when you have a few files I find the very useful

cause I'm not a contrarian hipster faggot
>le I remember 100 shortcuts to do the most trivial tasks I'm such a skilled computer guy xD

Don't feed the troll

>I have le memorized 100 asinine buttons in eclips xD

because I use nano

>git checkout apparently has more than 4 uses
>use git checkout --force
>wipe out the entire commit history

because I use Xcode

>he actually has to fucking LEARN his editor
do you know how absurd you sound?

If you grandfathered in your vi knowledge just use Sublime.
>terminal master race
Kill yourself faggot. Any significant edits that require vim can be done in a guide more efficiently and then transferred over.

That have corresponding gui drop down menus


top kek

And the key commands have corresponding mnemonics.

Learning is only an argument when the knowledge is fucking useful.

You probably advocate medieval female studies too

Confirmed for subhuman mouse-pleb. Enjoy being fired at age 40 and blaming "ageism," when in reality it's your total lack of competency at getting things done in a timely fashion because you spend over half your day hunting and pecking with your optical appendage.

>top kek

Jesus. There's a reason why people like you are unemployed.

>aktchually I work at Google inb4

I'm a developer. I'll be editing text for 8 hours a day for the rest of my life. Learning an editor that is fucking build for refactoring and with incredibly git integration is useful.

>he disagrees with me, clearly he's unemployed

>unfit plebe ejected
>vim master promoted
Kek is a just god. May his blessings follow you all of your days anonkun.

I don't "edit" fucking "text" daily so I won't benefit from it. No, a programmer doesn't need to spew a lot of text, fast. Maybe Indians do. Or if your language is a boilerplate hell, but you're better using an IDE in that case. Thinking is always the longest part.

>le unemployment accusation
>defending sublime plebs

>I have never worked in a team or on a deadline

because emacs is better

t. user

>still using a keyboard

Tragic, m'goodsir. I inform you that i edit my files phisically on the hard drive with the edgyness of my katana

I don't feel limited by my current editors and I go through *nix boxes pretty frequently (but inconsistently) so it doesn't feel justifiable to spend any time getting used to something I might not be using again for another month or two when what I have now is just fine and worked into muscle memory.

I know how to use vim, but it is so inefficient compared to my previous editor, so I didn't switch it out as my primary.
I edit a lot of text files, so I don't want to use something that slows me down.

>being mentally challenged
OP, you don't know how graphs work do you?

Do you know how jokes work?

Just keep using it. Hell yes, it's awkward as fuck at first, having to switch between modes, and getting used to navigating with hjkl and such, but after a while you start to get faster and faster...

When I'm not using Emacs, I'm using mg. When I'm on a dumb terminal, I'm using ed. Fuck vim.

I've started actually using vim at work and it's slowly sinking in. I'm finding myself using motion keys more and more as opposed to the arrow keys.

>do you know how autism works?


Just w/W and b/B is enough to make you more comfy with just moving.

But really, what truly makes a difference in vim is always going back to normal mode.

Also, vim-hardtime were invented to limit your overuse of hjkl which is also a bit part of the battle.

>Notepad: No learning needed
>Pico: A bit learning needed, get's a little harder at the end
>VS: Starts easy, gets hard a shit, then gets easier again.
>vi: hard as shit forever. you never learn it
>emacs: fuck this

Notepad wins


Don't blame the software for your incompetence.

What about the benefits?

Everyones talking about whats easiest but why actually bother to learn some of the harder ones?

>vim suddenly just jumps and stays there
that chart is retarded, the tweaking fucking never ever ends

I'd rather learn a new language than learn how to use an ancient text editor. Vim's shortcuts also seem really stupid to me. 'w' to move forward a word makes sense, but why the fuck would 'b' go backward? Why not spread the keys out as much as possible?

>auto complete
>Yes, just press a button

Because I use vi instead.

Why not just use nvi?

I use it for work. It peaked in 2008. Versions 2012 and later were offshored and are unsalvageable buggy messes. It is better than eclipse but worse than idea.

Fuck base vim for anything other than quick editing of config files, hop over to Emacs and install Spacemacs.

>spreading the semacs cancer
Richard pls go.

>Organize a git lecture/workshop for your coworkers
doesn't git have an online tutorial, fucktons of tutorials on how to do X in the internet and is actually easy to use ?

This can easily be done in linux command line without vim? Your point is kinda moot b/c grep and sed


>is actually easy to use
git is only easy to use if you learn how it works, which is much too hard for the average web dev who doesn't even know about pointers.

long time vim user here

Emacs is better. Make the switch. Don't be scared.

because nano is better

Look into Spacemacs, it's essentially Emacs made to act like Vim, but you still get to write your own plugins in a language that's not braindamaged

Enjoying your slow as shit terminal emulator?

Because I'm not a retarded 13 year old who thinks text editors are a cool thing to argue about.

Learn to use a String Manipulation Oriented Language or a Line Editor, OP.


Sounds like bullshit. I know Emacs is default on basically everything. Even the locked down proprietary shitware that is MacOS.

Then again, they're both stupid and you should just learn Ed or Dy.