Install Linux mint on my laptop

>install Linux mint on my laptop
>desktop icons don't like up
>wallpaper resets itself to the default Linux mint wallpaper every time it crashes
>crashes at least once a week
>have to manually mount every new usb flash drive manually through CLI the first time I plug them in
>have to type in username an password each time I boot up
>root password is same as login password
>su stopped recognising my password after 2 weeks, now I have to sudo su each time
>Wi-Fi drops out after ~15 minutes of use

Sup Forums recommended Linux mint to me a month ago and I'm regretting it. Thinking of giving Linux a second chance thanks to the large variety of options I get with it.

Is there any distro that isn't a fuck up or should I go back to windows 7?

What are some easy, beginner friendly distros?
I'm not afraid of terminal and cli, but I don't want to be forced to use it for basic functionality like mounting usb flash drives.

Here's proof that I've been using mint.
>inb4 pic instead of screenshot
No wifi where I am and I can't be fucked mounting my phone to it to upload a screenshot.

sudo apt install xfce

I'm not using mint any longer than possible, please recommend a distro instead of a de.

I had similar issues with Manjaro. I actually haven't experienced any nuisances on Arch, which you can install easily now with arch-anywhere.

Try Xubuntu.

You should install Manjaro. It works better than Linux Mint at least on my laptop.

For some reason, Manjaro crashes every time I suspend it.

clean your fucking laptop you disgusting slob

>have to manually mount every new usb flash drive manually through CLI the first time I plug them in
>Have to manually plug in a USB flash drive

How do you plug in a Flash drive other than manually picking it up and putting it in? Is there some kind of Linux flash drive changing machine you get? Is it free?

Please clean your laptop, also go install ubuntu mate.

debian, because ubuntu and it's derivates (like mint) are basically debian unstable with added bugs.
just make sure you get the install iso with included non-free firmware, especially for a laptop

Fedora just works, dude. Install that and don't look back.

Also, and . Clean your fucking laptop, dude. For fucks sake.

This is now a Sup Forums horror thread.

How does a laptop even get this filthy? What's that shit all over the bottom bezel? Did you rub donut glaze on it?



Your pic looked like a sand covered ancient city at first.


I would suggest trying Antergos. It has 6 desktop environments to choose from and it's the distro that made me stop distro hopping.


What is this?



That's what I thought as well. Gross but it also looks pretty neat.




>is it free?



I'm all out. If some kind user would continue this work, that'd be great.

>being filthy

anyways, install Ubuntu

Seconded. My wifi works perfectly in ubuntu. Didn't in mint.

Debian worked fine for me for a long time, but the last time I used fedora it was pretty nice aswell.
I always took Xfce or KDE, both worked fine for me.


Mint is a sinking ship, stick with Ubuntu or one of it's official variations.

Clean your laptop reeeeeeeee

Huh, no shit user, since when? Never bothered with it, so I wouldn't know.

If mint is based on Ubuntu, why is it so bad compared to Ubuntu?

I tried mint 17.1 and had the same usb issue as op, as well as it crashing more than any os should.

Currently on Ubuntu mate 16.04 and it's working great for me

install pcmanfm - it will mount your drives and show desktop icons
install tlp - which on ubuntu will pull the wifi gui as well
openbox is the best normie wm

Install the recent ubantu, it just werks

Microsoft, you sure are desperate.

Look, just accept your demise. Leave now instead of fighting it. Everyone will understand. You get to keep your fortune instead of frittering it away on trying to keep your sinking ship afloat.

Just die. It's okay. Only dreams now.

Well user, I would strongly recommend Arch. And not in a meme way. It takes up very little space under 2Gb with only essentials and you are free to choose whatever desktop you like. I'm really enjoying this bloat free software desu. Most things work without complaining and if ita broken I can just get something else.

>op is asking for Linux distro suggestions
>must be a Microsoft shill
Your logic is incredible.

>he fell for the Linux mint meme

u retarded m8

Just go with Fedora or Ubuntu, Debian Mint is pretty good, or at least it was in 2014.