ITT: We try to trigger Sup Forums's autism

ITT: We try to trigger Sup Forums's autism

I'll start

>I use botnet 10 (education edition)
>I program in Java
>I like vlc better than mpv
>I also use cloud storage services

fight me.

Pajeet go home

femanon here

and yes, i'm an engineer

What does an interaction engineer do?

Rust is a better language than C++ and useful for real work no matter how many SJWs work on the compiler

>vlc better than mpv

Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind?

She's a female

"interaction engineer"
God I'm a fucking cake engineer and I didn't know it. Anything is engineering nowadays..

Look at these fine Sandwich Engineer.

>they got promoted from Sandwich Artist last week

Genie/Vala is pretty cool too.

Wow, I'll make sure to ask for the project manager next time to get a time evaluation for the process.

What's the best external cooler for my $5000 MSI?

It overheats when I play League of Legends for more than an hour.

I have an excel document protected with a weak password on my dropbox. This document contains all of my account details, including usernames and passwords.

My phone has no screen lock security, not even pattern.

I use windows ten home edition and haven't really bothered disabling telemetry, apart from as much as I can in settings.

I play video games.

I have a stock CPU cooler and have never wanted to change it.

I use piratebay for all my torrents and never seed.

Do you have a daughter?

> implying vlc isn't better than mpv
> baiting this transparently

0/10 only replying to tell you to try harder next time.

Jesus Christ that really triggered me


>Dyed hair
>Problem glasses
Every fucking time

3 4

>I'm a regular programmer who doesn't have a massive hardon for a specific OS, text editor or language
>I'd rather spend time on my projects than ricing my OS

Im unironically posting from a alienware notebook

I hate people who tries to make people with zero technical knowledge build their own computer

>it's so easy!
>it's much cheaper!

So is building your own fucking car, but I don't have the knowledge nor the interest - So why the fuck should I care?

literately nothing wrong with any of those things

>I use Winshit 10, Vista and XP unironically
>My *nix daily drivers are proprietary SysVs and *BSDs, and I avoid anything associated with GNU like the plague
>I use prebuilt workstations and haven't built a PC since 2008 because I find modern whitebox hardware ugly and tasteless
>I have a bookshelf of ThinkPads but regularly shit on them whenever they are mentioned on Sup Forums
>I use streaming services for music and TV shows/movies
>I think AMD was always mediocre even in the K8 days unless you were a gaymer on a budget
>I think RISC is shit and Sup Forums only likes it because of nostalgic delusion and brand worship

>Lmao I'm gonna post about my pleb choices, Sup Forums's gonna freak out!
We're all super mad, sweetie. Reeee or whatever.

Uh who even disagreed? Rust is stupendous.

People shit talk Rust all the damn time

"muh SJWs" is the #1 complaint about it

Richard Stallman is a hack and a buffon. He literally copied and pasted UNIX and called what resulted GNU. Fuck that toe-cheese-eating assburger.

Use Windows 10 unironically
Program exclusively in C# and other .NET languages
like iTunes and WMP

Fuck you.

I install proprietary software on Trisquel.

I use the Windows Classic theme

i think gimp is better than photoshop


- I really like the JVM, and Java is pretty cool too
- Kotlin looks really promising
- I think C++ is only good for programming videogames
- JS is the best language because it has an easily understandable AST, a good community, and strong tooling
- Golang is a bad language that could of been really good if it weren't for Rob Pike
- Scala is a bad language that could of been really good if it weren't for it's autistic community
- Google and Apple hardly do anything interesting anymore
- Facebook and Microsoft are starting to do really cool stuff
- Win10 is a great platform, Microsoft seems to have pulled their head of their asses in a lot of parts.

Oh I forgot
- Python and Ruby are shitty languages. Both of them are slowing evolving into Perl/PHP tier languages.
- Also, fucking GIL. Who thought that was a good idea?


Python is starting to go down a path towards static typing and native compilation. But it's moving that way so slowly I don't think any of us will live to see it get there.

>Wtf is mpv?

american education folks

>>I use botnet 10 (education edition)
me too. whats different except the watermark?

run sudo emerge --ask mpv and find out user :^)

but i do like vlc more than mpv

I have an Intelligence Quotient of 165 and use Windows 7 64 Bit Ultimate as my daily driver.

I use OS X Mavericks
I code in JavaScript
My text editor is Sublime Text
I use Node.js

>Problem glasses
holy shit it's true

where are her eyebrows

sounds like you have a thing for burgers




>I'm a fucking cake engineer
You've found your home here.

Women have this habit of shaving her eyebrows then painting it back. She could have forgotten to paint it back.

Vlc has more features m8
No visual artifacts here so no reason to switch

those brows are in orbit. she engineered them that way.

>Bought lenovo t420 for 300€
>installed 12GiB of ram on it and 1TB SSD
>installed cracked win10 on it

Living the life

Still the best feature of windows 10 is GNU software emulation
How does this make you feel paj?