Why basically all Linux users and developers are male? Even the Telegram channel of a popular novice distro I joined just had 100+ men sitting there.
Why aren't there more female Linux users?
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Autism is most common in males
It's much more difficult for a female to become a lonely failure.
I don't understand this push for women to get into CompSci
why are we trying to get them into a field they aren't interested in to begin with?
and of all fields, why that one?
I've met multiple women in high positions (doctors, board heads, etc), so its fucking bullshit that there is still a glass ceiling or sexism preventing from advancement
Please delete this 6
No material design in Linux distributions. Icons for them aren't appealing to normies in the least. If I were show my gf the gnu Ox thing she would say it looks ugly, if I showed her Sweaty Balls Stallman she'd say that he's ugly and fat. NOTHING about Linux is, nor will be appealing to women.
What about Deepin? It looks as good as macOS.
I convinced my sister to buy a thinkpad and install Linux
>Icons for them aren't appealing to normies in the least
Kill yourself normalfag
Linux users aren't born, they are made.. generally they are molded from tech-patient techies that don't mind feeling stupid for the first while.
As it turns out, the females are simply harder to make... and males weren't simple to make in the first place.. Also in many places of the world, the parts are simply rarer (there are fewer female techies in the first place, don't ask me why).
But by all means, make as many as you can! And if you discover a simple way to mass-produce, please open source the schematics. I am sure many would like to replicate your success.
The world would be an awesome place with more female Linux users.
Almost every girl I know uses Linux daily, some use some other UNIX related OS thought.
>What is equality
The goal is to make everything "equal" and in favor of women. It's a childish ideology for spoiled fags who have never learned that life is not fair.
>Android and iOS
Because women are borderline retards compared to men.
All they care about is looking pretty to attract meathead chad & Co.
Don't know who the fuck you have been dating
>Who art thou who is so wise in the proverbial cauldron of "Linux"?
I agree.
You know how it goes.
the person who inspired me to switch to linux was a woman how about that
as a matter of fact i know more women using linux than men but then again i live in a shithole
Because females are fucking dumb.
They're busy using their vaginas to lie to and manipulate weak males for money.
They expect things to be handed to them, not to have to work for them.
It's easier to complain about inequality than it is to actually dive into gnu-Linux and make a difference.
Females don't care about freedom of speech, privacy, self defense, etc.
They rely on other people to protect them and therefore have no interest in freedoms, only security, and only when it's provided for them.
Females are cancer.
Equality is a false god.
It's never actually about equality.
It's just a ploy for the Jews to ruin everything.
More so that female lonely failures are unlikely to learn about Linux and more likely to read yaoi and make angry tumblr posts on their macs.
You need to get laid friendo
>lol u get no pussy
That's a female tactic right there.
Fuck off, I don't want it.
more into getting butt raped. got it.
>measures success by how cucked he is by females
all hail king user here
>Why basically all Linux users and developers are male?
Why basically all Linux users and developers are AUTISTIC?
Fixed that for you
Oh man, I miss Snacks
Cucks arent getting laid. I am. You are not.
Who is cuck?
Turn the computer off, it was just a joke about how unfun and pent up you seem.
Peace to you, hope things work out for you
What the fuck are you talking about? He said you should get laid.
Brand is very important to normies as a status symbol. That distribution looks quite sleek but they would most likely view it as a cheap copycat.
because woman are literally children.even in their 30s their whole life they never grow up mentally they always stay a children.
females can't into difficult problem solving
ya no
>don't mind feeling stupid for the first while
An if you apply that to all your life. Magic
>Females don't care about freedom of speech, privacy, self defense, etc.
Not ALL but ALOT
lonely men make things, writing software for example. lonely females just write their thoughts on things
hey dude, we shouldn't have to change anything about linux to attract women. if they weren't bullies they would accept it how it is. this is what a real operating system development community looks like. not some airbrushed shit in a facebook post or a glossed up, slicked back hollywood movie.
Females generally have social lives and better things to be doing.
Dude, sex lmao :-D
> Implying macos looks good
>Sup Forums source-code
>aug '92
Typical response from a female enabler. Fuck off.
lonely men become pioneers. lonely women become feminists.
I knew one girl who used arch. She had diagnosed asperger and I think she was bipolar. Tumblr feminist too ofc.
Not recommended
women instinctively follow money. if it can't benefit them in one form or another, then they hold no interest.
men have inquisitive minds, and yearn to create and build, therefore will work without monetary compensation just for the sake of creation. Of course there's the greedy fuck's, and therein lies the eternal struggle.
Because you can't swipe the screen, install apps from the apple app store and play candy crush
more like they follow dumb trends
they use iphones and macbooks because it's trendy and fashionable. to them it doesn't matter that they are spending $1500 for a laptop they will only use for facebook and some text documents
Just wait for Papyros
Sup Forums
How so? It's objectively easier for a woman to get a male partner than it is for a man to get a female partner.
Most females actually are married to men who have money and can afford more than just a 15 dollar chinkpad from 1994
>more like they follow dumb trends
>they use iphones and macbooks because it's trendy and fashionable
This is my sister to a fucking tee. It's all about showing off their status.
I've noticed a trend that it's now already becoming contrarian and edgy and cool to be feminist or liberal again on Sup Forums . Guess it's to be expected now that Trump is a mainstream candidate.
No. We are just tired of Sup Forums invading other boards, and websites.
It's not just that. There's a new trend of people posting unironic feminist views and reversing exprrssions like 'triggered' on men/whites. It's as common as Sup Forums shit now. Used to be that most of Sup Forums lacked either extreme.
Sup Forums has always been like this, friend. You're the one invading us from whatever shithole you came from.
I guess staying on your home board is considered invading huh? Fuck off Sup Forums, and Sup Forums!
The pendulum swings back :/
>home board
Most people on Sup Forums came from other boards to begin with. This is an anonymous site where anyone can go to anu board they want. Ironically boards have open borders and you would be pretty similar to the extreme Sup Forums views for demanding the boards close their borders if that were even possible.
I've become more apolitical recently and started to hate cynicism and contrarianism in general of any side.
I'm taking a month or two off of Sup Forums now but i was here on Sup Forums and before that Sup Forums. Never used Sup Forums in my life.
Taking a break from Sup Forums is often times good. The world is not quite as terrible and bad as they would have us believe, there are pinpoints of hope in the void.
This is definitely true.
However I dislike the new trend of anti-pol posting as much as I've gotten sick of Sup Forums itself.
Your "they" and "us" viewpoint of Sup Forums is characteristic of redditor newfags.
Exactly. The concept of boards being closed communities is bullcrap. I don't even agree with everything on Sup Forums but nobody there does.
Because all technology fields are male-dominated.
Few women hang out in tech related online groups just like few women are into programming. I doubt there are many females in Windows-related geekery forums or channels either.
Yes, it's a bit obnoxious, but as things continue to spin out of control more people will find Sup Forums, and the pendulum will come back
Definitely, but considering that the loudest 10% are obsessed with creating an ethno-state for weeaboo stormfags, it could be a lot more annoying
>Implying women give a fuck