Why is Arch loved everywhere except Sup Forums?

Why is Arch loved everywhere except Sup Forums?

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It's more Sup Forums hates the arch community than arch linux itself.

However, the wiki is really comprehensive and useful for all distros.


90% true

t. arch user

>literally this

arch is consistently the most popular distro whenever Sup Forums is polled.

It's really this. Go to any sort of forum where people are talking about linux and you'll spot the archfags immediately. It's like a cult, they cannot stop telling everyone they use arch.

So it's only bad when arch users say they use arch, but okay when literally any other person says what they use?

It isn't.

None of the other distros have this cult like dedication to it.

Neither does arch lol. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it has "cult like support".

No one likes Arch outside of here either

People say what distro they use lol like what??

It's practically unknown outside Sup Forums.
You volunteer shills have done a good job here, but as I always say, with volunteers you get what you pay for.

Of course it is, if you're a NEET in desperate need of a timesink and you're too retarded to use Gentoo, you use Arch.

wtf why are all Arch users like this. We can't have a conversation about Linux without these fags bringing up their hobbyist distro.

How is manjora? It's supposedly a user friendly version of Arch

Just use architect Linux installer.


I second this!

Untrue. I hate Arch and what it stands for.

1) it's actually loved by half of the linux users on Sup Forums.
2) people other than Sup Forums like Arch? Why?

No, don't. Just follow the beginner's wiki.

Arch is a user friendly version of Arch.
The most difficult part is installation and that isn't very difficult.

arch is trash and it's fanbase is even worse.

I use Manjaro, which is Arch done the right way

kys faggot

>I use arch for babbies
ftfy kys

Most of them are people that couldnt install ir

You do know Arch is the most popular distro in Sup Forums, right?

I am honestly glad that the Arch community exists. It's a good holding area for undesirables.

>most of Sup Forums is retarded and they waste most of their time dicking around instead of getting work done
>They love Arch
What a shock!

The installer is for people who don't feel like typing out commands on the terminal.


>It's practically unknown outside Sup Forums.
know more guys running SUSE than arch


I'll take some fries with that haha

That was clever, I'll give you that!

Reminder that Arch is the most popular distros in Sup Forums. Sup Forums loves both Ubuntu and Arch and they are truly the best of the distros

debian and derivatives are more popular than arch and derivatives

In the last 3 years of me using linux I have done a couple debian net insts and a few normal arch insts and now I just wonder why people online give a shit if someone uses an installer or some different arch flavor.

"You won't have the full Arch experience"
"You won't be able to troubleshoot core issues correctly without the knowledge of a regular arch installation."
"Total customization"

My experiences were just following the wiki step by step and then downloading the programs I wanted, editing some config files and figuring out how to get the stupid extra shit to work. And then I tried Antergros and realised all of that was retarded. Troubleshooting issues is just looking at the wiki or googling, I never used any skills I learned from the regular install. I'm a big fan of linux but going from nothing to a ready to use system should take under an hour imo.

Not in Sup Forums

The installer is buggy as fuck and trash

What bugs?