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apple userbase




colors are in different order.


>defending his slave-masters this hard




so what? i am proud to be gay


Louis Rossmann enjoys this.

>2x NVIDIA GeForce

Macs are pretty comfy if you ignore the faggy userbase

kinda like a closed-down Linux distro with smoother user experience and customer support

I would never buy one, but used them at school and they were nice.

Wtf I hate Apple now!

>wincucks so insecure they need apple hate threads to help with their post purchase rationalisation

>ITT: poorfag thread

I thought you got banned?

Why do Macfags think PC = Windows?

Macs are PCs now. PCs designed by Apple. Macs = Alienware from Apple.

> implying
Reality: Macfags usually own only one computer because that's all they can afford.

That's one reason Macbooks outsells the rest of Apple computers. The other reason is that there's no point in having a Mac if no one else is aware of it.

This meme is stupid.

Wtf i hate memes now!

Can you just let people like whatever it is they like?

well when you get into a boarding room at CERN where people hold discussions and present their ideas of how to do things, you're gonna see macs. Almost exclusively. The same is true of most other scientific and higher-education institutions.

Macs are the only unix(likes) that work.

>20 yo
>no friends
>no job
>no education
but atleast I'm not creating apple hate threads on Sup Forums

I let people like Justin Bieber, Skrillex or The Beatles.
I still mock them.


>Used by the most brilliant scientists in the world
>experimental scientists
top kek

>there are unironically Apple users on this board

What's next? Nintendo?



i'm 20 too. lets date

justin bieber is cute, skrillex is trash, the beatles never heard of them

nintendo consoles are hackable

That's funny because part of my department works with CERN and half of them use macs.

Btw, I can guarantee that you won't find a single person at CERN apart from technicians who work with Windows. Exactly none of the software required to work with data from the LHC works on Windows, not even a bit. So it's pretty much 50:50 some Linux (usually ubuntu, SL or centOS) or OS X.

>lets date
k bb where u @?

> Mac pro
> Uses AMD poorfag tier GPU


most tools are shitty bsd versions or outdated
no standard package manager
it may be unix but it's not comfy

>Exactly none of the software required to work with data from the LHC works on Windows
why not?

freebsd is the best then?

neither there is on linux

also you can upgrade all tools in macports or homebrew or something

Hold the fuck up. In the first pic they are using OS X too!

>implying I'm a macfag

It's not that PC = Windows, it's that bitter jealously over other people's purchases = Sup Forums = Windows


> left: messy
> right: ordnung

i got an alienware 15 with gtx980m, and a macbook 12
work harder user, maybe someday you can afford to buy anything you want

>macports or homebrew or something
that's my point. there's no standard way and they all suck and have less packages.
and you don't upgrade them, it's another copy stored elsewhere.
it's retarded.

box only? what?

There's no standard way in Linux or Windows either.

Also the box sells for this much because you can put a brick in it and sell it for 1620$

Yes, macfags are this stupid.

It's a common ebay scam when new hardware drops, works best with the xbox because you can more easily make it look like a typo to the idiot purchasing

Linux distros come with a package manager out of the box and many packages available. Don't act more stupid than you are.

That's a killer audio setup.
I'd love to have this.

That's fucked up.

Slackware has no package manager.

someone didn't read the entire description and came when they saw the price and bidded

>using "gay" as an insult
Are you fucking 12? kys

ur gay

That can't be legal.

Jews are behind gays.


Yeah, sure.
So mAcOs10 is as good as Slackware, the thing that is 20 years backwards. You win!

>Jews are behind gays.
You misspelled gas.



Go ahead and change your window manager.

Apple users have no spine.

You could build the computer on the left for way way less

They have to rip off their customers somehow, the more the cable brakes, the more its bought.

Mac has the Apple Store, which is basically the same thing.


Since when did 'being poor' become a positive thing?
stay classy Sup Forums

>One distro doesn't have something
How does this invalidate the 200 that do?

All OSX have Apple Store.

I remember when he showed up in a battle station thread years after the drawing. That was quite a surprise.

Ok and all Fedora have dnf, what's your point?

who's that?

i like pacman more

it's probably an old image, right?

>being proud of sucking dick

What a faggot lmoa.

>Basically the same thing

>Can't add repositories for third-party packages
>Have to update third-party packages by hand every time

>why not?
Nobody uses Windows there, because without the UNIX it's fucking inconvenient to work with it. I think there are super old binaries for Windows flying around, but there's pretty much zero support in case you are having problems with it (you will be having those, a lot). I remember in some course people asked whether there is an up-to-date version of the framework somewhere, and the tutor gave them virtual box + prepared SL image with the framework installed on it.


*for Windows

didnt that happen last year or something?
i remember how much everyone on that thread flipped when someone noticed him, and his damage control with another photos, kek
>/r/ing the screencap if there is one

linus tovalds was a jew, so...

so its just the lack of software?

Lose with some grace, m8

the apple store is for proprietary guis around bsd libs
not for the glorious """unix""" experience we're talking about

3 years old at least

(((FREE SOFTWARE))), as in (((COMMUNISM)))
(((Sup Forums)))


If I wanted to do such a thing I could.

I can also use two at the same time :^).

what is this?

there's kde for windows, no?

So sick of the "HURRRRRRR I has Moe monies to spend DURRRRRRR I is rich!!!" No you fucking aren't. Modern Thinkpads are more expensive than your Macfag shit because it's superior hardware and guess what? People like us buy that shit and other superior hardware instead of your shiny Macfag toys because it's actually worth it. Just remember how poorfag you look with your overpriced retard box and daddy's girl phone

>what is this?

It's Steve Jobs rolling in his grave

superior "ux" design

not just thinkpads
many computers and phones are more expensive
though they're 3 times as powerful and don't explode when pushed to their limits

my home desktop cost like $3000 and the most expensive macs can't touch it

i don't get it

explain to me

>there's kde for windows, no?
I don't know, is there? What's the relevance?

He says with his consumer parts.

>superior "ux" design

i think so

I'm sorry guys, I'm a bit slow today, it's the anticholinergic medication.

>so its just the lack of software?
The lack of software and the whole ecosystem that is just inappropriate for the work required. You'd need to rethink the whole structure of the software to make it work on Windows in a reasonable way. It's not like you just have one tool to do shit in and that's it. There's a core piece of software and all kinds of other stuff that works with it (and needs to be linked properly with it).

>i'm too stupid to use linux

but that is running on top of explorer or whatever it is called.
That is like replacing internet explorer by installing firefox and deleting the shortcut.


Like this?

You can get high quality parts much easier when building a PC than whatever you would get in the most expensive Macs.