So I hear you guys like black market technology

So I hear you guys like black market technology.

A device that turns you into a dog?

No on Sup Forums we like BLACKED market tech

Are you a dog?

On Internet, nobody knows you're a dog EXCEPT when you post a fucking pic of your legs.

oh shit how do i delet thread


Underaged doggo detected.

It is illegal for a dog to use the Internet.


Post pics of your mammaries you fucking bitch

I'm curious as fuck mate. What is it that you've got there?

>he fell for the dog meme
Have fun licking your genitalia you disgusting animal

What is it OP?

Look laptops. Possibly chinese crap specced like apple hardware.

looks to be some meme computer that Sup Forums was going on about last night.
Supposedly they were being purged from the military because they were completely non-botnettable and just the motherboards alone are said to be worth $900+

At least I'm not that stupid to save a picture twice.

It appears so

He's posting it from a phone or camera plugged into his computer, browsing directly to it on the device from the 'upload' button on the post form instead of having imported it. It's a common filename thing when that happens.

At least I'm not that stupid to not know basic things like that.

Try $5k+

>At least I'm not that stupid to not know basic things like that.

It looks like you are if you don't know that's the same thing Windows explorer does with pictures saved with IE or Edge if you save them twice.

Source? More information?
Never happens to me.

It does it with () not [] you colossal fucking moron

How'd you take that picture as a dog?

they're only worth that to some back-scratcher military contractor. the whole reason they got dumped was a security hole, so there goes even that.

still decent machines, but nothing special now.

a fine thread died for this


>It does it with () not [] you colossal fucking moron

That's what Firefox or Chrome do, IE or Edge use [].
Feel stupid yet?

IE does () too, just reinstalled that shit to test it out. But that was your plan, right? Congrats. You rused me into reinstalling IE. Fuck you.

Found one of the collectors who is trying to keep value down so he can get them off people who ended up with one from auction lots etc, for peanuts

>IE does () too, just reinstalled that shit to test it out. But that was your plan, right? Congrats. You rused me into reinstalling IE. Fuck you.

Top fucking kek, not him but this deserves a screenshot.

>a fine thread died for this
Unless it was a shitty thread without bumps, it was already a thread at bump limit, so it was time for it go die, nothing of value lost, good threads are reborn.

But I agree, this is a shitty thread, sage.

can they run Crysis?

OP are you going to let this thread die or post BIOS/OS

There's nothing in the rules that says a dog CAN'T play baske- I mean post on Sup Forums

Welcome dog/g/o