Removing torture issue from encryption

How to avoid being tortured for the key to your AES, no matter how fancy you are at hiding the key they will beat it out of you, you need to make it actually impossible to give it up. Not security through obscurity.

Here is my idea
>key file on foreign server
>wipes and overwrites if not accessed within 12 hours


Other urls found in this thread: Deniability Volume

Stop watching illegal porn

If you are being tortured for your key.
They deserve to look at your cp.


always carry a cyanide capsule close to you.

Stop posting my shipfu on this board.

You are going to give up after like 2 minutes of having your fingernails and teeth ripped out, this is unviable

Truth, always have a pill ready to chew.

Yea just pick 1-2 fingernails and they start to talk. Doesn't matter how "hard they are", they will break.
Pick the fingernails, start pulling teeth, start chopping toes.

that's exactly why you should never get yourself in a position where someone is ripping out your fingernails and teeth. they won't torture you if they don't think you're hiding something. if "they" know about the existence of your encrypted data, you've already lost.

Wow she was not ready for a picture

why not both
security through obscurity = baaka baaka

Anime is perfectly legal user.

Force yourself to never remember it. Keep the only copy on you always and eat that bitch if you have to.

I managed to do this and it worked great....until I lost the password...

Not all of it, unfortunately

Lolicon is perfectly legal in america. Not sure about the rest of the world.

not impressed
goodluck being in a position to destroy the key when 20 fbi agents bust down your door, shoot ur dog and ziptie you before you can properly wake up

Fucking pedos.


Fucking normie

Normie is a normalfag word, go back to r.eddit.

"They" are about to torture you for your digital information. Regardless if they get your data or no, they will have to kill you.
Once they started to torture, you will be a liability to keep alive.

Fuck the "secret" data, they are about to fucking kill you for it! You fucked up man! How did you even manage to red flag yourself this bad dumbass??

Wtf is rededdit?

what if the info is more important than your life, like the location of ur secret anime bunker where all your friends are hiding

So am going to die in torture for a bunch of lolicon jerking "friends".

Right I be giving the codes so fast I even start my day telling the first person I see before the torture dudes comes.

It's easy, have two keys, both open, pretend you have nothing to hide, give them the fake one.
When the fake one is used it'll only show them a blank state and nothing suspicious, use the correct one and you have your usual data again.

>"oh he was using all this encryption to protect nothing, yeah, that makes sense, okay bud, you're free to go"

Who in their right mind would like people to sniff around their data? Even if one's 100% innocent one should have SOME rights to privacy

It's simple: have two repos. One is a dummy one with some "embarrassing" documents, like a scan of your yearbook or something

which contains a key in the form of a file to your second repo

>shot your dog
they're not the ATF user

I thought in some states it's illegal, in some it's legal, and in some it's in a gray area


kill yourself you faget


too bad you're incapable of giving the key and we assassinated you in prison

use a keyfile + a password

move out of your third world shithole


Stop stealing classified documents, Snowden.

Veracrypt + hidden volumes. When LE threatens to torture you give them the password for a volume that isn't full of your loli pedo porn. Deniability Volume

You'll give it up when they keep torturing you; you are severely overestimated urself

There's a Wikipedia article for that.

>wipes and overwrites if not accessed within 12 hours
have fun losing your data every time you decide to sleep in, travel long distances, or lose power when the timer is running low

put in a cyanide tooth in your mouth, and then bite before the first blow.

I think I got this figured out
>tattoo key onto a 12 year old girls ass
>get caught for said cp
>torture me till I reveal where it is
>looks of horror about where is the key is
>mfw they have to find, catch, and assault a 12 year old girl
>mfw when they become the pedos
>mfw when i have no face
Take that GOVNA

>implying the feds have any problem assaulting little girls or looking at their asses

It's only you who's not allowed to user

>You are arrested for not being able to decrypt the information
>Wait until the girl becomes 18 years old
>Get her enthusiastic consent to the right of looking at her privates
>Your shit is decrypted

If you've done something bad enough that you're being tortured, there's nothing anyone can do to help. Don't blow up any federal buildings or plan major terror attacks and you won't have issues like that.

close your eyes when setting the key. that way you don't know what it is and if you fuck up it's gone forever too. win win for both parties

We aint fucking muslims man, its most like CP what we could we hiding

B-b-but torture is illegal?

Kindergartens logic.

This thread ain't about security, it's just about some dude trying to hide his cp, and is afraid the feds will torture him.

If they're willing to torture you then they're willing to kill you. They'd only want to decrypt it if it's foreign intelligence. Even then I doubt the NSA gives a shit because they already control every foreign power.

You do realize if you are imprisoned for crimes against children the people that will torture you will not be the guards or government agents. It will be the other prisoners. Good luck. Hell even if it was sensitive information you had they could still label you a pedo and you have no chance after that. Even if it isn't true.

This is a nice sentiment, but the whole point of free speech is to protect speech that you DON'T like, not speech you do like.
When free speech is removed it becomes a case where the full force of the law could be used to fuck over people who are simply thinking the wrong things.
No matter what you think or say, someone will hate you for it. All you need is an angry population to vote in some crazy, charismatic extremist who makes what you think illegal and suddenly these technologies are very important.
For example, in Iran it is illegal to think anything bad about the current leadership. If you're caught, the police come around and break your fucking legs. If you're lucky.
Extremist religious groups who get into power could make what you want to think and say highly illegal, and technologies like these help prevent laws being passed to actually do these things because technologies like these increase the cost of suppressing free speech.

>If they're willing to torture you then they're willing to kill you
Not really, the torture is to get something out of you. They'd be willing to kill you after they get the information, and they kidnapped you in the first place for the information.
If your technology means that kidnapping you won't get them the information they want then they won't even kidnap you.

yes this is why I need unbreakable encryption
too uhh protect my 'thoughts'

I'm on a list now for clicking this aren't I?

The IRA had a "4 hour" rule. Anytime someone got captured, they were expected to hold out only for four hours so that the group could relocate their personnel and equipment. After that, the captive would be considered compromised and he would be free to talk openly, at which point his information would be obsolete.

>"The trauma of these beatings has caused me to forget my encryption key."

Although for fuck's sake, where do you live that they're going to torture you?


>write long, impossible to remember key on a piece of paper
>swallow it before you're captured

Encryption doesn't protect your free speech at all, as soon as you communicated it with someone else (like posting it on the interwebs) they don't need anything from your harddrive to get to you anyway.

Remember, deniable encryption is almost certainly NOT what you want. It is, as points out, for use only when the data you hold is more important that your own wellbeing. For example, Julian wrote Marutukku for human rights organisations in China. (He's kind of a dick, but I appreciate the good work he's done too.)

That is a scenario you almost always want to avoid ever happening in practice; good OPSEC can avoid it in many cases - such as .

It is certainly a scenario which is unlikely to occur in practice to any of you.

Using deniable encryption in any other scenario can be very dangerous.

There are governments all over the world, and all kinds of local governments which could be an issue to someone: everything from batshit insane local smalltown cops, to angry shady goons, to huge nation-state adversaries who grind people like cogs in their machine.

I mean, the US could well be about to vote in Trump. Don't get too smug.


I have two ideas.
Use a keyfile with some kind of dead man's switch that deletes the keyfile if you don't access your encrypted partition for a certain period of time.
Have some kind of key that instead of unlocking the encrypted partition, formats it. Give them that key first and they will try it, thus formatting the drive. Now no amount of torture will restore the lost data.

Then they'll still have the copy of the data and know for sure that you try to hide something. Not really a good situation to be in.

Hmm true
What about an expiring key (dead man's switch suggestion)

Just write your password in invisible ink????

Swallow the key, they'll have to wait until you poop and search your poop. He he he.

Then they'll still know for sure that you try to hide something. Not really a good situation to be in.

Well obviously you're hiding something, as the drive is fucking encrypted.
The idea is a method of stopping decryption because you are unable to give up the key, even with torture.

There are many reasons to encrypt a drive like protection of your personal information in case of theft, which wouldn't interest anyone who'd abduct you and torture you anyway (since there are other, easier ways to get those kind of information).

However, if you go the extra mile to make sure no one ever gets the data, you are making yourself a target for rotting in some dungeon.
Since there still is a source for the data on your drive - your brain - and they can still make you tell them whatever they want to hear. And now you can't even prove yourself innocent anymore.

As already said, the only reason to try to make data unrecoverable is if the data is more important than your life.

No federal agents are going to brutally torture you for access to your pizza collection.

Just stay away from the McVeighs and all you'll have to worry about is turbo negro prolasping your asshole

What does Trump have to do with this

>And now you can't even prove yourself
innocent anymore.
There is no such thing as proving yourself innocent. You are innocent until proven guilty.
Otherwise, the people persecuting you are not persecuting you because of a "crime" but because you are effectively a political prisoner, or someone higher up just doesn't like you.

Trump advocates torture. Not just on suspects, but on their families and neighbours too.
Usually it's 'well waterboarding isn't torture neeny naana' even though it is, but trump is just like 'we'll fucking acidboard the shits, and their families, and everyone they know until we get what we want'.

>innocent until proven guilty.

You think that would help you? Don't forget this whole talk was about the hypothetical situation were people would be willing to torture you to get their hands on your keys/passwords. Which wouldn't happen unless you are a political prisoner, suspected terrorist, or other things were no one would care about innocence until proven guilty.

In all other situations encrypting the data would be enough since if they want access you could tell them to fuck off.

keep a huge password you will never remember in a tiny string of thin paper,when the feds bust your house you munch then swallow it

Just fill it up with midget and amputee porn then.

>Uh, yeah, this is disturbing but not illegal. We can see why you wouldn't want to make this easily accessible. You're free to go sir.

>mfw we will have to use amputee/midget porn because the gay agenda already won and gay porn wouldn't justify it anymore

>tell them you've set up your encryption to change the password automatically every month
>give them a book of hundreds of millions of passwords on paper
>I'm sure it's one of these

brb, getting a wrench

>"I'm sure you won't mind sitting in our cells until we find the right one."

>make it actually impossible to give it up. Not security through obscurity.
You can encrypt your drive with unmemorable password (eg sha256), retrive it manually from your server with a phone, and let your pc to store passwords in memory for a day. This works great on a mac with "fdesetup authrestart" (you can reboot your machine without reentering password) and "pmset" (power states control).
On linux you can install dropbear to initramfs and unlock disk from remote console. But you will need wired network and static ip with open ports.

This doesn't stop anything.
Do you really believe this would prevent them from getting your keys?
>research target
>find foreign server
>connect compiter to server once every 24 hours whole in custody


>but they wouldn't know login
Its very unlikely that they couldn't compromise that connection.


I boot with an USB key that has the deciphering key (too big to be remembered).

I just have to throw it in the toilet before I'm caught.

theyll just beat you over the head with a pipe until you tell them idiot

>"Well since you no longer have the key I guess you'll stay in custody until we crack it"

Perhaps the best solution here is to not be a sick pedophile fuck

just protecting my bitcoin/ssh/gpg keys m8

You could secure them with a password if you'd really worry about that.

> missing the entire point of this thread

they have a password in addition to full disk encryption btw

Having all the data locally and being able to destroy it automatically/reactively seems to be the best choice.

They can't detain you or torture you for data that doesn't exist anymore.

Implant small plastic explosives into drives so that they can be detonated remotely or when they are removed without being disabled.
Won't really hurt anyone but it would be enough to fry the data on the drives.

>They can't detain you or torture you for data that doesn't exist anymore.

Sure they can.

>Live in a country where loli is legal
Problem fucking solved. "Land of the free" my ass.

you're under arrest for destruction or evidence
Sometimes they'll request your HDD without warrant a week in advance so if you do anything including encrypt they can fuck you

You read too much anti-trump media.


i want to have sex with a anime girl... why cant they be real...

not like you would be the main character anyway

what if you encrypt the key, and the key for that encrypted key is encrypted and so on