So when did you all stop using Google service?

So when did you all stop using Google service?

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I don't?

Why would I? I'm comfortable with Google profiling me so they'd grant me better results.

Never, I don't care about privacy anymore.

I have nothing to hide.

I've remained logged out on my android phone for several days so far, later next week I'm going to root it and remove all google services when I have the time.

>I am okay with literally being bullied into accepting the demands of a corporation to use a service they know I cannot live without

nice job, you'll feel better once you've ascended above the plebes

Make a better service then, freetard.

>tfw using Google's servers without giving them data

This. You can't really compete with mail, storage and a ton of other things for 4 bucks a month. You will either spend a lot more money or time on self-hosting or you will have to trust another company doing pretty much the same as Google.

You don't need an app for drive or mail on your phone.

What's your point..?

Never leave your bubble

Can you give me your usernames and password, im not stealing your information, just to check if you are doing everything ok and under the law

>dumb makiposter

I made the mistake of buying a pixel c tablet. Whats the best way to block all google shit?

But you're just a random cuck on Sup Forums, Google is trustworthy and I don't care what they know about me.

>Google is trustworthy

Why would I trust you?



Does anyone know of a good way to keep track of YouTube subscriptions without signing in?

Protip: Read Google' Privacy Policy to the letter.

Google really does delete your data if you ask, even from the backups, even though it took a lot of effort to set that up.

Google does not sell your data, even to advertisers.

I started using Google stuff once I started working there and seeing how much emphasis is put on privacy. It's comfy to take advantage of machine learning and big data that Google uses.

I'm not a fan of the data collection Google does but, since they are an online service, it's not like I am not already transmitting my info over the web, so I don't put stuff there I don't want people to know about.

At least it isn't Windows 10... you don't have the option of not allowing some stuff to be uploaded in Windows 10... The MS botnet sees all.

I haven't fully stopped using google services but I have opted in for using Duck Duck Go as my default search, especially considering bangs lets me choose what search engine I use. So for whatever reason Duck Duck Go fucks up I can always just do a !g

>I started using Google stuff once I started working there
Hey user I have my last on site interview coming up, have any advice?

Not really, since it was easy as shit for me.

If you got straight As in a CS major and experience working on open source code, that could be your benchmark for the interviews and what you need to work on (strong theoretical knowledge + some working practical experience).

>Tfw an user on Sup Forums hasn't mentioned something relating to a botnet in 10 mins.

>He posts Maki

nothing is free, what you offering?

Since over a year now. I don't miss that pile of shit at all.


>you don't have the option of not allowing some stuff to be uploaded in Windows 10
You have multiple options built into the system settings, as well as some paranoid-tier options if you use third-party software.

Got something to hide? This doesn't affect me in any way.

Used to have a youtube account. Stopped logging in when Google bought them. Fucking botnet.

>I have nothing to hide.
yet here you are
posing ass anonymous

all using android
>b-b-but it's rooted with no google services!
kek. Sure it is


Even if services caring about their customers privacy isn't an obviously good thing, there's no way it can be a bad thing, so why would you be vocal in opposition of it?
It's like people complaining about clean energy because they don't believe in global warming. "I don't think we're causing climate change, therefor I am vocally against advancing cheaper and cleaner energy sources".
What's your goal? Even if you don't care about your own privacy, how can be upset about people trying to protect it for others?

>wow that is very privacy aware of Google

Nope, they're on the edge of what is legally allowed.

Have you read The Circle?

I don't get the irony.
The same people who said it back then are saying it today.
I guess it's just that these people today don't like to see themselves as the insane conservative fascists nazis they are.

I haven't stopped. Only use it for normie shit like Amazon and job applications

good slave. May the chains rest ever so lightly upon your skin.

free perspective through hypotheticals :^)

I get that every time i clear cookies.
There's also a limit of how many times it can be skipped before it comes on your screen like that.

A bookmarks folder labeled 'youtube'

RSS feeds.