>hear about the new Nexus sailfish
>first thought is a nexus device running sailfish OS
What are they suggesting with this?
>hear about the new Nexus sailfish
>first thought is a nexus device running sailfish OS
What are they suggesting with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
sauce please OP
amanda love aloha beaches
>when it ends
Is this porn? Are they natural?
She's just THICC
>Are they natural?
source: i'm a woman
What OS and browser do thicc women use?
Do you need my email address?
asking the real questions here
MacOSX™ and Opera™
On a scale from 1 to 10 how thicc are you?
>not being able to recognize natural from fake tits
Fucking dumb virgins.
Get your fucking pathetic desperate self off this board please. This isn't XBOX Live in 2006 when you hear a cute female voice.
I just need a fat hole
Also they're natural
>mfw no audio streams allowed
probbaly because you'll get white noise normalised at 0db as a surprise..
How the fuck do magnets work?
Those boobs look fuckin retarded
..Are you serious or just baiting?
Serious, they're way out of proportion to her body.
Boobs are just big bags of fat and some tubing for milk. How that is sexually exciting escapes me. Guys like boobs because as babies it's where their food comes from. IMO if you like boobs that much as an adult it's a little bit of an oedipus complex
He's got his own since he's fat.
You are fat.
You are pathetic holy shit
>How that is sexually exciting escapes me. Guys like boobs because as babies it's where their food comes from.
Be honest, are you a virgin?
Looks good tho
A healthy girl looks good and attractive to everyone except for closet homos and permavirgins. Ask yourself this: did you like the skinny girl or the thick girl as your partner?
Hello Freud
Thought so. Poor guy. Sorry your opinion won't be counted.
My current gf is semi thicc, pretty comfy so far.
>implying you're not a virgin too
they're natural f_a_m
I literally grind my teeth and cringe when another person touches me or rubs against me.
>Having to deal with people
Why are you still alive?
Been a while since I had to answer this question:
Why would I kill myself? Here's my reasoning on why I wouldn't:
If I live, there's always a chance of having good feels.
If I die there is zero chance of having good feels.
Easy choice to not kill self.
You can't avoid death. And when you die you won't be missing anything. Not like you are doing anything substantial while you are alive (i.e reproducing)
>when you die you won't be missing anything
potentially missing good feelings
I've seen that a few times. Does that actually work though?
You won't have any sense of feelings.
You are literally retarded, don't respond to my posts ever again.
>linux user tries out win7?
>new app idea?
just curious:)
I use linux since a long time ago, but seeing how lots of people here praise windows 7 so much and bash linux, I decided to try it. To my realisation this "windows 7 is good" thing is an elaborate troll; here are my reasons:
Just after finishing installing it I rebooted and noticed that it wrote over grub, thus forbidding me to boot my other OS's. Why would you even do that? Why doesn't it check if there are other OS's installed and let me choose?
After my first dissapontment I booted into my fresh windows 7 install and tried to install drivers for my gpu, after 5 minutes trying to find a package manager and some googling I understood that windows doesn't work like that! You have to go to the website of the GPU manufacturer to download drivers! WHY????!!!! Linux had package managers since before I had hair in my penis, how can windows, an OS made by a fucking billionaire corporation, don't have a simple package manager? I fucking had to use "internet explorer" (a fucking excuse to a good browser) to get a real browser!
And it doesn't stop there! you have to look online for every program you want, all have different installers that make you agree to some obscure legal documents and try to install shitware like toolbars all over your computer! And that's not all, if you want to update most of these programs you can't fucking click somewhere to update them all, you have to update each of them manually, lots don't even have a way of updating them so you have to go to their site and download the new version!
Also you can't do fucking anything with the "command line", it doesn't bring any of the famous coreutils available on all Linux distros and even Mac OSX! The command line is a fucking joke only made to show that their excuse for an OS could be useful.
After raging for a few hours I understood your trolling Sup Forums and will stay away from that piece of crap you faggots love to rice
So when are you going to buy those helium? I think you can order them online but local stores should be fine
What about food? Is that not good feels?
Like a nice greasy home cooked pasta dish served up with Pepsi
app idea was an actual idea, not so much copypasta
When new iPhone comes out with the force touch thing, make an app that is a scale.
People will stand on phone.
Food is fine, sure it's something that can make you feel good. If you're dead (from killing yourself) you can't experience good food.
I like food.
Coincidentally I'm also overweight.
Still get enough physical activity to not be a fat fuck though.
How about finding entertainment in shallow YouTube conflicts and videos?
That's fine, I don't give a fuck what you like bro
Spoken as though you know anything. Breasts are attractive to males because larger breasts are correlated with milk, and abundant milk increases the probability that the offspring of the male will grow to a complete and healthy extent, particularly in prehistoric times when food supply was inconsistent. This is an example of natural selection. It has little to nothing to do with a residual instinct left over from childhood.
He's a mentally disabled virgin, how'd he know?
LMAO why would you want kids? They're awful
Not him but wow you're a useless faggot
I bet you have crushes on nip cartoons too
You'll never believe this, but I hate anime.
>I have anime wallpaper set up in my gaymen laptop
How shitty is your life story is?
You're right I don't believe it, this board has an unhealthy obsession with nip cartoon "women" while whining and disliking actual females
I use a solid color wallpaper, user.
Off yourself you retarded morbidly obese microdick autist.
Sure thing, manchild.
nice blog
jk i'd rather read tumblr piss-fetish girl blogs
>getting trolled by a copypasta when it's presented AS copypasta
Suck my fat cock
>He thinks his virgin diary logs count
Hahaha so cute
t. low test beta fag
Does g like Asians?
>face color doesn't match rest of skin
>literally about to start drooling
>her eyes are fucking red like a demon
>greasy bristly hair
Yeah no thanks
Yes. Inert gasses suffocate painlessly. Enjoy.
Some of them are actually okwy
Even if you were the last "man" standing, no woman would ever want to be withing 5 meter radius within you, smelly landwhale
The question you should be asking: "Will any one with a vagina, no matter how she looks, consider having sex with me?"
oooh, asian bitch butthurt af
here's a tip: use suncream and wash your face, hoe
I called him a fag but I'm a smelly landwhale and I have a gf who for some reason adores me more than anything so there's hope for all of you
feels good man
Hahaha, holy shit. Virgin confirmed.
Nice try.
Does g like Caucasians?
He's probably smellier
Enjoy your herpes
i have a 6 pack abs, good arms, and a good face, and good hair. i'm also an embedded systems programmer, and electrical engineer.
that girl is like 16 years old, and she has a few droplets of cum in her mouth. she also looks like she hasn't showered in 3 days, and has an acne breakout on her forehead.
those are the facts. make with them what you will.
This image has been manipulated.
>he doesn't like qt Asians
Wtf is wrong with you
Time to kill yourself autistic fuckwit
she looks like she's never done a core day in her life
>there's a fucking wiki for boobs
where has this been my entire life
Doesn't look like. Also has your signature on it.
Sup Forums likes anything so long as they don't resist
Yeah, and you couldn't justify why you haven't killed yourself yet. You are just a waste of space
I promise you it's been manipulated. I didn't make that image.
asian femanon samefagging confirmed
wew, lass