Does anyone know how to image a CAC card? I'll be losing mine soon, and want to be able to save a virtual version. Like creating an iso of a DVD.
Cac Imaging
that's a federal offense and you can go to jail if you get caught, especially if you try getting back on base after discharge you fucking fag. kys.
Yes, yess.
Serve your country and kill innocent people just because your CO tells you to. Good goy!
Oh, shit. We got a badass over here, everyone! Let's all look at the badass over here! Be careful of the edge... it'll cut ya!
Lol I would never want to get back on base. I just need a way to access mypay bol jst etc..
Lol wow, go back to /b
>tips fedora
tumblr and reddit/r/chomsky is the other way
why access your mypay after you get out? nothing will populate and you won't receive an LES regardless.
you could just print off everything you need prior to discharge like everyone else you dumbass.
For the same reason I already archive all my LES, bank statements, end-of-year stock information, tax info:
just in case
You realize that your certs are gonna get revoked for those sites? Keeping your cac or making a backup won't let you keep access to those things.
then print them all off a month before your transition? i don't see how you can't get your head around that. your TAP should tell you how to log in to ebenefits after you get out for any additional information you need such as your w-2 and shit and other crap. but it seems you don't wanna hear this.
The question is whether I should or not. The question is how to do it. I'll just tell them I lost it. Not sure why I thought Sup Forums would be useful. My mistake.
"Isn't" rather
I already have all that stuff
Why can't you get your head around that's not the point
either way, they'll put the ets date as your expiration date like they always do, you'll also get counseled by losing your shit by your command dumbass.
Your question may not be whether or not you should.
The question you need answered is whether or not you should.
You should not.
You're one of those people who attempts to create conflict where none exists nor is necessary. That's cute
What is your MOS/Branch and are you enlisted?
Have you not thought about staying in the reserves?
>former enlisted army here
>thinking of getting back in infantry officer route - nasty guard
Having the military side job is really good in the long term, I should have stayed in. It gives you lots of options and some solid pay (especially if officer). Two days of work can get me 500$ after taxes for doing basically nothing. I work for government as full time job which makes it that much sweeter if I want to go on orders and shit and do something cool for a bit (cant fire me or tell me that i cant).
Think about it man, the benefits bretty good but I know shit can get old
You seriously can't. It's not 4chans fault that what you are hoping to do is not only impossible but illegal too. The admins running the sites like mypay etc will revoke your certs for those systems. It may not happen immediately but it will happen. Having a backup of an out of date certificate will do you no good.
>thinks he can get away with illegally duplicating his cac after departure from the military
that's cute
>being this much in denial
soldiers are dumb animals with no will. Their only purpose is to absolutely serve their masters. If you work for the military you are a failure and you should kys immediately.
This, desu.
But why? Most installations have card readers now.
>image a CAC card
You know that the whole idea behind them is they're supposed to be hard to clone right?
>hard to clone
Pick one
Goddamn, how did all this edge get even edgier???
When you get out of high school, you're gonna change the world. Thanks for waking up all the sheeple, edgelord!
Question: do you think a wealthy nation (any one) can survive without a military?
Why are you so fucking stupid?
No, I won't change the world, but if my boss tells me to do immoral things I'm gonna tell him to fuck off, because there are 20 other companies in my city that will immediately hire me for the same or better money. If a soldier refuses to obey order he'll be either shot or detained&jailed. You're a brainless human trash with no perspectives and no value if you work for the military. Take your butthurt and kill yourself immediately. The world will be a much better place without you and your kind.
you are a retard, just create a username and password for MyPay. most of those other systems will let you do that as well. you aren't going to be able to log in with your certs after they expire anyhow
also, I've reported this thread to the FBI and DCIS.
I don't know. Why don't you ask the richest country in the world?
Of course it won't survive without brainless meat like soldiers. Why are you asking?
I'm just pointing out that only brainless stupid people go to the military. I know the value of my life and that's why I'd better kill myself than become such a trash.
Fun fact: ancient civilisations wouldn't exists without human trash plebs that serves their masters. Which one do you want to be?
>Has no idea how the UCMJ works
Thats fucking adorable
"lol"? Which part of what I said you did not understand, you retarded human trash?
Killing is legal. You can't refuse the order of exterminating soldiers of the country you're invading. If you will enjoy your death/jail time.
You don't decide if you take part in invading other country. If you're a part of the military - you do what the politicians tell you to.
>those tabs
makes me kek every time
they serve in the swiss army... and of course the swiss army would defend them.
This is definitely a bait thread.
OP, regardless of you keeping a clone of your CAC, the guard at the base will see that your card has a revocation order on it and you'll be told to fuck off while military police show up and he's gripping his side arm. Your card will also be taken.
So you know you need them to survive, you just hate them for doing it.
Okay, got it. You're an entitled asshole.
And you're legally obligated to defy unlawful orders. But you wouldn't know that; you already made up your mind based on what you hear. That makes you an asshat
you still don't get it, retard.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's moral. Invading Libya wasn't moral, yet, it was legal.
Except I don't live in murika. My country never invaded other country and it never did anything immoral using it's military. That's why I respect my national soldiers.
US military is a different story. You deserve no respect whatsoever.
That's not the richest, dumbass.
I wish we could all be liberal, entitled assholes like you. Unfortunately, most of us have to live in reality. Must be nice to be so sheltered.
Your argument is all over the map, literally now, and you have no real substance to it. That makes it clear that I'm arguing with a child or a very immature adult. Please tell me- why would I waste my time with a child or immature adult?
Technically second richest, behind Qatar. Unless you're a retard who looks at raw GDP instead of per capita.
What country, user?
I bet you won't say. I bet you know why.
So you were wrong. Got it.
I'm not liberal you fucktard. I got nothing to do with what you call a liberal party in your shithole country.
Nice projections. This all explains your pure ignorance: you don't have any real goals in your life. You don't give a fuck about other people lives. You care about being paid, so you joined the military like a whore.
Now go and serve your CO. Maybe one day you'll be promoted if you suck enough dicks in your unit. KEK
Go back to Sup Forums, kid. You're trying way too hard.
And you don't include any actual value in your posts. Care to elaborate on anything you say?
Why am I wrong? You still didn't prove anything, other than being a typical brainless murifuck. I wonder how much you must weight. Is it true a typical muriclap requires EMT assistance to wipe their asses?
Because you haven't actually made any claims to refute. Just childish rants and emotional please. You're very immature, and very bad at forming an argument.
Ah, yes. We appreciate your support. It's nice how you help fund our military by purchasing your supplies from us.
I also all of the "dumb pole" jokes. Quite a contribution.
Nice projections. I must say you definitely won this conversation.
Now go like a typical americlap and brag about the products you recently acquired in one of the consumerism threads.
That's the hallmark of a weak person, when they're obsessed with winning on the internet. Do you need to win? Would it help your self esteem if you thought you did?
>dumb pole jokes
Oh the irony.
Anyway, it's better to be "stupid" (however you define this, especially considering pic related kek) than being a infectious, destructive murderer that invades other countries and kills millions of people.
Lol! You're so desperate, aren't you? You NEED to win- after all, you're the one that brought up winning in a conversation on Sup Forums. That's weird.
I'll tell you what- I'll take pity on you. I'll give you the last word, as a gift from me to you. You really seem to need it much more than I ever would. So go ahead, big guy- you can win. I hope it helps you. :)
>below average
t. mohammed trying to get base access from Sup Forums
Where there is none? No self respecting soldier is going to want another to commit a felony and breach of security. In fact they're going to try to dissuade you, shitter.
Your credentials are going to expire anyway and you won't be able to use it anywhere anyway making that felony you commit entirely useless.
Pacifist turbofaggot 9001 detected.
If you could read, mental nigger, you'd notice I'm not a pacifist.
PS. your life doesn't matter.
Someone has to do the job faggy pussies like you lack the testicular fortitude to do.
Edgy as fuck, dude. Coolest teenager on Sup Forums. You rock.
Fewer students, you fucking illiterate shitbag.
No way, the world is wonderful and perfect and violence is never necessary!
At least in this fag's fantasy world.
Yep, someone has to spy, invade and murder innocent people. Good job America! Your military is the best!
You're just bitchy that your tiny country isn't a superpower. Or even a power. Aren't you grateful to the UN for protecting you?
Except english is not my native language, and I know three languages.
What about you?
Or you know what? Don't respond. Just keep it to yourself.
Ignoring the point of a statement and bitching about grammar is the main reason why you should return to reddit. Please do.
Sorry muhammad, maybe you should find someplace else to start a shooting.
Why did you learn English? Is it because most of the business in the world is conducted in it? I wonder why that is...
You tire me, you utterly worthless heap of dreck. Go impress all your middle school friends with your tales of your multilinguism and other faggotry.
I don't care about my country not being a superpower. Why should I? Are you implying this has any noticeable impact on my life?
Nice meme!
On your life? No. But you seem pretty isolationist and self-centered. The fact is that you exist because stronger countries allow you to exist. The rest of us permit your existence.
Only recently has Poland been free of rule by another country.
You must be young to not remember when the Soviet Union had it's dick buried deep in your countries ass.
And before that, Germany.
>Why did you learn English?
Because it's the world's easiest language thus it's universally used in almost all countries?
>I wonder why that is..
Because see above?
I bet you believe English was made in the US.
Then take your pills, stop posting and leave this thread. Nobody is forcing you nor asking to post your retarded shit here.
>Get paid well for 4 years
>Get 4 years of job experience
>College paid for afterwards
Yeah, I'm definitely the one getting jewed.
You're not that great at following a point, are you? English is the qorldwide language of commerce because it's spoken by one of tbe wealthiest nations in the world, and the one that dominates international trade. The fact that so many other countries speak it is a different topic entirely. Try to keep up.
Just curious: how old are you?
You mean back in the times when the US and UK govts obligated your countries to attack germans if they invade us?
Then I don't care. There is nothing I can do to change it.
>The rest of us permit your existence.
Which is exactly my point. Even in 2016 you're still bunch of aggressive dumb animals that values military spendings over education and research.
Knowing nothing else about you, he hates you just because of your job. What an ignorant, intolerant ass.
on a related note
Sup Forums how do I clone my 'friends' keycard for his super secret government job.
This is totally legit btw, not illegal!
>because it's spoken by one of tbe wealthiest nations in the world
Did I say it's not? You clearly didn't follow my point, which was basically:
>you're fucking stupid and you got no moral right to correct me and use it as a point in discussion
Is it better?
I'm 21.
But why are you so weak, that you have to depend on the graces of your neighbors? Is that something ingrained in your culture, or just because you have no other choice?
Humans are animals. We fight and form tribes. You're no different or better, you're just weaker. So you're the pack of apes that hopes that the other groups will let them survive. And you're welcome, on behalf of the rest of the world, for letting you exist despite your lack of strength.
Yeah, back when we all protected you. You're welcome for your freedom. We'll do it again, if you need it. God knows you can't do it on your own.
I don't hate him. I just stated he's a dumb animal and a whore that desperately needs money. Don't you see a difference?
Here's what one of your former politicians have to say about your kind.
>protected you
You're a one big dumb motherfucker. You did exactly NOTHING for entire YEARS of war.
Russians are the ones to be thanked for clearing german cancer. Muriclaps did almost nothing to help us, especially after the war when russians installed their puppet government in my country for another 64 years.
I think you do. You're angry and bitter and attack strangers out of your impotent rage. Probably because you're weak, so the tough talk while remaining anonymous is attractive to you. I guarantee you wouldn't have the balls to be so aggressive and rude in person.
I'm not aggressive and I wouldn't be. Why should I be?
>attack strangers
Since when talking about facts is an attack?
Can you quote the insults I've used to attack you?
Lol. You're so desperate in your hate, that you've let yourself be willfully ignorant to facts. It's sad to see, but common in weaker minds. How pathetic.
Just because your insults are pathetic doesn't mean it reflects badly on you. You're lashing out, it's normal at your mental age
Is this how you debate in your country? Or are you trying to pretend you're not an asshole?
I don't see any quotes, in that case thank you for your attention and good bye.
>also kys
Maybe if you wait a bit longer before you post people won't notice you're samefagging,
Do I need to? Did you forget what you said? Are you not able to scroll up? Other people can't spoon-feed you forever; much like your country, you have to do some things on your own. Sometimes, the strong have to let the weak do things on their own. So go ahead, friend- look at your posts and reflect on your lack of maturity and rude behavior.
Yeah, those ones were me. Wasn't trying to hide my replies, Sherlock.
Besides, no one else is here anymore. We fagged this shit up. And it was fun. Good game, faggot.
What? What's that? Bush did 9/11? Jet fuel can't melt steel beams? Is that what you're saying?
Holy shit, did you forget to take your pills again?
his "job" is killing people
Not necessarily. Not every job in the military is infantry. Please explain how medics giving free treatments to children in Afghanistan are killing people.