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Fosshub has been on the malware list since the mint hack I think.
Also had classic chell hacked so find alternative download link's for now on

>Fosshub has been on the malware list since the mint hack I think.
No, it was only recently blocked due to the classic shell hack.

Based ublock

github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Badware-risks?OPISAFAGGOT#fosshubcom-temporary :^)

same as it ever was....


Report bug, it should have prevented your entire access to the computer, I mean Malware 10??

nice try fosshub shill
hackers had access to every download, not just classic shell

>hackers had access to every download, not just classic shell

Yet they themselves admitted they only had Audacity and Classic Shell (They'll even provide you their malware files if you tweet them).

All other reports were bullshit.

How to remove all the malwares?


chrome is shit bro.

>Winblows 10
You've got a bigger problem, buddy.

Fosshub has been compromised and currently distributes malware including in qbittorrent and classicshell.

>trusting the self-proclaimed hackers

I'm thankful you aren't in charge of my security.

Sure, but the block itself was put in place due to the classic shell thing.


Considering they left your files alone and will even tweet you back how to fix your MBR, they don't give a fuck about keeping you screwed.

They also wouldn't give people their malware to "research" either.

Something Happened: Something happened

qBittorrent SHA1 checks out to the one on their site.
Classic Shell English SHA256 hash also checks out to the one on fosshub and VM survived reboot.

That has nothing to do with what he said you fucking tard.

how do you know they left other files alone?

what if the MBR is a diversion and they really installed rootkits and other malware?

what is their gain in breaking the MBR?

Fosshub is a malware site now

freetards BTFO

install gentoo

Yes, but at least freetards still have the choice to avoid malware by not going to that site. Wintards don't have that option.

t. wintard