GTX 1050

GTX 970 performance for $160


>1060 is about to be released
>released, ends up being 300$ for being barely 15% better than a 480
Not falling for this shilling again.


This is in stock. No backorders.

Add to cart and complete purchase for less than $280, aftermarket gtx 1060. No bullshit necessary.

Do you even know what you're saying?

Shitty RX480 with 8Gb also costs 300 bucks here.

The choice is clear.

Please, let's just think about USD prices.

The 1060 is available to buy and is a better option than the 480.

Also here in aus the evga 1060 is 20 dollars cheaper than a reference 480

Why? These prices apply to only a small part of the world.

Bullshit.The 480 is barely better than the 970 and the 1060 is barely better than than the 480.Best case scenario we get something between 960 and 970 performance,but more realistically we're probably going to get 960 performance.This generation is turning out to be really interesting because it's usually AMD that dominates low end,like last gen the 380 completely shitting over the 960,nvidia is being really aggressive this gen but still at that price point 960 performance is probably best we're getting.

That being said, why is no one talking about these fantastic deals?

>buying gpu right after newgen release
>not waiting at least half year for price drops
well I have more choice now.

Well, mostly because the prices are jacked throughout the rest of the world. It's different from region to region.

>RX 480 prices jacked up in the rest of the world and supply is tight due to miner fags

The 1060 is on par with a 980


It doesn't matter where in the cycle you buy, there will always be better deals in the future.

>less than $280

My God the savings

because a 480/1060 is same price but runs a lot cooler and efficient

also not legacy

>4.99 shipping
So no, you don't even "complete purchase for less than $280" kek

GCN is not "legacy".


Polaris and Vega are GCN, it's unlikely that it will become a legacy architecture in the next three years.

That explains AMD current line of housefires

I had a reply with some effort planned out but then
This is overly bias clickbait rumor bullshit. Calling it now.

Uhh the 1060 is literally $249 for better than 980 performance.

It will be $199 guaranteed

>people actually pay for shipping
Just order a bunch of parts and pick up in store you incompetent fuck

already fucking told u guys, 1050 gonna kil pooloo470 and 460 amdgettingcuckedonhighend and lowend market.

Nvidia kills pretty much anything AMD puts out these days

Wasn't the 1060 supposed to be as good as the 980? I'm pretty sure with most nvidia announcements we can just take whatever card they say it will be as good as and go one card down.

But the 1060 is 970 performance are you fucking high

>That explains NVIDIA current line of electronic waste.

Uhh retards the 1060 is 980 performance, pic related.

>tfw as soon as nvidia comes into full compliance with dx12 and adds the hardware necessary they too will become housefires

Nvidia already beats AMD in DX12

I got the Zotac 1060 for $230 shipped on release. Used the paypal thing newegg was doing. It's awesome so far. Had been planning on getting an RX480 when the non-reference coolers came out, but they never seemed to be in stock anywhere.

Ah the 'ole "benchmark that shows this card being better than that card" google search.

"There are some games where performance between GeForce GTX 1060 and GeForce GTX 980 are close. There are also situations and games where they are apart in terms of performance. We never once saw the GeForce GTX 1060 perform faster than the GeForce GTX 980. At its best, the GeForce GTX 1060 provided the same gameplay experience as a GeForce GTX 980, but never "better." [as claimed in the press conference] - HardOCP

I know its bait, but if not show me one built-from-the-ground DX12/Vulkan game where the AMD equivalent of a card gets beaten in DX12/VK.

Plenty of reviews show the 1060 is faster than the 980, pic related.

1060 literally beats the 480 in every DX12 game that isn't AMD optimized.

Nowhere in that article does it say that. Fuck off shill.

But if it's true I'd buy

Tomb Raider is shit. Nobody cares


>Pure Hair On

DX12 is shit. Nobody cares

So the ones where they aren't actually built for the ground up or disregard large sections of the dx12 featureset.

How about Far Cry

1060 clearly faster than 980

No one cares about your proprietary microsoft botnet operating system

I have "literally" not seen any DX12 game where the 1060 beats the 480.

Why don't you jump off a bridge?

1060 beats the 480 in every DX12 game that isn't Hitman.

1060 is just a way faster card period.

That one also shows the 290X as good as the 980 and 390X lmfao which is not true in any world, especially with the beautiful use of gameworks in that title.

Here you go, 1060 beating 480 in Tomb Raider DX12

>the benchmarks are a lie

OK buddy, sorry you can't handle the truth.

Well the fact that 1060 is "barely" 15% faster than 480RX doesn't mean it's not on pair with 980. It actually is, has more ram and probably will receive longer driver support. You're a fucking subhuman retard from India shilling for AMD aren't you? Pic related.

Still I don't believe 1050 will have performance of 970 for $160. 970 is already only 3%-5% behind 480, and when heavily OCed it can beat 480RX in many dx11 games. This card would completely kill both 480 and 1060 as a poorfag won't justify 15% performance gain of 980/1060 gtx when both cards cost $100 more than implied price of 1050.

>480 nearly as good as furyx
>980 better than furyx
>not a biased benchmark
K bud

>It's biased when AMD loses, but if AMD wins it's ok

k friend.

noted goy

>1060 literally beats the 480 in every DX12 game that isn't AMD optimized.
>Shows Tomb Raider DX12 as proof

You can't make this shit up LMAO

That bench has literally all the AMD cards bunched up in a 2 to 3% performance range and also has the 295x2 below the 290x.

Its not even accurate inside of a single company's range of cards.

Same with all of his other benchmarks so far. I think he's just googling "example of fishy benchmark dx12 1060 wins"

hey I found this 100% not biased benchmark

So that is Rise of the Tomb Raider, a DX12 patchwerk.

And TimeSpy which adopts a "neutral" aka least async work principle.

>Rumor 1 month ago by Omar Sohail
>Rumor 1 month ago by Omar Sohail
>Rumor 1 month ago by Omar Sohail
>Rumor 1 month ago by Omar Sohail
>Rumor 1 month ago by Omar Sohail

Using a version of the game not updated to the latest patch that enabled asynchronous compute, which is clear from the Fury results.

Rise doesn't allow for Crossfire under DX12 so it's no surprise that a 295x2 would bench under a 290x as only one of its gpu is being utilized, and a single 290x is better than one of the 295x2's two gpu chips

Tl;dr you're retarded and should do research you assblasted amd shill

Wanting to change my 770 to either rx480 nitro or fury nitro, I can get them for £250 and £299 respectively, which one should I get?

Does anyone actually use AMDshit? No driver support, crashing and tearing and overheating... no one optimizes for AMD so new releases run like shit. I'd take less performance for an Nvidia card since Nvidia actually supports their shit

I bought a Fury for the same price recently from OcUK and have been very pleased with it. Only playing at 1080p, but it can max just about everything out and provide 60fps, so I'm happy. The Nitro is a really nice card too. Incredibly quiet, although I set a very slightly more aggressive fan curve that keeps it under 70 despite the fans never getting much over 1000RPM. The fans on my old MSI GTX 780 spun at 1100RPM at fucking idle.

>large 480 stock in 2 weeks
No thanks. I'd rather have a card that's worth something in a year than a paperweight.

There's no way a 1050 doesn't hit $200.

750tis were hitting nearly 200 last year, so I agree.

has anyone posted these here yet?

1060 literally has 980 performance. It's marginally slower, but the difference is small.

>async on
>b-but it doesn't use the TruASYNC™ AMD™

Architecture specific optimization is stupid. If arch is changed in future, performance goes to shit. It's good that time spy avoids it

so no one has seen these here yet?

Just bought one of these 2 weeks ago

So your not upgrading till HBM hits the market then?

Good luck finding any stock.

it's a shame that there's no decent upgrade path from the 970 in the $300 range. OCed 970 still beats out the 470/480 and 1060.

its called Q4 HBM2 launch

wut? there will never be an hbm card under $500-600.

It costs 220 bong shekels in the uk

rumor is $500 mark for amd, they want to undercut nvidia.

you are not supposed to upgrade every generation, dumbfuck

So what you're saying is I should get a sapphire nitro 4gb for £240?

What does?

Because it's thrash and mentally healthy people don't want it.

I really fucking wish that TimeSpy had two modes:
async light and async heavy.
Seriously, that would've been too fucking good because then you'd have the ability to say "In heavy async workloads, each cards performs... whereas in light loads, it performs... and so you can see, it depends on... for what you would find most reliable for you."

...But we all know EXACTLY how that would go.

Nvidia would get BTFO. We know this


juice have too eat too
think about poor juice

Yes the fury sounds like a better deal but what about the 8gb on rx480 and fury frametimes?

Hopefully it'll have enough VRAM

>locked i5 in a z97 board
wew lad

>same as a 270x
looks like i wont be needing this

It was about £30 cheaper than the "h" variant so don't hate me for it.

>its the same but worse

>Sup Forums """Technology"""
>not supporting GPUs with open source driver

thats sad guys

From what we seen of nvidia, we'll get the real competitor of the RX 480. A $200 - $250 GPU, that will beat the RX 470 and will reach RX 480 perf on DX11 games.
Not falling for this shit.