What is the best Aero solution for Windows 10?
What is the best Aero solution for Windows 10?
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realizing that aero looks like shit and moving on
install gentoo
Aero is only good at a decent resolution. OP's screenshot, for example, is fugly.
Install 7 or gnu/linux
But, it doesn't
Or a linux distro if you can find a aero theme
Does windows 10 have a setting to 'select for best performance' with respect to desktop and window effects. This made xp and windows seven pretty usable. Just add the seconds you have to wait for every damn click to finish swooshing and that's time stolen from your life.
Same place as always.
Yes, but you can't disable "Aero" on 8 and 10.
You're stick with GPU accelerated GUI, which will fuck up performance in some cases.
people used to look at that and go:
>yeah, that looks good
sure If by "fuck up" you mean "make better"
No, learn how computers work.
enlighten me lol
These get reduced performance if you enable DWM (GPU accelerated GUI aka "Aero"):
1. playing games in windowed (non-exclusive) mode
2. desktop screen recording
It's easy to test it yourself, but you need Windows 7 with Aero off to make a comparison.
You do know that DWM isn't constantly using the GPU right?
What kind of proof do you want?
Try it or search for multiple reports on the matter.
I used to spent nights ricing out my Linux to look exactly like that.
Games have settings to disable aero you dumb underage shit. It also takes part of your vram.
Works on my machine
you got literally anything to back up your claim? If anything it improves performance by offloading work from the CPU
>Games have settings to disable aero you dumb underage shit
Yeah, for compatibility issues retard. Unused ram is wasted ram
>for compatibility issues
Just kill yourself. DWM takes gpu ram and cycles. It has performance impact on low end systems if you want to play games.
>It has performance impact on low end systems if you want to play games.
please. You'll have a hard time noticing anything even with integrated graphics. Please educate yourself
forgot pic
I remember when Sup Forums hated aero.
I can tell you didn't try it. Probably an underage fag who didn't even use 7 much before switching to the latest most shilled version.
It will not impact performance in every case, which is why I listed those two cases as examples.
A tenth of a second in UI responsiveness is massive.
Do you know why fullscreen exclusive mode even exists? Because aero can bring stutter if your system is potato.
you make up for it with improved redraw capabilities and offloading the CPU
I can tell you don't actually have any proofs behind your claims
Sure, that's why Vista was so fast compared to XP, right?
I can tell he has never run games in w7 on gpu with 256MB ram while aero takes half of it.
It was pretty close
Confirmed underage b&.
nice meme opinion
Stay buttblasted or take some 10yo pc from the dumpster and try it yourself underage dipshit.
I'm not buttblasted your just an idiot
XP had a very fast and efficient GUI. Shame we'll probably never have something like this again.
MS had top talent around win2000/xp era. Pajeets took over after that.
I don't think XP has hardware gdi
It was 2d but still had HW acceleration. Vista brough 3d.
Yes it does:
MS rewrote a lot from Vista on and while I'm sure there are some benefits, performance is still worse than XP.
You can do that Explorer CPU usage test (fast scrolling), XP still smokes everything else.
Jesus christ, how horrifying
That page has nothing to do with XP