
Sup Sup Forums, just ran into some ransomware

Downloaded a version of photoshop from piratebay, went to install, clicked on setup, but then stopped it because the description mentioned needing a keygen, but no keygen was included and there was just the one file

Despite stopping, something kept using my system resources like a hog, so I rebooted.

Reboot worked fine, but shortly after boot I got a message popup "inititalizing setup" or something.

Immediately turned the computer off again, booted in safe mode.

Worked again, but I didn't want to push my luck any further and turned it off after 5-20 seconds and grabbed my laptop to post here.

Checking a few other photoshop torrents (ones with actual comments) a user mentioned the one I used was ransomeware.

tl;dr - ransomeware attempting to install, hasn't succeeded yet but will continue if I boot the computer up.

wat do

Other urls found in this thread:


Photoshop is like $10/month you poor fuck. You can find $10 picking up change in a parking lot every day. Next time install GIMP and don't be so cancerous.

Take the drive out, rescue files with linux, reinstall Windows.

>pro tip: installing Linux only will allow you to run any pirate software in wine with no risk of viruses.

You should back up your files and remove botnet.
installing linux will give peace

Is there some kind of connector I can use that'll slowly transfer files between an SSD and my laptop's USB ports?

I'll rescue the files I care about and then try to remove it via system restore and a safe boot + malwarebytes

>boot some other OS from a live cd/dvd
>find ransomware
>delete ransomware
>download photoshop from a vip uploader next time

biggest mistake was ignoring the lack of comments on the upload

>downloading photoshop torrent

kek fucking dickhead .. is this babys first internet?

no it's completely impossible

What torrent specifically did you download?

Upload the exe to virustotal

>public trackers

cmd and delete this shit. Or rig this HD on another pc and delete the files.

>hi Sup Forums i am an idiot and i install and runs things without vetting them at all can you please help me now after the tsunami wiped out my house

> photoshop
> doesn't checksum
> downloads and runs anyway

These should be fine. At least it isn't one of the nastier ones that encrypt your files as well.

It's not up anymore, apparently already deleted.

CS6 13 something multilanguage

I'm about to make a liveboot usb with linux mint, I'll boot into that, transfer my files over (probably less than 30GB's, maybe even less than 10 - mostly artwork stuff) then boot up my desktop via the usb, transfer the files to the usb, and then attempt to fix the computer itself

It might've installed but not been able to begin encrypting files. Not sure what kind of ransomware it is, so it's probably going to be a pain to find it.

$10 a month is a lot of money for people who live in countries with higher taxes that cover pubic healthcare and other services Americans can only dream about

I caught it in the process of installing.

Obviously it's got something in the registry that makes it finish installing/start encrypting on bootup.

I'm not sure if safe mode would prevent it.

Also, is there a way to install a boot image of linux mint onto a usb from linux mint itself? (my laptop's running mint)

I'm a total newfag with torrents

got any tips?

Nigger you can get the legit version from Adobe, install it as a trial and then use the classic amtlib.dll crack.

I'm American and I never dream of being put on a 9 month waiting list just to have my tonsils taken out. Also my health care costs are less than what my British girlfriend paid in taxes for their shitty public healthcare.

So you just literally replace one file and it works?

I would've figured a keygen or something. Are you sure you're not talking about older versions?

Too bad it didn't encrypt your shit. You deserve it.

I am having quite a time laughing at your stupidity and ineptitude.

1. stop using windows
2. stop using priatebay
3. stop using utorrent
4. install gentoo
5. use a private tracker
6. use gimp
7. join anonymoose
8. be a master hacker


how 2 join anaonymosu

before running any shady exe files i make a system image on an external drive

will this actually help in case of a ransomware?

>Can afford a computer that's powerful enough to run Photoshop
>Can't afford Photoshop

Eat shit, pajeet.

The skulls next to the usernames means they're legit. Try to only download from them.

>taxes are only for healthcare
Have fun walking on those dirt roads and getting shot and robbed by niggerinos and chicanorios

on the linux mint usb now

naturally the usb cannot be mounted for who knows what godforsaken reason, so I can't actually transfer any files to it

my guess is that linux mint's default iso installer whatever-thing isn't configured to use the entire drive and just formats a small part of it

But I can still transfer files off the HDD onto other USB's, and I've got a smaller 32GB that should still work.

Also, none of the anti-virus software I tried to install actually installs. bitdefender's deb package installs something - I don't know what, because I cannot actually find any new programs anywhere.

ClamAV wants me to compile from scratch instead of providing a hassle-free installer.

gotta love linux

Have fun getting raped by sandniggers and shit on by your parliament.

>system restore

That is literally one of the first places that malware infects. Nuke and reinstall the now doomed Winblows, or switch to a fresh copy of Gentoo.

>Downloaded a version of photoshop from piratebay

you will post this thread again in the future if this is what you consider to be intelligent.

unfortunately ransomwear has the potential to flash firmware and remain in a state of stealth even in your BIOS, so you should reflash all of that (even your HDD firmware).

And of course, re-install your OS.

Congrats, you're a fucking retard.


Back up all of the things, then reformat. Simple as that.

I don't see why you didn't just remove it in safe mode Tbh

Unless if it encrypts and if that's the case, you're already fucked.

>dirt roads
You know the US has more paved roads than any backwater European country, right?

If it looks anything like op's pic related, you shouldn't concern yourself


$10/mo is alot of money for

>someone with no job

Grab and antivirus quick and make a backup quick.

Then reinstall windows or linux.


I'm planning on removing it in safemode - but first I'm transferring the files I like off the computer and onto a USB using a linux bootdrive.

Stuff I consider really important is already backed up - this is just less important stuff that would be a pain to replace.

The hard part is going to be identifying the type of malware/ransomware and then removing it. I don't know what it is, just that something is there. Since it's likely created a registry key to automatically start on boot I'll try running ccleaner first and check what's all there.

After that I'll run some windows AV programs and then check manually with help from google.

Don't see you picking ut up, fucktard.

Wish I was neet so I can have time playing with ransomware on a VM. How people get infected with one, ill never know

Feels good not be a pirate

Tfw downloaded a russian repack of the witcher 3 and all my files got encrypted, was there anything i could have done instead of reinstalling windows and losing all my data?

call geeksquad

OP here - AFAIK once shit's encrypted you're fucked unless someone found an exploit in their encryption method and can unlock stuff for you (I think one of the ransomwares has had this happen already)

Easy fix op, download Windows ISO onto a flash drive, boot to it, and then just reinstall windows, during installation it asks if you wanna keep your files or not, it kinda treats it as an update. Good luck.

Link to download? For science.

It's been removed

Here's steps to install malware on your PC:
>go to piratebay
>type in photoshop in the search bar
>click on the one with the most seeders
>after it downloads run the setup.exe file
>malware is now installing, you don't even have to go through the whole setup process

I hope this helps

Also for whatever reason my USB is now transferring files incredibly slowly.

First set of files was 16GB and finished in 30 minutes.

Now I'm transferring a second set that's just under 4GB's and it's going to take 2-4 hours; the hell?

>implying I dont use linux

Well, since the original torrent's been deleted, I can't show you the actual download, just the process to get to other, likely, malware downloads.

This is weird, I stopped the file transfer and then tried just one of the 125mb folders - that started going at 70kbps, then once it finished on whatever file it was choking on, it jumped to 18mbps

Rest of the files are transferring properly.

Why would a file suddenly be so hard to transfer via usb?

>Financially supporting "software as a service"

Nope. I'll buy Photoshop when they stop doing this creative cloud shit. I don't like to rent software.

fucking [/thread]

Don't look to the UK as a model. Our government have been making the NHS shittier on purpose so people won't mind as much when they eventually dismantle it for not fitting with the leading party's ideology.

Actually, I could just upload the file someplace for you to download if you want.

Alternatively, I can upload it to some online virus scanner - I don't know which are any good.

How do people take torrents and shit? Did you download it with one seeder?

I think I downloaded the same one, just started using all resources and downloading more malware. I Ended up resetting everything.

says the faggot posting anime


No, it had 9,000 something seeders

It was taken down within 40 minutes of being posted, so I'm guessing they spoof the seeders/leeches somehow to hit the top of the list, and then reupload every time it gets taken down by a moderator.

How big was the file?


user, Japanese anime is cute and cool.

It's 830.8mb's

Files are tranferred pretty fast on my new MacBook Pro with Retina display.

Switch to BSD or Linux and use FOSS software if you don't feel like paying for software and maybe you won't run into this problem again.



Not true. By default all .exe programs run through wine have Internet access and access to all your folders, so they can easily upload all your shit to the cloud

Few big files = fast
Many small files = slow

For you

> that cover pubic healthcare and other services
> cover pubic healthcare
> pubic healthcare
I know what you mean.

The next time you run a pirate game or program do it in a SandBox. You will never have this problem

Assuming the ransomware had access to write to the drive it wouldn't matter if it was encrypted or not.

5 rupees deposited

I would like to know more

This fucking post.

Go to the sandboxie website, they have a nice video showing how it deal with ransomsware among other things

Alright, everything I wanted to backup is now backed up.

Time to find where the virus/ransomware was installed.

Dude nuke the fucking PC.

How come the government doesn't really do this? I think it would reduce crime a lot, if we could detect whenever criminals were viewing illegal images and then lock their computers while the police men were deployed

This. Should be common knowledge on Sup Forums

How about you touch my ass you fucking faggot.

Get the fuck out of my thread if you're going to post shit "advice" like that you underage cunt.

>shit "advice"

It's the only way to be safe. Do whatever you want.





i hope you get a rootkit instead of ransomware you stupid cunt.

yeah, tesla. malwarebytes used to catch that one though. Fuckers sent a word file with a macro that downloaded it and like half the company got infected at one point.

OP here, back on windows in safe mode

took me a few minutes to get a working mouse

I used ccleaner to check everything that's set to run on startup - I recently cleaned this up (less than a week ago) so the only things that should be enabled would be software I vetted.

Well, I've got something called chromebrowser.exe that wants to run itself on startup.

Computer otherwise seems stable on boot (in safe mode).

Just a troll m8, I've been rebooting trying to get my mouse working in safe mode for the past 15-20 minutes.