The best part about using physical media or hooking something up is almost always the actual connection. Post the most satisfying plugs, cartridges, connectors, anything you've used. And why not the worst while you're at it.
The best part about using physical media or hooking something up is almost always the actual connection...
1/4" TRS connectors have a nice solid sound to them
Fuck these things
Recently had to plug a couple of Molex connectors since a couple of new cases we got used them to power the multiple case fans and have them controlled through physical buttons. Hadn't touched those in quite a few years, and it was pretty great.
Plugging power connectors from PSUs is normally pretty shit though. Those 6/8pins for GPUs are always hard to connect properly, and disconnecting them is even worse. Don't even get me started on the CPU power connectors on the motherboards. Shit is so ass.
SATA connectors are also fucking shit.
What's satisfying about having to bend those floppy-ass pins into place every time to plug it into something?
>And why not the worst while you're at it
>SATA connectors are also fucking shit.
>thinks molex is great
Satan, is that you?
It's not that they're entirely shit in that sense, but OP was talking about what felt satisfying to plug in. SATA feels like shit when plugging. There's no physical reaction from it, you pretty much just jam it in all the way to the end and that's it, and you can't even tell when it's properly connected. That's all I meant, my anonymous friend
But user, for that you have Molex to Sata, the best of the two worlds, it even gives you some delicious adrenaline from not knowing when magic smoke will happen.
On the contrary, Sata cables have clips and molex connectors require fucking around trying to get the loose pins to line up and then shove in as hard as possible, hoping it holds firmly enough and then taking them apart is a fucking nightmare
I retract my previous assumption, hello lucifer.
>Post the most satisfying plugs
Its satisfying to have 10GbE fiber at home.
this and those devil slave/master dongle fucks
>I dont know what a dongle is
>I never had to manually set SCSI IDs
how about the most annoying one?
I bought a chinese hard drive to usb adapter, the power brick got hot. I wasn't aware and I had it set up on my bed on a really thick blanket for about 3 - 4 hours.
I don't mean it was warm to the touch, I mean it was hot hot hot kind of hot, made me afraid to use the thing more than 30 minutes again.
Chink quality plus blanket/carpet is a bad combination
good lord.
yeah fuck those things
these are perfect until you have to be at that one office that doesn't have any holding clip things on any of the cords and shit is sliding out like limp dicks
I think that USB type B is highly underrated.
DB9 serial ports were great. Almost indestructible, but then USB came along. They break as soon as you move the laptop. Not even going to post a picture. Most people probably don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.
this one isn't so bad, the 20+4 sucks, since the +4 always seems to come loose and fuck it all up
removing them is kind of a pain, i always feel like i'm going to break the fucking clip because it's so goddamn tight
Pic related. Back in the day when consumer audio was just getting off the ground, there was big debate between TRS vs BNC. BNC was superior in pretty much every way except two (at the time):
1) Cost
2) They're not retard proof. A lot of people simply can't comprehend insert, twist-click.
If you think TRS is satisfying, try BNC sometime.
These days TRS proves to be superior because it's simply smaller with its 1/8" form factor. You're really not going to be getting anywhere near that with BNC.
HDMI can lick my balls.
>DB9 serial ports were great. Almost indestructible
no, i broke off the DCD pin by not inserting it straight on, bending the pin, and it snapped off when bending it back. not that it matters since it isnt used for anything I use a serial port for.
> Most people probably don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.
You do realize they're still commonly used on Cisco networking equipment? For fucks sakes, I have a 1U 48 port console server under my desk.
Those are pretty based. Only seen them on our oscilloscope probes in college though. I managed to mangle one when it got stuck but the professor pushed it back on and it still worked.
One thing I hate is my G62 laptop's charging port. Either it's become loose over time or I caused a short in the cord by laying with it on my bed for years with the cord going from the floor up to the bed, when I should have coiled the slack and set it on the bed too. I won't do that again!
That firm connection and "click" when inserting into rack mount pro audio gear
That balanced electrical connection and common mode noise rejection.
Same exact cable used for high end analogue and aes/ebu digital.
How can the others even compete ?
they managed to subvert the USB superposition phenomena.
It truly, just werks.
>Most satisfying
>Shitty bendy molex connectors
Found the masochist.
saves me time and fingers when i come across a plug that should be dropped and forgotten
(pic related, SATA-FM 4 PinS to SATA M Adapter)
BNC is good for
That or the old 30 pin iPod connector as well as the 1/4" headphone jack
This honestly. Every time you do it, it feels like you're accomplishing something.
I did like this when I criticised the change at first, glad it didn't apply to headphones with the 5s though. Got a turbo charge wall wart and a compatible premo ass 10ft monoprice cable for my android for $8 total though. Apple mostly sucks to be honest.
>when you see non-neutrik connectors
ethercon is pretty based tho
I'm getting triggered my the shitty mold trimming on that washer like piece. The latch design doesn't even look that good now that I'm staring. Damn audiophiles.
This autistic-looking thing.
Loved my ericsson but it got fucked by some kind of bug within a year. Still stayed with AT&T till my next one died the same way.
How about some epoxy-backfilled M-12 connectors with o-ring and locking nut for water-proof panel-mount connection? Nice.
Do connectors get any more satisfying than this?
are those for connecting your audiophile speakers to your $10k tube amp?
its for running 400A to a distro to power an entire concert
They could be, but you'd need to buy the necessary risers first.
fucking love plugging these niggers in
>not copper from the poles
Cat6 fixes this. They have guards on the back that significantly hinder the fucking clip from snapping off.
>not using Cat7
Enjoy bottlenecking the Cat7 with your non-quantum-bio-organic computer
kek sure thing sport
Cat6 is a twisted pair cable.
RJ45 is a jack crimped to Cat6.
Sliding a 1/4 inch cable into an amp is the best feeling in the world.
This, however, is the worst.
they have three positions, up, down, and superposition and remain in the superposition until observed.
think what you want about the format, but this is the comfiness standard
Ran component video through some of this in-wall once. Didn't look the greatest, but it worked.
This. Cat 6-fixes nothing, especially when someone connects it to a standard RJ45 sans boot.
It was the only really bad part of Walkman phones. Mine lasted 7 years until I spilled a glass of tea on it.
People bitch about Apple these days. People have no idea how bad it was and how far we have come. Also the conductors in those cheap thin soft black cables would break if you just looked at them the wrong way.
The micro usb charger on my Moto G has this curve to it that lets you always know the correct orientation. I don't know if Motorola patented it, but it's fucking fantastic.