ITT: Tech gripes

>click 2 pixels outside of a link/button
>there's another link there that opens an entire new tab/window

That is just you being an idiot.

>mfw i try to use the select tool on my iPhone and it goes apeshit

FML x 10000

This shit literally used to work perfectly in the previous versions of iOS



>want to maximize window
>close it instead

No it didn't user. Your fingers just got fatter.

>want to resize columns
>hitbox is smaller than a fucking pixel
>microshit will never fix this

X suffers from the exact same problem. Just not on columns, but on entire fucking window borders.

>X suffers from the exact same problem.
Depends on a WM.
But dumb mis-click is a dumb misclick, and I accidentaly closed my 10+ terminal window multiple times (in gnome).

Maximize and minimize buttons should be closer to the edge than the close button. Think of how much less careful you'd have to be when manipulating windows. I'd love that.

>be me 7 days ago
>install botnet 10 anniversary update
>wait for fucking ever
>"Your files are exactly where you left them" etc.
>a fullscreen dialog window pops up with nothing useful
>click next
>click next again
>suddenly a lot of text appears and 2 other buttons, but it's skipped immediately, as my second click registered too
>mfw I will never know what I just "Accepted"

What? Just search for the terms of use on the search bar or on Google.

wew lad, spilled my spaghetti all over the numpad, I meant
>be me, 4 days ago

Oh it was just terms of use? I thought it would comprehensively tell me what the update added

wait is that legit?

Oh I don't know. I just presumed since you said "Accepted"

>trying to watch pornhub
>have ad blocker
>pornhub introduces a new ad that activates on clicking the play bar
>ad blocker blocks it, but also disables the play bar from working


>middle click in firefox if you miss link

>Doing PC maintenance and cleaning.
>Windows Defended full system scan followed by Malwarebytes Anti Malware
>Do Chkdsk scan on all my drives.
>Found 4 corrupted files on one drive.
>Corrupt File "filepath " ... The sparse flag in standard information attribute in file 0x84a0 should not be set.
>Run a bad sector scan using two different hard drive tools
>All sectors report "Excellent" status

I'm pretty sure the virus scan fucked up my files in some way.

It's a demo version of Vista, so yes it's real

>there's a button on a website, acting as a link
>it only recognizes the click when you click directly on the text

>watching 3d porn

Same for Windows 7. Thank god MS finally made a good Windows with Windows 8.

btw i started getting symbols and other weird shit captchas -- am i the only one?

>windows 8
Yeah, no. 8.1? Maybe. 8? No.

8.1 is the same as 8

That's russian you retard.
Are you using a VPN? Another thing, you might be part of a botnet now, like, an actual botnet.

Also see pic related.

as far as i know revese e isn't in cyrillic

How does that even fucking work?
Is it three processes? That can't be possible, Vista opens more than that on startup.
Is it three windows? A program can open multiple windows.

Buy it and find out for us.