Which one?

Which one?

Assuming those are the only options for you:

There's next to no difference between the cards in terms of OC or cooling ability. Just go for the cheapest one.

No the MSI, since it's apparently not for gaming.

I would take the last, because it's not only G1 gaming, but extreme gaming, so you have the option to extreme game if you want.

MSI is the most quiet one

What the hell are those prices, I just bought a 1070 for that kind of money.

>>apparently not for gaming

i like to make my GPU be the same brand as my mobo

i don't really have a reason besides just liking the uniformity

Australia my friend by the looks.

>literally buying a 3.5 cuck card

No company makes both good motherboards and graphics cards though.

Great mobos, shit cards


Shit mobos, great cards

THE shitties mobos, average cards

if you can fit the last one take it

>what are Canadian dollars

Nigga gigabyte g1 gaming 1070 and 1080 also the 980ti are the chief cards.


Buying GTX 970 over the R9 390

forgetting to yellow text

Also OP is talking GTX 970 specifically.

Uh, no, not even close. Gigacuck cards are the loudest around and their cooling performance doesn't justify it. I'll take the extra 3-4 degrees and do without the extra 7-8 decibels.

Im in canadia and even the 970 is frequently under 400 monopoly monies

Aud and Cad are basically the same value right now. But overseas/GST fuck us over

RX480. Same performance for a lower price.

Would a 2500K bottleneck any of these?

Monopoly money?

trade in to a real currency first

Lol. Check out the overlooking results in guru3d, computer base and Tom's. Heck check all of them.

The gigabyte g1s are beaten by the hybrid or extreme cards. That's it.

Even the 1080 g1 with just one 8pin oc to the same level as the super high End.

Will depend on what you're playing.
In a lot of cases, you'll probably be fine.

Are you overclocking that 2500K?

r9 390

Just get a 290X unless you're certain you need the additional VRAM. They're the same chip, though the 390 has slightly better power delivery. If you aren't overclocking, there's little reason to go for a 390.

I've got it sitting at 4.3 but I have a 212 so I can probably push it to 4.6. Just want it to play generic AAA games for as long as I can. I just don't want to spend the money on a 1070 and have my CPU choke the shit out of it.

You're competing with current gen high-end i5s and some i7s, then. You're probably good to go.

Thank you friend.

Just get a 1060 since it performs better

MSI is your best bet it has a cute kitty kat.

This... This my friends, is someone who doesn't get the joke.

The RX470

>Buying rebrand of a rebrand of a rebrand

Yes there are
Binned chips and the xtreme is an amazing cooler
Msi one is shit
The gaming x is nice though, the new twin frozr cooler

>Hurr is a rebrand
still faster than the 970

> Joke flew over his head
> Posts a smug little picture
> Rereading the post will result in red face
> Will avoid Sup Forums till this thread 404

Keep posting but very very slowly.

>msi great cards


My 960 G1 Gaming stayed cool and quiet but overclocked far worse than I expected. If the MSI has the stop fan feature I would go with the cheapest.