RX 480 comes out

>RX 480 comes out
>shits the bed
>rx 470 comes out
>people excited and shit for it

If the card above it shit the bed, why the fuck would anyone be excited about the card below it? Or are you just thrilled about more curry poo in your gpu?

Other urls found in this thread:


Amdrones are literal retards.

holy shit does this really need another thread?

So they can sit and circle jerk the price point. That is literally the only thing AMDFags do.

>RX 480 comes out
>Its great and sells out immediately
>RX 470 comes out
>Its just as good but for less money

Stay mad, Huang.

>this is what amd pajeets truly believe

the downs is real here.

The 460 is cute.

If little shits wanted to they could MAYBE justify a 460. A lot less performance for lot less money. I guess?

GTX 1060


As said, stay buttblasted Nvidiots. Maybe the shilling department will give you an extra few Nvidiabux if you make 2 or 3 more threads

You're killing me pajeet!

Enjoy your medium graphics settings

Something tells me you are one of those poor bastards that bout a 480 on launch day and have regretted it ever since. I feel no remorse for your mongoloid decisions.

2 more posts and you'll get your next paycheck of .50 Nvidiabux. Keep it up!

Not an argument pajeet

>16 posts 9 IPs
Neither is posting the same shit all day in hope of getting that sweet sweet shilling money.

check the steam survey, the 480 is out selling nvidias entire lineup

not him, but provide link

you lazy, lazy user

Are you too fucking lazy to go to it yourself?

yes. Yes I am.

provide link or I'm just gonna have to call your argument BS

kill urself amd

>it's great
Oh come on.
First the 480 was the 1070 killer, then it was the 1060 killer and then it was 'still better than the 970'

Wtf why is it so expensive. I thought the rx480 8gb was $229. Why would you buy 470?

He's not wrong.

AMD shitlords are just made they bought a card on a release date that was supposed to be the next greatest card. Turns out it's pretty mid tier.

not him but i just checked and there isn't even a 480 on the list.

gonna have to agree. There is no way Radeon engineers didn't notice the RX480 was drawing too much power from the PCIe port. That was just a retarded decision.

Well I mean I still think it's a decent card for the money if you get a non reference one that you can actually fucking overclock without killing your mobo but it's just a mid range card that is better bang/$ than the Nvidia mid range.
THAT IS LITERALLY THE AMD MARKET. A slightly cheaper mid range card than nvidia.

>I thought the rx480 8gb was $229

>being this butthurt about a product that affects them in no way whatsoever
Huang can't be losing that much money to amd to personally post here.

just bought 2 xfx r9 285 for wqhd dx12multigpu and oculus rift gaming, both for 215€ which probably equals a 1070 when dx12 multigpu layer hits

ignoring the powerdraw, i'll try undervolting anyway

fuck me right

I'm going to buy either two of these or two 480s and post my speccy in every gpu thread just to bait Nvidiots.

Thank you based AMD.
>mfw price/performance wins again

Get absolutely dumpstered Nvidiots.

nigga. Link.

Why the fuck would you buy two 285? Even two 480 would be better for that

are amd the most incompetent company in existence or what? the 470 is literally 1-3 fps slower than a 480 but is more expensive.



4gb vs 4gb

explain this.

I'm not even mad, retards will be retarded.
Meanwhile my 1070 wrecks your 2 480s at the same price, has OpenGL and Linux support, and wont blow up my PSU.

Diminishing returns applies to the low end as well as the high end. Gtx xx60 and radeon xx80 has always been the best price to performance.


despite ignoring the availability of speaking cards, only cards below 26cm fit in my rig

i'd pay 520€ now for gtx1080 performance in multigpu

instead i paid 215€ for almost 1070 performance

i'm just a bit scared about the thermals but i think i'll get it to work


>RX 480 comes out
>shits the bed
opinion disregarded

miners which are skyrocketing the demand vs availability to the moon

so why not get a better case?

>meanwhile actual game performance from 99% of the games where multi gpu doesn't really perform that well
Enjoy your subpar bitcoin mining rig

cuz minimalism,

went from fractal design arc midi r2 to this

blame my asperger

>multigpu shit meme
at least you tried

>100% scaling

are you just pretending to be retarded ?

It's ok familia any second now developers will start catering to the multigpu crowd and you'll actually get a performance bump from it worth the investment

>two 970s beating a 1080
Yeah there is absolutely nothing wrong with this benchmark

Amd fanboying is a never ending hype train of mental gymnastics to convince yourself that the next up and coming product won't be like all the other disappointments.... every single time.

Don't you people want to get off the ride?

Enjoy ur DX11 games fagget

that's honestly all you can do with these cards
shitpost on Sup Forums about it
Literally all the 2016 games are objectively shit

>As soon as $latest_meme_technology catches on Nvidia will be over. Enjoy your shit card only capable of $currently_used_technology Nvidiot.

We had multigpu since you were in your diapers. Developers don't bother.

and they never will since it's niche market inside a niche market.

Sup Forums was always against multigpu. At least until the Sup Forums spillage was told by Pajeet that multigpu is the future.

Shit lords always falling back on the meme of "j-just wait till AMD releases better drivers. NVIDIA WILL BE DONE HAHAHAHAHA"

>"Brilliant HD Gaming"
>would explode if it had to do 4k

Mining with gpus is dead stop memeing.

>Shit lords
Back to tumblr with you


check ethereum which only enables mining through consumer gpu's and is very much being mined right now

go away Sup Forums
profitable crypto can only be gpu mined since asic farms took over.

profitable crypto cant be gpu mined since asic farms took over.

except there are people which don't own asic farms and this rises the profitability in ethereum because people buy trust into them because bitcoin seems too corporate

I like what Raja is trying to do. The way he did it during the RX 480 reveal was absolutely retarded, but it makes sense. Wouldn't you want 1080 performance for about $500? I sure would. Moore's Law still scales on smaller chips and those are cheaper for them to produce and cheaper for us as well. The new APIs and the new technologies for multi GPUs are magic, look at how you can pull resources from all available GPUs as one pool of resources. It would be fantastic. No one says it's stupid to have a multi core CPU nowadays, he wants that to happen with GPUs as well.

>tfw the only difference between 6 and 8 is more grounds