This triggers the poorfags (read: AMD users)

>this triggers the poorfags (read: AMD users)

Feels great to be supporting a company that creates great, innovative products.

Other urls found in this thread:

What model toaster is that?

Why do you even want four of them? Why do you feel spending $4800+tax/shipping is worth it?

>the poorfags

woah...calm your tits linus, thats wasting money (you, nor your parents have) i seriously fail to see a scenario where i need 4 Titan X and would kill myself when 1080ti hits not to mention the 1100 series.

Not even the most tech illiterate richfag fanboy would buy into that.

Then are showing off something you dont have and that you like to lick a corporation cock so bad to make free publicity for them on the interwebs and see if another corporate cuck gets annoyed (IE. AMD Fans)

Post another picture with sign and timestamp to prove that they're yours.

woah that's like 3 or 4 grands man hopefully some day I can have that much money


Just save for a couple months, what's wrong with you.

Top kek. Soon to be legacy.

I'll have to sell both of my kidneys and a lung to even afford them. Enjoy the 8k, op.

Only thing that bother me is that they sell this card with a blower cooler instead of a waterblock or a 3 fan heatsink

If you are going to spend 1200 dollars on a card you might want to keep it cool and quiet

Watching 60fps hd porn

>needing 5 toasters to make one low quality bread

You can actually get up to 30k USD for a kidney alone

Imagine the possibilities

The new titan x scales dreadfully in dual sli. How does this trigger anyone in anyway? It's objectively beyond stupid. Like those lamborghini police cars in UAE

>Feels great to be supporting a company that creates great, innovative products
8/10, I had to reply

>Feels great to be supporting a company that creates great, innovative products.
That's right bro! Us ©Apple users have to unite!!

>poorfags (read: AMD users)

Actual richfags don't have use for a titan x since the use a Mac.

nice try tho


>AMDpoors think spending money on a quality GPU that wont blow up your PSU or Motherboard is the same as being a Macfag
fucking lmao

my mom just ordered me the Titan X pascal so FUCK YOU nigger hahahaha

I thought the sarcasm was obvious

Buying 4 titans is nothing for me, I know some guys who have spent upwards of 100k usd ricing out their cars, or spending tons on home cinema/audiophile shit.

related: my daily watch

Doesn't matter, have 4 EK blocks on the way

Im pretty sure you cant use more than 2 Pascal cards at the same time in SLI

have fun with the 2 extra Titans, OP.

I know my son will enjoy having them in his new PC. :^)

is it your wife's son?

even if 4-way SLI was still around, what would the second two titans get you? another 5 frames?


>my purchase wasnt retarded! See, here's even more retarded purchases I made!

wow OP, you sure showed them

I didn't know viral marketing paid that well

Where do I apply? I can meme and lie real good too

But are you gonna do any useful shit with them like 3D rendering? I can only image how fast iray would spit out images with four of these, like real-time path tracing...

What? No dude, I was agreeing with you. I want to support innovative and creative companies such as Nvidia™

Terry Crews is that fucking you
was the 1080 not enough for Rocket League?

I hope you have obtained your Nvidia™ SLI™ Licence prior to this purchase OP so you can enjoy your games The Way It's Meant To Be Played™

why the actual fuck would you need 4 titan x'es except if you have a small dick and you need to compensate

>Angry AMDpoor can't buy a Titan X

Do Titans still have Compute performance?

sup zurv

this is like buying two 2002 honda civics thinking you can drive both of them at once

you're a moron basically

>Buying 4 titans is nothing for me
Except maybe a waste of money.

> I know some guys who have spent upwards of 100k usd ricing out their cars
Better investment, imho. Though "ricing" is kinda dumb, but to each their own.

Electronics depreciate. Quickly. Cars, gold, watches, land, etc, all appreciate. Some quicker than others.

For me it's all about ROI, and I'd rather spend 5K on another saddle then GPU's...

If this is for compute, he doesn't even need an SLI bridge attached, CUDA doesn't utilize SLI in any way.

I think it has double reduced precision compute for AI training

>a 2016 new product is like a 2002 car

How did this make sense in your mind?

Also you CAN drive two titan x's at once, it's called SLI

>Electronics depreciate. Quickly. Cars, gold, watches, land, etc, all appreciate. Some quicker than others.

Even if you take into account rising land prices, realistically you're looking at a very small real net gain if you take into account all the fine aspects, the real money is in rent. Nothing in this world is an "investment" unless it can be used to raise money in some fashion, and a computer is a fairly legitimate device for making money if you have a job that requires heavy computing power and time is money, like video editing and VFX.

But I'm better than you at games anyway

Have fun getting killed by me online I look forward to it.

>a 2016 new product is like a 2002 car
they are worth the same and thus acquiring them is equally impressive

>Also you CAN drive two titan x's at once, it's called SLI
not more than two at once, so buying 4 titans is essentially like buying two cars. half of what you paid for is wasted and you have no clue how to spend your money.

if you have so much of it that it's not necessary for you to be responsible then I legitimately am happy for you

Just testing if mods are asleep or have just given up on moderating this shithole

What features got taken out this time?

So much for a "forward thinking" piece of hardware.

AMD is a Honda, Nvidia is a BMW
AMDfags think putting two shitty Hondas into one makes a better car because theyre getting more price/performance

Sheesh, so Nvidia has shitty drivers?

Damn that's like 45 TFLOPS, you could do a lot of stuff with that. Not even being sarcastic, but I hope you don't just use it for gaming like a consumer whore, because those babies could do a lot of neat stuff.

>the real money is in rent
More or less, yeah. The only real exception I can think of is sub dividing, but that can get messy.

> a computer is a fairly legitimate device for making money
I'm not really arguing against this. More commenting on the need to post expensive shit to a Mongolian cave drawing board and call others poorfags. It seems... distasteful.

Does it come with a little nuclear engine?
It would fit the pricing, IMO.

Might try and join the CUDA neural network meme

>supporting a company that creates products and features for a premium cost and locks you out with software blocks while the competition gives you it for free.

You better be folding@home or some shit with those.
>t. Buying a gtx1080 once i decide which board partner to get from

unlike computers, cars dont lose as much performance over time. same for audio equipment.

trying to compare these things just shows how fucking retarded you are.

haha you cant mine crypto with those.

>4 titans
>get cucked by 2 way sli

i know this is completely a bait thread

very funny, mods

>All the jelly poorfags ITT

God danm user I'm jealous.
Meanwhile I'm sitting here with my Gt430

Even if they could afford it, most wouldn't waste their money like this.

>>ITT, newfags who dont know how to reverse image search and find a 6 day old image
>>And a poorfag OP who trolled other teens

You do know you have a free clock on your phone right? What a retard

honda made the NSX, which is probably one of the greatest sports cars of all time. not really a good choice there m8

>tfw just bought a 390 when AMD goes to even more deep shit
Cant wait to rejoin the masterrace...soon....

>four graphics cards and mac on the right


fucking faggot gook you know what he was trying to say

stop being that guy

>buying something an overclocked 980 ti can beat

>no double precision

>went to look for the mac
>kek'd audibly

Wow, you're a pleb.

nice 1

~70% more frames than a stock 980 ti. The TXP also overclocks better than the ti percentage wise.

But there are 5 toasters in that picture, user.

I dunno. I'm pretty well off and I wouldn't ever buy that many. I'm going to hold out for a few years with my 980

Enjoy playing a bunch of bloated, poorly optimized games that actually require this type of ridiculous hardware.

>loads image using data to look at a fucking toaster

It's a nice toaster