
Thoughts Sup Forums?

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The fuck is pajeet up to back there?

open sourcing that booty

exploiting backdoors

is that a neon dildo up her snatch

I'll install gentoo on that

mien sides

I never noticed the glowing pussy in that pic

that's some ufo beaming grade pussy, what the heck is it

it's not some rave panty or the belt

pretty cool but i hope she's one of those girls that gets angry if you look at her for more than 10 ms

>The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
Why there isn't a porn about open source yet
The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1).

someone left the fridge open down there

>open source porn
Patent pending. Now shoo

>ufo beaming pussy
I think you just sparked a new fetish

How did she hide the silhouette of her dick?

Silicone is technology

Pretty cool.

>not installing LFS on that shit

Don't worry user I chuckled at your retarded comment.

this is a great way to diy chicks

thx for the sauce


>deer in headlights

You guys realize you're all gobbling this viral shit up like idiots right ?

This "SexyCyborg" person had absolutely no only presence until a few weeks ago and now her posts are strategically being made on Reddit and Sup Forums.

Her owner realized tits+"nerdy" shit+views is easy money. And you're all making him rich.

>most women can look like this with a little money and effort

What a time to be alive

Nigga that's disgusting.

To each their own...

many possibilities for places to put leds other then skirt

she's alright, but no ass though.

If you don't want to impale her on your dick you're a fag, my man.

Why? because low crime rates. Thanks Japan

Doesn't even look human. Uncanny valley/10.

nice try homo

Its an acquired taste. The fakeness makes it even better, up to a certain point that is.

There are easier ways to make your snatch have a radioactive glow.

Why does her crotch glow?

looks vietnamese.
has very, very nice hips, abdomen.
tits look very, very fake.
nice clothing mod.

does she put out?

Ah, I see. An ultraviolet light to reveal the cum stains on her.

legit kek

Eventually there's a fine line where a sex doll is a better deal in every way.

Abducting that nut straight from my dick

I want to titty fuck her like you wouldn't believe

>not linking to all the albums

fuck you dude

delivrard, op sauce wasn't real

Something something, java

This is very old, older than that imgur album. I saw this on Reddit like four years ago


Top kek

>"Hey, Bill?"
>"What would it look like if a girl didn't just have no ass, but had *less than* no ass?"
>"...I got an idea, lemme fire up Blender"

how bout actual 3d and color?

she's a fucking attention whore

whever he goes, he must poo

I'd give her my open source hardware if you catch my Tokyo drift.


She took down some of the misty cosplay she posted cause her nips were exposed and her pussy was hanging out.

And yet she know how to 3d print and solder.

>pussy was hanging out
where? i don't see it in that set...

you blind senpai?

you could get some nice upskirt creeper photos because the goods are well illuminated

anything in high res?

what sort of magic is this? her mesh top went from completely see through to mostly not see through

She'd be adorable if it wasn't for the plastic bubbles

She should become Karlie Kloss's tutor

You realise this girl first appeared several years ago?
This is all old news

What is this bitch? a car?

who's taking the photos? Prolly the guy building all this shit

it'd be like pointing a camera at the sun, creeper shots would end up totally washed-out and useless

kinda clever if you think about it that way, she can indulge her exhibitionist side but retains a bit of control over who sees what

She's been around for like 2 years now. She has videos of her working process up. She has instructables up. Shes even been actively removing brand names from her pics to show shes not viral marketing.

Yeah she gets a lot of shit for being an attention whore, but she appears to be a legit maker.

>kinda clever if you think about it that way, she can indulge her exhibitionist side but retains a bit of control over who sees what
You could achieve a similar effects sans exhibitionism with IR leds.

but that's no fun if you're whoring for attention

also I think a lot of cameras filter out IR?

Is it bad that I already knew this image and had it saved?

She's a self-proclaimed attention whore and most of her projects are for high level cosplay. She obviously enjoys the attention, but I personally don't understand how anyone can see this and not find her disgusting:

Oh but let me guess, she doesn't do it for men, she does it for herself right.

she got an ass like hank hill

No shes into body modification. She actually wanted to have her legs extended but that was infeasible for her, so she got a boob job instead.

What the hell
that bra and the other part that idk what is called are literally non existant, why did she buy it? what the fuck

be proud senpai
you had a rare meme and you never knew it

I want to lick those mid riffs

Exhibitionism more or less. They'd go around naked if they could.

Look up micro bikini.

I'm jealous as hell but considering she's a sincere and honest person who puts in the work to do it, I can't fault her.

Her infinity skirt is pretty neat, it's a much larger project than this one.

Also, don't bother looking for nudes, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post them online in China (she's in Shenzhen).

the same ill-fitting shoes

>no https link

fucking retard botnet sheep faggot

can you share it? i've been looking for it for ages it feels like

>he thinks https makes him safe
Fuckin tool

Do you want cancer?
Because that's how you get it.

i can't wrap my head around why it bothers you that some attention whores and some virgins on the internet have made a symbiotic relationship.

like i agree she looks a little bizarre to me, but in your post is like some bizarre version of moralistic. it would at least make more sense if you were objecting to her selling her sexuality - at least that bible thumping moralization is familiar.

not him but this is some next level edgeplay
Youve completely gone off the deep end m8

What if they actually put technology hardware inside their tits

What could you fit in there?

Not enough attention... need... more... attention...

I have a fetish for slutty women.

Theres nothing disgusting about it. Has Sup Forums turned you so gay that you find the female body disgusting?

>Theres nothing disgusting about it

I don't quite agree with that. There's nothing more disgusting to me than that stupid, tight-lipped not-quite-smile that tons of Asian women do.

Fucking fix your teeth and smile. I can almost see her fucking clit, but I can't see her teeth. Weird.

Also, her nipples are extremely disappointing. All that tit-acreage, but hardly any peanut M&M to chew on.

>Sew a couple leds into a skirt
>coonect with wire
Yeah I'll wait until she creates something useful. At this point she's just wasting components to get attention.


>she's in Shenzhen
thought the scenery looked familiar

spent a lot of time over there a few years ago, wild place

>Breast implants
>Borderline anorexic physique
Come on. Why.

> women works on something
> she just followed tutorials
> but hey it's not so bad
> her face is literally 90% of all pictures
what the fuck

Damn dude you're digusting.

You're judging the shit out of her without knowing anything about her. Who the fuck cares what someone wears or how they smile? Get a grip and leave the basement, join the real world.

Crashing her framework
With no survivors

>Who the fuck cares what someone wears[..]?
Not that poster, but I do. I won't do anything about it, and don't bother to think about it much, but I do have a definite dislike for high heels, and wearing inadequate clothing in the winter (and not thinking to bring anything else).