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Nobody cares about your shitty 4K (JUST) GPU. Also performance per watt is all Nvidia has at present. Performance per dollar is won by AMD.

>several hundred dollars for 6% higher relative performance to a GTX1080

What a great deal.

Per usual Titan X is not worth it.

GTX1080Ti will destroy it.

Are you stupid or what?

Aren't you guys getting bored?

This has to be the most boring job in the world.

Wrong graph. My bad.

I cri everitiem

Dont you mean HBM2 will destroy it within the next 3 month?

Nvidia's tech is just ridiculously better optimized than AMD.

AMD is so fucking shit compared to Nvidia it's unbelievable.

Imagine that. Another cut-price product from AMD because they don't have anything competitive in the high end?

You mean when Nvidia finally launches the P100? That's not a gaming card. Though I have to agree with you that I'm kind of let down that the Titan card didn't come with HBM2.

>comparing a mid range-low end gpu to a $1200 gpu
are you retarded or whats the deal

>Nvidia's tech is just ridiculously better optimized than AMD.
complete nonsense without context

>AMD is so fucking shit compared to Nvidia it's unbelievable.
keep thinking that buddy it wont stop the 480 from outselling the 1060

Nvidia tech is way more optmised and efficient than AMD.
Part of that is they don't use a hardware scheduler.
That's why the GTX480 was a house fire

Lol let down? That's what Nvidia does. Releasing a Shit card because amd goofed. NV doesn't have to release 1080ti for a while now.
1080ti will come when amd fury releases or 490 comes out and is on part with 1080.

And 490 won't come close to 1080 since amd keeps fucking up. But I'm still hoping since I'm never getting a nv card again.

>2x LINEAR performance of 980 ti, not 980 ti SLI
>not even overclocked yet
>1080 ti will only cost $650


>NV doesn't have to release 1080ti for a while now.
Good. Hopefully that means they have some time to squeeze out a few more optimizations.

>buy Titan X
>the 1080ti appears 3 months later
>Titan X deprecated and obsolete

>thinking that's a good thing
top cuck

>Titan X target audience caring about money

Is that a caramel cube that I'm seeing?

They will. But the point is they probably already have it ready. We are stuck with a high En card costing 1200$ lol.

Its not Nvidia fault tho they are just doing what's best for their stock holders.

. It's amd and Nvidia slaves fault. Amd for not relesing a high end card and Nvidia drones for buying overpriced cards

only 10% of people buy high end and enthusiast cards

the card price are in the same range. people bought nvidia card because it's better.

>980 better than 980 Ti

Nice graph

Really? I felt like everyone and their mothera had 980ti and 290x

Seriously I know so many people with a 980ti it ain't even funny

>tfw expected at least one person to post perf/dollar

Come on, do I have to do it myself?

are you dumb? gtx 1070/gtx 1080 are high end cards, gtx 1060 is in between mid and high end

>tfw you got a Fury for not much more than a 480 recently

I wish I was paid to shitpost.

Just look at the graph. AMD's newest cards can't even compete with Nvidia's last gen.

AMD is seriously pathetic.

>wait for Vega
>just wait

But then NVIDIA will have Volta

but then AMD will have something else to wait for

top kek

Seeing how they just invented fire, is it a round wheel?

>because the cards are dirt cheap it inflates this total for 5 fps

jesus christ these charts are stupid

>r9 fury x below the 970

They don't need to at present as they are dominating the mid/low end.

It's a perf/watt chart you dumb nigger.

>mid/low end
Just like your life, right user?

>at present as they are dominating the mid/low end.
With the launch of the 1060 a couple of weeks ago I find that hard to believe. Got a citation for that?

>in a thread about praising the perf/watt of the titan x, suddenly perf/price is a stupid comparison

This brings me back to fermi, when nvidiots spent their time claiming perf/watt charts were worthless.
Times have changed.

That's hilarious, the 1060 is by far the best midrange card and it's Nvidia

Also don't forget a lot of RX 480's don't even see a Steam account due to coin mining. So it's likely to be higher.

The GTX 950 gained twice as much as the 480 did in the same time period. I thank you for providing proof that the 480 is not dominating the mid/low end market.

Uhh that shows that Nvidia is dominating the midrange...and the low end...and the high end.

Whoops. was in regards to Vulkan. DX12, the 970 and the 960 each outsold more than the 480 in July according to your citation. Outsold it by twice as much.

This includes before the RX 480 and GTX 1060 were launched retards. I don't give a fuck about the other cards. I am only showing that the RX 480 is beating the GTX 1060 at present. Yes I know the GTX 1060 was launched later than the RX 480. Stop trying to twist the fact that Nvidia dominates. I know they fucking do. But times are changing.

Vulkan Systems
RX 480 +0.12%
GTX 1060 +0.06%

DX12 Systems
RX 480 +0.05%
GTX 1060 +0.02%

DX11 Systems
RX 480 +0.06%
GTX 1060 +0.03%

Yeah well since the new GPU's are hard to source right now and more expensive because of varying factors like demand/scalping etc then yeah people will probably buy older GPU's because they are in stock when they need a new GPU. Basically it means jack shit.

>This includes before the RX 480 and GTX 1060 were launched retards.
That was specifically for only the month of July. If you want to consider "after launch" let's remind ourselves when was the launch day of the 1060? More than half the month of July had passed before the 1060 was launched?

And finally, what was actually claimed? "dominating the low/mid MARKET?"

One other thing. You forget that a lot of people rushed to upgrade to Windows 10 in July and had existing GTX 970's etc so now they can do DX12. That means the 970 gets a bump in DX12 even though no new 970's were purchased.

>Basically it means jack shit.
Basically it determines that Nvidia is leading the current mid/low end market.

Yes dominating the midrange/low market *NOW*. Not 6 months ago. *NOW*

And this is a different time frame than just looking at % change in July in comparison the 480?

No it just means you are living in the past and a glorified shill.

I am not replaying to anymore Nvidia shills thanks. The numbers speak for themselves.

>No it just means you are living in the past and a glorified shill.
You sir, are an idiot.
>The "market" only means two cards not the rest of the gpus sold on the market. . .

I expect you are the same retard who pointed out how the 480 outsold the 1060 in July as if that is something good. As if the 1060 didn't sell half the same amount as the 480 did in roughly a third of the time.

>In DX11 NVIDIA GeForce 920M and R9 380 are level pegging at +0.31%

It is kind of strange to see a lot of mobile gpus gaining enormously.

Give it a couple of months and we will see who is right.

Are you an AMDoublestandards? That's the usual call of the AMDoublestandards, "wait, wait, and wait some more."

Lots of gamers on the go these days I guess. Why people are still buying 380's though is anyone's guess.

I'd guess they're buying them for the same reason people are still buying the 960/970. They need a new GPU but cannot wait/find an affordable 1060/480.

Well to be fair as I sated GTX 1060 was released about 6 weeks later so we need to give it a little time to get a better indication. If the GTX 1060 % rises in relation to the RX 480 (In that they do not rise on par with each other) it will be more telling. It's too early to call right now.

Yeah. That's my guess too. The 970 outsold both the 1060 and 480 so supply and cost of the new GPU's is obviously a factor here.

We have to keep remembering these do not show the cards put into mining duty, which are literally bought by the dozens each time. All we get from this is cards used on steam are mainly nvidias, nothing more.

My bad. I was using DX12 as a % which is unreliable since Windows 10 upgrades in July kicking in. The 970 fell on DX11 %. Basically the 380 and mobile Nvidia were outselling both the GTX 1060 and RX 480 by the looks of thinmgs (at least for gaming). We don't know about miners and other games (stand alone, GOG etc).

>It's too early to call right now.
Which is partly why I am so baffled why someone would only highlight the 480 and 1060 as "the market."

Miners really fucking screw AMD over on gaming numbers. Nvidia claim victory but we can never really calculate the true numbers unless we had both Nvidia's and AMD's sales figures.

It was more of a backlash against the last couple of months Nvidia fans throwing hissy fits about the 480 release. At least we have some indication of the 480 gaming stats now

>It was more of a backlash against the last couple of months
U wut m8? You are saying that AMDoublestandards are making decisions based upon incomplete information as "backlash" rather than as part of their usual standard conduct?

Meh! I can't (be bothered to) argue that.

Uhh they aren't changing at all.

The stats show Nvidia is dominating and continuing to dominate...

>the 970 and the 960 each outsold more than the 480 in July according to your citation. Outsold it by twice as much.

Top fucking kek.

Nvidia's 2 year old cards are outselling AMD's brand new ones.

>Windows 10 free update ended July
>GTX 970 +0.10%
>GTX 970 -0.03%
Keep fooling yourself.

What is the 1070 considered?

>make a $10 gpu that manages 10fps in all the current games
>best performance per dollar
No one really cares if the product underperforms, or if you can't even get it for the recommeded retail price.

Except it's not measured that way retard. -F Must try harder.

Upper mid

Lol bro look at the charts, all the Nvidia cards are outselling AMD by miles

>i-if it doesn't help my case it doesn't count
>I'll make up an unrealistic case to prove my point

Yeah performance per dollar is a really dumb metric.

You can get a fucking free voodoo 3dfx and it magically becomes the best performance per dollar card because ti was free, even though it performs like shit.

That's the problem with AMD cards. They're cheap garbage and they perform like cheap garbage.

ITT people don't know how to read data and try to twist it to their own ends.

July states that the total DX11 systems in use for DX11 (We need to leave out DX12/Vulkan for now due to Win10 upgrades) the GTX 970 accounts for 5.21% of the userbase. Down -0.03% from the previous month. Since it's release the GTX 970 had something like 20% of total GPU's used on Steam. Quite a big market share. But Look how things are changing.

What is more interesting is the rise in GTX 960 and 750Ti use. The GTX 1060 and RXC 480 are way way WAAAAAY down that leader board.

Even the Intel mobile chips are way above them.

Make of it what you will.

>He believes this is a sales chart
Just go away.

The amount of retardation ITT is almost unbelievable. But this is Sup Forums so...

Holy shit I didn't realize just how bad AMD was doing.

This is the Steam Top 10 GPUs used.

Not a single AMD GPU in the entire list.

In fact Intel integrated graphics are many many times more popular than AMD GPUs.

>30% faster than 1080
>Double the price

No thank you. Who the fuck will buy this shit?

>People bought the poorfag GTX 1070

Yup! I am the person who posted the link BTW. Even I get that AMD don't even figure in the equation. But my point was to compare the GTX 1060 against the RX 480 for gaming and how the RX 480 was above the GTX 1060 (for now). I don't deny that Nvidia dominates in overall GPU's 'in use'. This is not a sales chart but it does indicate sales of RX 480 (at present) have outsold GTX 1060's. But again they (AMD) had a 6 week advantage.

Peope who don't care about price obviously. There are people earning good sums of money out there still. We poorfags can only dream from our basements.

hbm on consumer cards is stupid.

fury x and fury should have 8gb gddr5.

>tfw upgrading to 1070 from a 560 ti

here's a link to the results so you can see how bad it is

why do nvidia fans think performance per watt is a valid metric but performance per dollar isn't?

You're an absolute fool if you think the 1080Ti won't be somewhere in the range of $800-900

A few years ago their buzzword was performance per watt doesn't matter, now that nvidia has the edge on it suddenly it's the deciding factor for purchasing.

> 750ti

THERE I AM ! *waves*

>Intel HD Graphics 4000 just below 750Ti
U wot m8

High midrange.

Because that's not a sales report, that's only a steam's chart of "how many people are using X card on our software?"
So anything that does not open steam even once is left out, like mining or workstation pc's

Riddle me this, does steam inherently detect intel's igpu even if its not in use in the system? While there are a lot of intel chips used for gaymen (lol laptops) if steam is also picking up the igpu on desktops even if a dedicated gpu is in use then that is going to artifically inflate the numbers.

Hbm is a temporary fix for the bandwidth limit. Even AMD knows that and prepares the next gen Memory.