/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

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gtk2 based firefox? Or how do I make firefox call the gtk2 file picker instead of gtk3?

You compile Firefox with gtk2.

>sticking desperately to an old, deprecated toolkit instead of improving the ne one


I got an old laptop with a small ssd with linux on it. What's a program like windirstat to help me visualize my storage?

gnome has something for that.
but here is a list:



Thank you very much user. I went with filelight and I am extremely satisfied.

Syntax question:


Does anyone else NEED to have terminal windows open to monitor "stuff?" I have one that just runs "ping google.com" so that I know I am online. Another that does "tail -f" on system.log. And a couple others that monitor various things. Just in case.

Just me?

Just stream them to the virtual console like all the normal people do. Dunno about other distribs, but Gentoo dumps system.log into tty12 out of the box.

That's good for system.log. I also know people who stream audio which, obviously, stops when the network goes down. I don't know. I just like to have them chugging away in a green on black terminal window. It always feels like something important is going on.

>monitor stuff
That what bars/panels are for.

>"ping google.com"
enjoy your botnet

What is your image supposed to convey?
You want your network mounts to appear there? Bookmark them.

Do you use it to solve stuff?
Because if you don't, it can't be important.

Come on, have some respect for his aspergers.

Try both and see which works.

Both work, I'm asking for the better practice.

Go away Steve.

The last two things I solved with it was to read a man page (for "otool") and cal, to read the calendar for this month. Stupid shit like that, usually.

And the idea of getting a botnet from pinging google.com is pretty silly. What I do know is that if my returns are much over 20 ms, something is wrong on the line.

>much over 20 ms
Where are you living, in California?

It doesn't really mattress.

If you don't know it, just don't post.

Nope, East Coast USA. But Google has local servers all over the place. That's why I don't ping an IP address.

> I do know is that if my returns are much over 20 ms, something is wrong on the line.

Yeah, totally.

>ping something
>looks good
>start maxing out my bandwidth
>ping skyrockets

Useless if you're browsing the internet normally, which is like 100% of the time. The only reason to use it is to test connectivity. By using the internet you can test your connectivity.

wget "boards.Sup Forums.org/${1}/12345"
What if he doesn't want to use the internet, but just enjoy the thought that it works?

It's funny. Even when a browser is flipping out and using tons of cpu and bandwidth, the ping times to google.com stay pretty stable. I do use "top" to see if any processes are taking off (forgot to mention that). If it's some daemon, I'll just kill it (hey, they restart themselves) and if it is some userland app like a browser, I'll just kill and restart.

Sup Forumsentoomen, I got a job in a small hospital, will someone indulge in my stupidity for few of the questions I have?

1. Are there some programs to use manage patients records, as well as to mange employees data?And some sort of system to contact/inform them of notices and such?

Sounds simple, writing one can't take more than a week

Some flavor of SQL? They must be arranged in some sort of database.

I need a good small program like Speccy that shows specs and GPU+CPU temps. The less setup needed, the better

Inxi -Fx

thanks bro this will do just fine

Oh, I've should have clarified more.
It's difficult to describe, but how things work where I live isn't exactly optimum, in the middle of a third world country.
I do desk work most of the time.
And I'm looking for some programs to make job easier.
I've been searching and this is what I found


yet, non seemed to do exactly what's needed especially for handling employees and notifying them.

It's a shitty third world country based on rigid bureaucracy.

>shitty third world country based on rigid bureaucracy
Russia? Just write one yourself for fuck's sake

You need two separate databases. One for employees and one for patients. Nothing you find online will be perfect for either one, so you will have to improvise to some degree. But they will both be based on some kind of SQL base. I think. You will have to set up the framework and if you are lucky, you can hire some data entry slob to input the data (which you will have to put into some usable form for them). If you're lucky, you will be starting from nothing.

Ok so i installed Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon last week (which was already unexpectedly troublesome, i'm new to this) and i still cannot boot into it regulary. It does work however when i boot with the option 'nomodeset' or in recovery mode. I have tried to install multiple drivers and packages but when i boot with defaults i get an error from the x.org server(?) saying 'caught signal 11: segmentation fault. sever aborting'. How would i approach this problem?

Nice titties. More?

By reading logs, namely xorg logs, kernel logs and system logs. But the most certain way is of course [spoiler]install Gentoo[/spoiler]

Romania, I have no programing skills, in fact I have no degree in computer related stuff.
I was hired because I was young and with no criminal records and know how to operate a computer.
I work as a jack of all trade
I do have degree in electrical engineering though.
Thanks, but this solution isn't suitable for me.
I guess if you can't beat them, then join them.

Hey guys, I have a laptop with a 120GB SSD and a 1TB HDD, I want to install Kubuntu on it. Now I do need Windows or OSX for the Adobe programs and some games I play so I do wish to dual-boot Windows and Kubuntu. Now my goal is to partition the SSD to 60GB for windows and 60GB for Kubuntu, and the HDD to 500GB for Windows and 500GB for Kubuntu. Now how should I go about it so that I can keep the current windows I have installed?

go back to Sup Forums

Don't insult me. I'm from Sup Forums



Regarding printing under linux?
Is it recommended to use HP printer services?
Also what are the setting should be done to print fast/low quality?

update: it says on the mint 18 release notes that fglrx is not useable and that radeon/amdgpu will be defaulted instead. it doesn't say so in the xorg.conf however
how do i change it? the file is read-only

What is the best torrent client for CLI? Rtorrent, deluge, transmission?

The one I'm using.

>paper icons together with the adwaita theme using nemo


Can some one suggest me a portable distro with persistence?
What I want is a way to have my browser complete add-on, userscript, custom CSS with me.
In addition to some other applications.
Or how to make a copy of current OS to USB and make it bootable.

Why does my firefox scroll so laggy in ubuntu?
Only thing preventing me from actually adopting Linux is this shit.

Everything else scrolls fine but firefox is slightly laggy and choppy, still usable but not as good compared to Windows.

Looks like Windows is better for you.

There's a certain configuration in about:config that fixes this very issue. I forgot which one; google this shit. Also

Can someone help me anons?

>using smooth scrolling instead of fixed line scrolling
Your fault

Many of co-worker use it to exchange important info.
Is it safe? can I use it without giving my phone number? or use fake number?
And will using it under linux will compromise security?

I'm experiencing the same issue. It's not this . I turned smooth scrolling off, but the overall scrolling is still lagging and it feels "heavy" and unresponsive. Not just the scrolling, general website viewing too. I assume it's because of the lack of hardware acceleration.
It's somewhat better on my laptop with newer hardware, but it shouldn't be that bad on my desktop with a CPU/GPU from 2007 (the same CPU/GPU has no problems on Windows).

Hi lads.

I think I'm going to throw Ubuntu on an old Lenovo G580 that's bogged down. It's mainly going to be used as a Netflix machine and word processor so I don't need it for much, but I am new to gahnoo/lehnucks.

Will all the drivers from Lenovo's site that say "X for Windows 8" work on Ubuntu?

i have encountered a very weird issue ive never before encountered.

im trying to get into go programming and ive set up gopath and got the plugin for vscode.
if i start vs code from the terminal everything works fine and as intended. however if i were to start vscode from the plasma launcher menu. it does not recognize my go path.
ive already checked the process users and in both cases its my username.

any idea what this issue could be?

running arch.

>using bloatbuntu on an old laptop
At least get the XFCE one. Or, better, use debian and don't install anything unnecessary.

Is there a way to cleanly rename files like this into, for example Seinfeld S07E# - Title.mkv?

Alright, I'll use your distro of choice. Will the stock drivers work?

I use Gentoo on laptop and everything werks (at least everything that I wasn't too lazy to configure yet). I would guess that Debian, having a huge community and several enterprise distribs based on it, will have no problem in regards to drivers.

Thanks buddy.

If installing Debian would be too difficult, take xubuntu. Using bigger DEs on old hardware is suicide.

filebot does that

I've been recommended Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Mint, and Debian. I figured I'd go with >it just werks to pop my Linux cherry.

Heh, I went out and got a separate 240gb ssd for kuntbuntu on my Windows gayman pc for dev work. I don't trust windows or myself with two os on one drive

>what is partitioning

Hello guys, I had a question:

I just began using a DE-less Debian (just i3 and lightDM) and was wondering: how can I change the error "beep" the laptop makes when you (for example) press Backspace multiple times on the terminal, to some other sound? On GNOME the default error sound is that of a drop, so I was wondering how I could go about messing with that.

Thank you very much in advance!

>I just began using a DE-less Debian (just i3 and lightDM)

Why are you angry at me, mr. user?

I'm not angry, I'm genuinely curious

Because on my desktop at home I just use Debian w/GNOME, and I felt like using my laptop as an experiment to try out lighter stuff, since I only use it for notes and coding anyway. So if I mess it up it's no big deal, I can always rely fall back on my just werks desktop

Here you go, user: debuntu.org/how-to-turn-off-beep-from-virtual-console/

Oh shit, you said it was a drop sound.

(GNOME 3) Settings > Sound > Sound Effects

I have a directory full of folders, and a file inside each.

-> File1.jar
-> File2.jar
-> File3.jar
-> File4.jar
-> File5.jar

How can I select all folders, and at once bring the files up to the same level as the folder? In other words move all the files to the same directory as the folder.

How the fuck am I supposed to properly theme this monstrosity?

find . -type f -name "*.jar" -exec mv {} . \;

I would have to do that one folder at a time. I said all at once.

No, it'll find all the *jar files in the directories and bring them up

Ah, I was trying to change it. It works.

How can I turn this into something where I just type "moveup" in terminal and it does it?

Why do I keep wasting time with fucks like you

Make a bash script that contains the command and put it into /bin/

The first time I symlinked a script into /usr/bin, I felt like a fucking wizard

That's far too complicated for somebody who says it doesn't work before trying it.

Open the .bashrc and do

alias moveup='find . -type f -name "*.jar" -exec mv {} . \;'

Or whatever name you want.

BunsenLabs is a great continuation of CrunchBang.

>install debian/ubuntu yourself
>apt-get install openbox tint2


>do I fit in yet, Sup Forums?

>enter thread
>no one is showing their tits
You dissapoint me /fglt/....

Nobody likes manboobs, that's why.

Oh, but everyone likes manboobs, user. Don't try to deny it.

I prefer DFC on either sex anyway.


Read CUPS documentation.

I guess you're lost. You want to:

>CUPS documentation
There is nothing on quality selection in it.
There's only documentation on APIs.
you must think "sqt" stands for "small questions thread"

Will someone red pill me on this?