Experience with Debian GNU/Linux

>experience with Debian GNU/Linux
>decide to try Arch for my laptop
>go to archlinux.org
>lots of random ugly ass text all over the place
>no mentions of how to download it
>no download page
>wiki doesn't say where to download it

Do you fucking autists just meme your installation image into existing? This is the most fucking retarded distro in the GNU/Linux universe.

Other urls found in this thread:



Also sage

winfag here, no trouble finding download page

> go to website
> your own incompetence causes you to question if it even exists

top JEJ

>3 replies
>1 poster

hmmm really made me think

There's 3 posters in this thread over 5 posts

>finally install it
>x server not working
>30 minutes of my life wasted
>give up, download and install antergos
>say to Sup Forums I use arch and fake my screenfetch output

Could have used Architect and left no evidence of fakery.

Why disrespect yourself like that? You think any of us matter in regards to your life choices? I hope you don't honestly think our opinion of you matters in the slightest.

There's no reason to use Arch Linux. The built in package manager, pacman, is complete shit. The AUR (where all of the normal software is supposed to be) is maintained by morons... if you want a real rolling release distro, go with Gentoo or Fedora Rawhide. Arch 'users' simply have a timesink operating system, and unlike Debian, Ubuntu, or Fedora users, don't contribute anything back to society, free software, or the kernel.

Daily reminder: Fedora devs are the most productive group in the community, and Linus himself uses Fedora

Arch is a meme for reddit/Sup Forums losers who don't actually code or contribute



When will they push 4.7 ffs? I thought arch was supposed to be bleeding edge?

>t. linux newfriend who has never actually used Arch and Gentoo but likes to talk big after using Fedora for a month

Actually, I've been running Gentoo for years, and act as a dev / proxy maintainer... Pacman is nothing compared to Portage. Sorry you chose your OS based on a Sup Forums meme, Arch really is the worst distro

The wiki you guys set up seems pretty helpful for noobs, though, instead of having to search Stack Overflow themselves you've consolidated all those answers!

I actually chose my distro based on every other distro being either shit of pain in ass. Sorry for using something that works.

You probably installed the wrong graphics drivers, or forgot completely. X server should out of the box.

didn't know this was ylyl
nice one, user

also, OP, if you don't even know enough about computers to download the arch iso, why even bother trying to install arch? wtf do you expect to do when it comes to actually installing packages?

You might have to enable the testing repo. It's probably there

I found that download link for you sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/

But the Sup Forums meme is that arch is terrible.

People on Sup Forums taking screenfetch shots with the fat guy logo seriously lack self-awareness of how little they actually contribute back to the community

If you wanted to do something hard and impressive, you should have installed Linux from Scratch or even Gentoo

If you wanted bleeding edge you should have signed up for Rawhide or a testing version of Ubuntu

With Arch (aka cancer for faggots) you act as a beta tester but don't actually provide any useful feedback to the maintainers or devs, you're a beta tester who doesn't file bug reports, you're worthless

I use Architect to help set up my Arch installs. I use Arch for my home desktop and Debian/W10 for work.

>implying arch defaults to beta software

But installing gentoo isn't actually hard. You just need some live image to boot to, then you chroot and just follow the well documented installation instructions, and you're done.

Gentoo isn't hard to install. It just takes some concentration, time and basic ability to RTFM.