what's the deal with this? can it really work?
What's the deal with this? can it really work?
In theory? Yes.
But whats the fuckin point? You can get a monitor and a bluetooth keyboard cheaper than a loptop
>can it work?
>is it useful?
>no x86 software
>uses the
>VR monitor
Why isn't this funded?
Because phones are still dogshit in terms of performance when compared to even a cheap $300 A8 APU custom desktop PC build. Basically if a VR desktop were attempted on a phone it would either look like shit or you would have to view it in a vomit inducing 5-10 FPS. This is ignoring the 99.99999% of apps that are incompatible with VR.
That's my dream set up now that I've stopped playing games.
i rather have a real laptop no this awful gimmick
I honestly think something like this is the future of home computing, but it's not really worth doing right now.
I don't know
In the future I can see this happening with a computer screen being a "dock" and it having usb ports for your mouse, keyboard and whatever usb peripherals.
When phones are strong enough to run desktop applications/games, this will be standard for home computing.
It's been done, numbnuts. You were probably too young to remember it since was made a whole five years ago.
If it does happen, it'll probably happen about the same time where computing power is small and fast enough so that smartwatches aren't giant pieces of shit on your wrist.
Can you repeat the question?
That phone was legit. I literally ran over it in my Chevy Aveo and it came out unscathed with the exception of the tire treads dirtying the screen
>sick and tired of shitty iphone 3g
>eligble for upgrade
>contact att store in area
>get told it's ready for preorder
>week later, get a call saying it's early
>get it but didn't get the laptop dock
>regret it kinda
yeah I wish I just got it
We need 8k screens just to be able to replicate a 1080p monitor in vr, let alone the processing power to drive the headset. But otherwise the tech already exists.
Yeah, I charge my phone with my laptop every day
So here's a basic question nobody asked
If you already have two screens with apps on them, why would you need to then show those apps you can already see on the screen in VR?
Because you can? This is when I realized there wasn't even a point to technology anymore. This is when I died inside.
I was going to post exactly this.
Had a XT912 Motorola RAZR with the LapDock 500.
Fucking awesome little gadget. I wish there would be a newer version of this.
Even disregarding the Motorola Atrix, the design of this thing is fucking atrocious. It's designed in such a way that it can only be used on a table. Alternatively it requires precariously and uncomfortably balancing the phone on the intended wristwrests, or having a really long cable going to your pocket and hoping it doesn't snag.
On top of all of that, at the $99 price point, you could literally get a full Windows 10 laptop or any number of Windows 10 tablets in sizes ranging from 5" to 12". Then you'd actually have a usable OS for productivity.
That's not virtual reality, that's augmented reality
Mark my fucking words.
6 years - everyone will use their phones as their primary device and connect to desktop or laptop peripherals. Wirelessly, seamlessly, using something like bluetooth.
Augmented reality doesn't need 8k for menus that compliment your screen.
Let me guess, 1366x768?