Hey Sup Forums, what is your favorite desktop environment?
Hey Sup Forums, what is your favorite desktop environment?
KDE and Unity
OpenSUSE's implementation of KDE.
MATE, or with some ricing GNOME.
It's really that good?
How do you compare it to, let's say, Manjaro KDE?
What is this? A DE for phones?
macOS Sierra.
The Common Desktop Environment and similar.
Winblows Metro
I've only used QT Manjaro, but yes it's that good. I'm constantly impressed with the intuitiveness of the UX. OpenSUSE did an excellent job with producing a very consistent feel and appearance unlike most KDE implementations that feel like a 3 year old smashed a bunch of lego pieces together.
No, it's called a collage.
And you recommend Leap or Tumbleweed?
gnome 3 with a few plugins, Also XFCE.
I use Leap, but only because I'm a pussy.
The linux frame buffer
Windows 98
Interface is 100% unified right down to the icons, unlike Windows 7 or worse, Windows 10.
What is this? 1991?
Does it support UTF-8 yet?
Those cursive bold fonts are giving me a hard on
Me too, and normally don't look much at fonts.
You probably mean cinnamon.
Gnome 3 is by far my favorite DE after some ricing of course, I enjoy making every DE look nice and sleek so that I can show it off to friends and family and get them to try out Linux slash gunnoo.
It's fun
nice font rendering lmao
not mine btw
Xfce is my favorite desktop environment but GTK seems to be the fucking garbage of regular updates which destroy compatibility with programs
would be good if the way of configuring it wasn't autistic
it would be gnome if i could remove the bloat without crippling the de
anything that doesn't have dock
i'm curious, why? a dock / windows-style panel seems like a good way to have your most used stuff in one place. unless you exclusively use keybinds
gnome 3
>resource hog
>only usable with extensions
>designed for touchscreen
Cinnamon, because I'm not a massive homosexual.
they're all the same
there's no reason to use anything beyond LXDE or XFCE
XFCE for easy panel customization. MATE works good but only with Ubuntu MATE (configuring the panels is far more fiddly than XFCE and you cannot for the love of muhammad find where you put the separators).
Also screen tearing is horrible on anything but gnome 3 because of x server and wayland still years away from being rolled out. Sure use compton or compiz but gtk3 windows now have extra border shadows so you have to fuck around finding out how to disable them.
xfce>piss>kde>everything else>shit>gnome
>xmonad / i3 / bspwm
>the same as others
KDE Plasma :^)
tiling wm> your list
>>xmonad / i3 / bspwm
you never go full retard
windows 7 or ios 6
i know they're not de's
but they do better than the actuald de's, so thats why I included them
and if your're saying im retarded for using them, then fuck you, obvs, all you do is so inneficient and slow
have fun clicking on everything
KDE 5.7
stop that stupid tile meme
just stop
KDE desktops look as if their design team consisted of one guy who really knows his shit and one guy with the downs who goes over it after everything's finished and resizes and recolors icons as he pleases
am i the only one who thinks it's fucking retarded that the tray icons are larger than the app icons on the startbar
i like windows taskbar as everything's in the same place, dock+menu bar uses too much screen estate besides empty spaces at sides of dock look strange too
>screen estate
always felt like that's a meme. personally if my screen's full of information to the point that there's no space left i'm overwhelmed anyways
the empty spaces are a bit awkward for sure.
tiling is better, prove me wrong
protip, you can't
it's no problem on 1080p screen or higher but i still sometimes have to use my laptop without external screen and on 1366x768 that little extra space sure helps
I agree, but it is still better than all other DE's by far.
KDE, replace Kwin with xmonad is god-tier
Gnome suck balls.
Pcmanfm as a desktop manager in an Openbox session in Lubuntu. Tint2 panel. Didn't mess up the normal lubuntu session and is a little quicker and less buggy... so far.
Holly shiiit, look at the time!
ayy lmao Windows 7 DE my fav unfortunately I use Linux and here we have many DE and they're all fairly flawed in my opinion
dwm if I feel like being a ricer faggot
good old windows 7
xfce cause I'm not a faggot
KDE for sure. I never knew what I had been missing out on with KDE connect. Controlling my computer with a phone and easy file sharing is great.
>falling for the transparent terminal meme
>not falling for the transparent terminal meme
>defending the transparent terminal meme
I personally think that a transparent terminal is distracting. I always keep the background black and the font lime green, hot pink, or baby blue for good visibility.
>not worshipping the transparent terminal meme
>falling for the visibility meme
I don't think there's ever been a time where I thought a transparent terminal looked good or was implemented well
they just look flashy
>inb4 arc meme
>different fonts for the gnomebar, file/folder name, and directory
this severely triggers me
>actually falling for the KDE/Gnome meme
what happened to Sup Forums?
I don't know what to tell you man. They're all just set to Deja Vu Sans...
menu, much tidier and customized than the menus of most DEs
Is this the desktop thread?
nigger at least use the best feature of openbox's menus
oh wow, really nice. i'll look into this
>he fell for the 16GB ram meme
what is the panel?
Currently I'm a GNOME fan, but if want something lightweight, Xfce and MATE are pretty great as well.
You know I'm a KDE guy myself. I know that this DE, Gnome, is supposed to be better, but you know what they say..
XFCE or Cinnamon for actual use.
riced DWM nigga
god its all ugly
2. Gnome
3. Plasma 5
I'm using Gnome, with a few extensions it's pretty comfy.
What desktop is this?
compiz + xfce utils
Damn, nice overclock you got going there.
I use Leap as well, mainly because I don't want to reinstall NVIDIA drivers each update.