Tfw Linux advocate for years basing argument solely on UI/UX superiority

>tfw Linux advocate for years basing argument solely on UI/UX superiority
>tfw think Windows 10 has best UI on planet unironically

I think I'm fucked up in head after getting so much feedback telling me so.


Uh, you get to choose your interface with Linux systems. If you like the Windows 10 interface, recreate it in Linux. The same can't be done the other way around because Microsoft conflates UI with OS, and people swallow that swill.

But the question is: if I think Windows 10 is out of box better than any Linux GUI, why should I? Win10 brought scroll without focus, four-corner snapping and good virtual desktops. Combine that with good search, menu, explorer and taskbar and it's done.

Windows 8 has the best UI I think.

I don't know what they neutered it so badly on Windows 10. The window decorations and buttons are atrocious.

macOS has the best UI. Although Windows 10 does look better than any linux distro around. Too bad about the inconsistent menus though

>If you like the Windows 10 interface, recreate it in Linux
It will look like shit. Just like whenever shitnux users attempt to recreate OS X theme on shitnux, it ALWAYS looks like shit.

Look at this abomination for reference

The only problem I see is the window title not being centered.

Other than that, it's exactly the same as OSX before their flat design.

I don't even use lincux and I can see it's quite literally the same.

Looks just fine.

Clearly not a red star os user

>Other than that, it's exactly the same as OSX
Holy shit, this is why autists can't into design.

applefags on full damage control today I see.

Windows 10 seems like it might be usable, except for one stupid problem I keep running into.

I use a number of older programs that have functions bound to F1. Windows intercepts that keystroke, and pops up a useless help window. You used to be able to disable that, but the old methods no longer work.

>Other than that, it's exactly the same as OSX before their flat design.

Post pictures for comparison faggot. Show me the fucking differences.

Damn bait has seriously stepped up its game recently. Linus has had all those things for ages

I love the W10 UI. It's really polished.

I feel like W10 was under good development, then some CEO came along and said "let's fuck it up the NSA just gave us a fuckload of money to add all this botnet shit too!" and instead of a stable, elegant OS, we got W10.

It's a bummer to me, but at least I have Linux if shit gets too much to handle. (Although I find myself spending time in W10 despite that I'm dual booting for vidya. No way out.)

>Other peoples work is shit. Its always shitty shit-shit.
Arent you late for a bus to Fuckoffistan?

I like W10 but you are being desulional. Win10 has been nothing but continuing the backpedalling started with 8.1, after 8 fucked everything up. The UI is still a mish-mash of UI interfaces and old Windows applications.

It still needs a bunch of iterations before the UI is cohesive, which will probably won't get for a while

10 and now anniversary have done a lot to fix this though. Even in 8.1 they started to fix this. Currently it's just a few random elements like right clicking on some things not being consistent.


....your grasping at straws mate. He's right you know.

>not disabling special keys trought BIOS

>good virtual desktops
I agreed until here. Still not as good an experience as ubuntu unity minus the window re-assignment on close of desktop.
There's some other really nice stuff under the hood as well, like better driver installation and discovery and better handling of multiple monitor setups (especially when you start adding and subtracting monitors with different IDs. It's still windows though.